But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! (Unless by “Hurt” You Mean Getting Molested)


Megan Partin is like a lot of young women, she likes to smoke a little pot, have a few drinks and take pictures with her camera phone. Like many pot heads her judgment is often impaired which may have factored into the types of pictures police found on the Louisiana party girl’s phone:

GONZALES — A 19-year-old Gonzales woman was arrested on sex-related counts involving a boy under 7 years of age, Police Chief Bill Landry said Friday.

Megan N. Partin, 42157 Conifer Drive, was booked with possession of child pornography, indecent behavior with a juvenile, two counts of molestation of a juvenile and contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, Landry said.

Partin initially was arrested March 11 and booked with possession of marijuana. But during that arrest, her cell phone camera confirmed drug use, Landry said.

Officers obtained a search warrant to examine the contents of the cell phone and discovered “explicit videos involving the boy,” Landry said.

Another innocent pot smoker minding their own business. In the Dreamin’ Demon forums it was mentioned that it’s unusual behavior for a pretty young 19 year old to molest a young boy and film it. It’s almost as if there was something in her life altering her perceptions and subtly changing her ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

Partin has a MySpace in which she presents herself as a typical Hot Topic gangsta’, replete with blog posts about how she’s a “real bitch” which stand in stark contrast to the almost professional pictures of her in tasteful black and white or posing in her prom dress. Interspersed throughout are references to her drinking and drugging.

It seems like such a normal MySpace page for a normal young girl, typical of any teen. But Megan isn’t typical is she? Megan filmed herself sexually assaulting a boy under seven and kept the film on her phone, to watch repeatedly, perhaps to share with others. Why? What was she thinking?

I’d put forward that after a few weeks, or months or years, of drug use she wasn’t thinking anything. Megan is a recent graduate who seems to spend most of her time partying. She’s also troubled, to say the least, a woman who at 19 is already acting out the most depraved of acts on the most innocent of victims. What drives her we will probably never know, but we do know that she was the last person in the world who needed her inhibitions lowered.

She is clearly not the type of person who needs to smoke pot.

Megan Partin is a monster. I don’t now whether her pot smoking simply hastened her descent into this madness or if drug use brought to the fore some malignancy she would have otherwise suppressed. But what I do know is that there are very few nineteen year old girls filming themselves raping six year olds. Fewer still keep the videos on their cell phones.

The one we do know of likes her weed.

83 thoughts on “But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! (Unless by “Hurt” You Mean Getting Molested)

  1. Clever. Witty. Pithy. Let me guess, you were high when you wrote that?

    I might be a “fucking idoit” but you’re a yellow dog. A cowardly shut in who posts anonymously on the Internet because he knows the nonsense he vomits forth is immature, asinine and largely stolen from other cretin like yourself.

  2. Megan Partin: you are the consummate fool. My advice to you is to pull down your My Space account ASAP and try to lay low for a while, at least until after your trial. It’s not safe for you, a potential sex offender, to be waltzing around on the world wide web. Haven’t you learned already that you can’t handle electronics. Can’t say I feel sorry for you. Your stupidity precludes any sympathy. Enjoy prison.

  3. Hi Jon,
    I dont know all the details and she probably is being an idiot.. But telling her its not safe for her implies that YOU might do something to her…
    I hope this is not the case and it is just out of concern for a wayward teen, that has made some stupid choices in life and will likely pay for them dearly.. And if shes guilty of anything like that I dont have sympathy for her..
    BUT, understand this, if that was a threat, she is my little cousin and I will hunt down the person or persons that tries to harm or harms her or her family… AND IT WONT BE PRETTY I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT..
    And this isnt some internet hollow threat.. I will give you my home address and you can come to Colyell and we will discuss it.. Otherwise, slam her judgement and her all you want and have a nice time doing it.. I dont really care.. BUT, please dont make threats on her person, she still is a 19 girl that has some screwed up reason for all this acting out. And Im gonna find out more of whats going on.
    Have a nice life people.. Take care, Cal Broussard.

  4. Nice Cal. Hey, so how about you try some of that tough love on your little cousin, WHO”S A CHILD MOLESTER!

    Threats aren’t cool, including your posted death threat. I don’t think Jon was threatening her however, I think he was saying that her thugged out MySpace is not only indicative of her larger problems, but that her still posting nonsense about how she’ll “do what she wants” on it will lead to a worse sentence when the judge sees it.

    Which would be good for her, no?

    Why not take that ire of yours to whoever turned your cousin on to getting high and molesting kids?

  5. You make good points and dont worry I will… And I stated that his could be just concern. And mine isnt a threat. Hurt her and it is a promise. Judge me how you will. I dont condone her actions by any means. If they turn out to be substantiated. I just found out about this today. Take care and have a nice day.

  6. She’s not going to BPCC anymore. Or any other college or university in the state for that matter.

  7. Ron Taylor,

    The MySpace page is down. Do the right thing and remove the photograph of Megan Partin which was taken off her former myspace page. As stated by myspace FAQ and by US Millennium Copyright laws, the photographs of Megan Partin, previously found on her MS page, are owned by her and thus she has the sole copyright to them. Unless she gave you permission to use any of those pictures, you don’t have the right to be using them. And if she is convicted of the molestation charges, the state will provide her photograph online for the rest of her life.

    However, she is not yet convicted of the molestation charges and is presumed innocent until proven guilty. So you should also remove all references and language to her being a child molester (though discussing the possibility that she may be one in a fair, journalistic way–like the Advocate article you linked to–is okay). There are cases of people being sued for slander and defamation in civil court for unproven accusations. So what will it be, Mr. Taylor? You want to exploit this tragedy, or treat it in an ethical manner? Do the right thing, man.

  8. You clearly don’t know anything about the law. The photograph was public thus fair use as MySpace provides options for people making their photos unavailable.

    The Advocate is pretty clear that she’s a degenerate pervert. She’s being charged with indecent activity with a child, possessing child porn and more importantly for my post, two counts of child molestation. The Advocate states that clearly. Did you take your jailhouse lawyer act there and threaten to sue them?

    It’s funny that you’re worried about ethics, but not worried about child molestation. It’s almost as if your not really “Jon” the but someone who has a vested interest in minimizing Partin’s crimes. But that aside, slander and defamation (which are two different things) are both offenses where someone has made up a story out of whole cloth with the intent to maliciously defame someone. If the story is false it would be the Advocate reporter that slandered or defamed you, I mean Megan, because they’re the source of the story.

    I assume that because papers have lawyers you’ve decided to take your spurious arguments to the blogs thinking I don’t. But if you think an anonymous web commenter who has no idea of what he or she is talking about can intimidate me then you’re wrong.

    But when it comes to legal questions I have one for you. You do know blackmail is illegal right? It sounds like you’re implying you’ll sue me if I don’t do what you want even though you know I didn’t create the story. Should I do some jailhouse lawyering and go to the police?

  9. “You clearly don’t know anything about the law. The photograph was public thus fair use as MySpace provides options for people making their photos unavailable.”

    Provide a link where MySpace distinguishes between “private” photographs and de facto copyright material, because I’m not buying it. Check this: http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=misc.faq&Category=10&Question=51, and note that, “If you create wholly original content, you would own a copyright in that content. For example, if you write and record a brand new song, make a home video, write a poem, or take a photograph, you would own the copyright in all that content.” Also, ” Only the copyright owner can copy, upload, display, distribute, publicly perform, and sell his or her content.” and “The copyright owner can give someone else permission to use the content…”

    So by MS’s own FAQ, you have violated copyright laws buy not soliciting Partin’s permission to use her photographs for your public pillory crusade.

    “The Advocate is pretty clear that she’s a degenerate pervert. She’s being charged with indecent activity with a child, possessing child porn and more importantly for my post, two counts of child molestation. The Advocate states that clearly.”

    Yeah, the Advocate states that she is being CHARGED. She has not yet been convicted. Notice how the advocate avoided any gratuitous insults/libel like “degenerate pervert.” Keep em’ coming pal. It’s looking worse for you by the minute.

    “It’s funny that you’re worried about ethics, but not worried about child molestation.”

    And it’s funny you’re worried about some tawdry, bottom-feeding pillory circus act, but not worried about the Constitutional right of an accused person to be considered innocent until proven guilty. You have completely ignored this, pal.

    “It’s almost as if your not really “Jon” the but someone who has a vested interest in minimizing Partin’s crimes.”

    Oh, so I should be busy organising a lynch mob or recruiting a posse to drive her out of town? The only thing you’re doing is calling her a bunch of cheap, hackneyed names. Big man. Like you know her, any details of her crime (her own cousin didn’t know any), or the town in which she lives. You’ve based everything on a flimsy 106-word online news article. Done any independent reporting? [/sarcasm]

    “But that aside, slander and defamation (which are two different things) are both offenses where someone has made up a story out of whole cloth with the intent to maliciously defame someone.”

    Check Supreme Court ruling New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, which states that libel can be proven as long as it is shown that your epithets were made “with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.” Moreover, Louisiana has some harsh defamation per se laws on the statues that merely have to deal with imputations of criminal conduct. If her family were to sue to right now for libel, Taylor, you’d be in quite a bind because you would have to prove your epithets true. Since the evidence of her accused crimes have been confiscated by police, and since she has not yet been convicted (and thus have proven) of her ALLEGED crimes, you would lose big time because right now she is still assumed innocent. You’ve already passed judgment. That is something you don’t seem to grasp.

    “If the story is false it would be the Advocate reporter that slandered or defamed you, I mean Megan, because they’re the source of the story.”

    A paltry source at that. And no, the Advocate article is innocent because it did not call Partin a pedophile or child molester. It gave her the benefit of the doubt and presumption of innocence. Your epithets are what constitute the slander/defamation.

    “You do know blackmail is illegal right? It sounds like you’re implying you’ll sue me if I don’t do what you want even though you know I didn’t create the story. Should I do some jailhouse lawyering and go to the police?”

    ROTFL! Threatening to sue someone isn’t blackmail. And no, no law dictionary that encompasses “blackmail” has the slightest to do with any one of my posts.

  10. This is an opinion blog. The opinions in it our based on the news but Red Alerts isn’t a news source. You’re basically saying that I, and every other crime blog that covered this perverts perfidy, don’t have a right to voice an opinion of a public event and a woman who has, by the nature of her own crimes, become a public figure. First Amendment be damned I guess.

    Listen “Jon” you want to sue me, go ahead. You want to come here and pretend you don’t know what a blog is, go ahead. Yelp and cry and bitch and whine about how a girl who was caught red handed molesting a child is the victim here. It’ll sway the readers. Really.

    I was pretty fair to Partin, in that I linked her crime to an overall pattern of drug use in young people. Megan was (and is) a troubled girl who didn’t need to get involved in smoking pot. That’s my opinion. I formed it by reading the article on her arrest and by reading her MySpace. You’re claim is that I have no right to form an opinion based on public records.

    Filming yourself getting high means you’re troubled. Filming yourself molesting a child is monstrous. You may pretend that there is some possibility that the police are mistaken, that this is all just a big misunderstanding and if that’s the way you feel more power to you. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

    But I wonder how that kid will be sleeping? I wonder if five or ten or twenty years from now if that kid will be appreciative of your efforts to shift the outrage from Megan and onto random bloggers. Or blogger I should say because you haven’t been visiting the many other crime blogs that covered this story.

    Sorry if it bothers you that child molestation bothers me. And sorry that I didn’t jump on a Greyhound to some backwoods Louisiana town to follow up with the story, but this isn’t a newspaper, it’s a blog. We bloggers work from home.

    So sue me. You and your little buddy can just sue me for voicing my opinion on a blog. I’m sure that’ll help her case, her victim and her mental health. Or at least it’ll make you feel like a big man.

  11. Jon: Sorry to burst your bubble, but MySpace’s FAQ does not trump U.S. copyright law. Newsworthy items, such as a photograph of an accused sex offender, can usually be republished under the protection of fair use. For example, media outlets were able to republish the photos from the MySpace page of Eliot Spitzer’s call girl because they were newsworthy. Likewise, Rob Taylor discussed Megan Partin’s MySpace photos in his blog post, and used one to illustrate his point.

    As for whether a blogger would have to prove his statements are true, that just isn’t so. Truth is just one of many possible defenses against libel. Another, which I believe covers Red Alerts, is the opinion defense. Rob is clearly expressing his opinion about a story carried by an online news source. It is clear that his writings are personal opinion, and the parts that are presented as factual are taken from The Advocate.

    I am not a lawyer, but my understanding is that a court would require a plaintiff to prove that someone published falsehoods with the knowledge that the information was false. That’s the standard of “actual malice” established in the NYT v. Sullivan case you cited, and as far as I can tell, it doesn’t apply to this blog post, Jon. Rob certainly has no doubt as to the veracity of the facts laid out in The Advocate article, and his opinions are clearly just that: opinions.

    Rob may be too opinionated to serve as a juror in Megan’s trial, but that certainly doesn’t preclude him from writing about her case and about the dangers of drug use.

  12. “This is an opinion blog. The opinions in it our based on the news but Red Alerts isn’t a news source. You’re basically saying that I, and every other crime blog that covered this perverts perfidy, don’t have a right to voice an opinion of a public event and a woman who has, by the nature of her own crimes, become a public figure. First Amendment be damned I guess.”

    First of all, your little blog is the only one discussing the Partin arrest. How could there be any other when all there is to base it on is a little online news article that runs 1/4 of a page? You crossed the line of mere opinion the second you started hurling epithets like “child molester” and “pedophile.” The tone of your writing isn’t that you “think she is a pedophile,” it runs with the dubious certainty that she IS one–and it’s a hateful tone at that. It constitutes defamation because the charges lodged against Partin are not proven–she is innocent until proven guilty. Why haven’t you addressed yet every American’s right to be judged innocent until proven guilty? Your willingness to ignore this fundamental Constitutional right speaks volumes about your character.

    “Listen “Jon” you want to sue me, go ahead. You want to come here and pretend you don’t know what a blog is, go ahead. Yelp and cry and bitch and whine about how a girl who was caught red handed molesting a child is the victim here. It’ll sway the readers. Really.”

    Just because you’re a blogger who deals in smut doesn’t mean you have no responsibilities and can say whatever the hell you want without regard to tort laws. No one’s above the law. It’s laughable you think you are.

    “You’re claim is that I have no right to form an opinion based on public records.”

    Straw man. You have no right to defame someone with felonious epithets like “child molester” and “pedophile” when she has not been convicted of those crimes. Why can’t you wait until AFTER she is found guilty to start with the pillory parade? Opinion can constitute defamation, buddy, and usually does. It’s how it’s stated that matters.

    “Filming yourself molesting a child is monstrous.”

    Have you seen the cell phone footage for yourself? No, didn’t think so.

    “But I wonder how that kid will be sleeping? I wonder if five or ten or twenty years from now if that kid will be appreciative of your efforts to shift the outrage from Megan and onto random bloggers.”

    Like you really give a damn about a child whose name you don’t even know. You did this page for the cheap attention any story involving sex content brings.

    “Jon: Sorry to burst your bubble, but MySpace’s FAQ does not trump U.S. copyright law. Newsworthy items, such as a photograph of an accused sex offender, can usually be republished under the protection of fair use.”

    No, not if one obtains those images illegally. News agencies can contact jails where criminals are booked and try to obtain an accused person’s booking photograph, but even this has to center on permission.

    “For example, media outlets were able to republish the photos from the MySpace page of Eliot Spitzer’s call girl because they were newsworthy. Likewise, Rob Taylor discussed Megan Partin’s MySpace photos in his blog post, and used one to illustrate his point.”

    A foolish example. As pdn online’s Daryl Lang states on the Eliot Spitzer story: “Three attorneys who specialize in copyright law say media organizations are sailing in dangerous waters if they publish a personal snapshot without permission.

    ‘Whoever took that picture owns that picture,’ says New York attorney Nancy Wolff. ‘It’s either an infringement or they [the news outlets] have to make a fair use argument.’…”The fair use argument would be a thin one, attorneys say. Fair use cases consider factors such as whether the image has been transformed and whether publishing the image displaces the market for the image, according to New York attorney Joel Hecker.”

    “Another, which I believe covers Red Alerts, is the opinion defense. Rob is clearly expressing his opinion about a story carried by an online news source. It is clear that his writings are personal opinion, and the parts that are presented as factual are taken from The Advocate.”

    The opinion defense can’t be used alone when Rob can’t prove his epithets about Partin are true, and this is ignoring Louisiana’s defamation per se laws.

    “I am not a lawyer, but my understanding is that a court would require a plaintiff to prove that someone published falsehoods with the knowledge that the information was false. That’s the standard of “actual malice” established in the NYT v. Sullivan case you cited, and as far as I can tell, it doesn’t apply to this blog post, Jon.”

    You completely ignored the other thing that the standard of actual malice covers, which also includes writing things “with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”

    “Rob certainly has no doubt as to the veracity of the facts laid out in The Advocate article, and his opinions are clearly just that: opinions.”

    The only fact mentioned in the Advocate article is that Partin is being charged with a host of crimes. It never said she was convicted of any of them. Opinion is one thing. Crossing the line and manufacturing defamation is another.

    “Rob may be too opinionated to serve as a juror in Megan’s trial, but that certainly doesn’t preclude him from writing about her case and about the dangers of drug use.”

    The hell I said that he couldn’t “write about her case.” The problem is that in writing about it, he violated copyright law and committed defamation. Rob Taylor is a bum and a coward. You have to be a bum with a lot of time on your hands to make a mountain out of a puny 106-page news article. The only thing he’s doing to the real story in Louisiana is exploiting it. He’s exploiting the child, Partin, the Advocate, and the whole allegation.

  13. By calling me a bum and a coward haven’ t you, by your own standards, defamed me?

    Haven’t you, by your own standards, defamed Partin when YOU said this in an earlier comment?

    Megan Partin: you are the consummate fool. My advice to you is to pull down your My Space account ASAP and try to lay low for a while, at least until after your trial. It’s not safe for you, a potential sex offender, to be waltzing around on the world wide web. Haven’t you learned already that you can’t handle electronics. Can’t say I feel sorry for you. Your stupidity precludes any sympathy. Enjoy prison.

    Hmmm. A sharp turn from your old position, no? Is it possible you’re a troll with a little too much time on your bum-like hands?

    Oops. Now I guess you’ll sue me.

  14. By the way, if you actually read the post above you’d see that I got the story from the Dreamin’ Demon blog. So clearly this whole interaction on your part is based less on facts and more on … what? Loneliness? Depression?

    What do you have a crush on Partin? You think you can ride to her defense and maybe she’ll be taking cell phone pictures of you?

    I mean, you’ve accused me twice of being the only blog that posted on Partin, yet in my post I LINK TO ANOTHER BLOG THAT DISCUSS’ the Partin story.

    You’ve maliciously misrepresented my blog and me! You’ll be receiving a strongly worded missive from my barrister sir. Good Day!

  15. Jon:

    I was prepared to write a more comprehensive point by point refutation of your comments, but your arguments are so poorly constructed that it really isn’t worth my time. You’re counting on the fact that Rob’s readers aren’t bright or resourceful enough to question your statements, and from what I’ve seen, that simply isn’t so.

    For instance, you imply that I’m wrong about the standard of actual malice because I didn’t bother to quote the standard in its entirety. However, if you familiarize yourself, even superficially, with the case law in question, you’ll see that the portion I left out concerning reckless disregard of veracity also doesn’t apply here.

    To briefly address your other points: wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.

    Now feeding time is over, so head back under your bridge, troll.

  16. “I was prepared to write a more comprehensive point by point refutation of your comments, but your arguments are so poorly constructed that it really isn’t worth my time.”

    I accept the concession, lazy cop out. And you don’t need to be covering for Rob Taylor’s ass. If he’s a man and not a cunt (like you), he should be defending his own actions. Hey, but maybe he’s a bum, cunt, and coward all in one.

    “You’re counting on the fact that Rob’s readers aren’t bright or resourceful enough to question your statements, and from what I’ve seen, that simply isn’t so.”

    You tried ineptly to link this topic to former New York mayor Eliot Spitzer’s prostitution scandal. I actually cited real attorneys on that case who classified Taylor’s style of MySpace photo-lifting stunts as copyright infringements. So as far as I’m concerned, your credibility is already shot. It’s Rob Taylor’s responsibility to give an account for his own online activities, nobody else’s; and if he thought his activities would never be questioned since the day he began on this piece of trash website, he’s being a fool.

    “For instance, you imply that I’m wrong about the standard of actual malice because I didn’t bother to quote the standard in its entirety. However, if you familiarize yourself, even superficially, with the case law in question, you’ll see that the portion I left out concerning reckless disregard of veracity also doesn’t apply here.”

    To hell with your quibbling with that court case. Let me enlighten you on Louisiana’s standard of “actual malice,” which is the standard he’d be held accountable to upon being sued. In fact, most states have these things called ‘defamation per se’:

    “Defamation requires proof of five elements in Louisiana law: (1) defamatory words; (2) publication; (3) falsity; (4) actual or implied malice; and (5) injury. Carter v. Catfish Cabin, 316 So.2d 517, 521 (La.App.1975). Louisiana courts have distinguished between a publication that is defamatory and one which is defamatory per se. Actual malice, in the sense of spite or ill will, is presumed and need not be proved if the words are on their face defamatory per se. Id. at 521-22 (http://bulk.resource.org/courts.gov/c/F2/837/837.F2d.206.87-4175.html).”

    “In Louisiana, defamatory words have traditionally been classified
    into two categories: those that are defamatory per se and those that are susceptible of a defamatory meaning. Lemeshewsky v. Dumaine, 464
    So.2d 973, 975 (La.App. 4 Cir.1985). Words which expressly or
    implicitly accuse another of criminal conduct, or which by their very
    nature tend to injure one’s personal or professional reputation, even
    without considering extrinsic facts or surrounding circumstances, are
    considered defamatory per se. Kosmitis, 28,585 at 4, 685 So.2d at 1180;
    Lemeshewsky, 464 So.2d at 975; 12 CRAWFORD,LOUISIANACIVIL
    LAW TREATISE: TORT LAW § 17.8 at 315. When a plaintiff proves
    publication of words that are defamatory per se, the elements of falsity
    and malice (or fault) are presumed…(http://www.la3circuit.org/opinions/2005/02/020205/04-1344opi.pdf)

    “Accusations of criminal conduct are defamatory per se, such that falsity, malice and injury are presumed and the defendant has the burden of rebutting the presumption. Kosmitis v. Bailey, 28,585 (La. App. 2d Cir. 12/20/96), 685 So.2d 1177. (http://www.lacoa2.org/Opinions%20PDF/36620cw.pdf).

    These citations and rulings clearly show that Rob Taylor’s epithet’s by their very nature constitute actual malice, thus relieving Partin from trying to prove actual malice in court–it is presumed. Taylor has committed actual malice because hurling epithets like “child molester,” and “pedophile,” or accusing her of raping children “expressly” accuses her of criminal conduct (criminal conduct which she has not been convicted of). Needless to say, the epithets of “child molester” or “child rapist” are so strong and loaded that they by their “very nature tend to injure one’s personal or professional reputation” (Kosmitis, 28,585 at 4, 685).

  17. I assume calling my wife a “cunt” doesn’t qualify as malicious to you. Since you’re just another degenerate from Gonzales, Louisiana I didn’t expect much from you, but you’ve sunk lower than a cousin-kissing, swamp-lurking hillbilly usually does.

    I don’t know if you’re high, stupid or a combination of both but if you need some sort of negative interaction I’m sure there’s plenty of people you’ve alienated in your own small and sad life. We’re done here.

    You’re banned

  18. mr Taylor

    i usualli like blog material but even though the conversation got degenerated later on there is a point in saying you had not given the girl the american presumption of innocence. it is not like you chose to comment on a woman who was just found guilty of doing those nasty things and was sentenced to jail. it is simply not fairr to her or her family. what if some mad people in her town after reading your article virtually confidently condemning her of those things, then decide to go after her in vigiliantism? what will you do if soon she is not found guilty of the sex stuff??????

  19. Are you saying crime blogs shouldn’t use material until the trail is over? That newsworthy stories cannot be commented on? My observations are those of any reasonable person reading the article, and the other posts on the Internet about Partin, and Partin’s own material.

    If the fear of vigilantism can supercede First Amendment rights for blogs, why not for Newspapers? Why not for comments? Private conversations?

    The newspaper article states that police found child porn on her phone. Why are you assuming Red Alerts is the main purveyor of hard feelings for Megan Partin?

  20. are their any updates on this situation?? when is the trial? did it begin yet already? what did she plead? guilty or not guilty? can you find out????

  21. The local paper did a story on her on the 18th but you need to subscribe to see it now. As far as I can tell there are no new developments, which isn’t surprising in a case like this where the court date may not have come up yet. It took R.Kelly six years to get to court, so I assume Partins case will be updated in the summer or even the fall.

  22. yeah but usually an arrested person makes a plea while being arraigned before the judge shortly after being arrested so we should know by now whether she plead guilty or not guilty right??? if she plead guilty, then no trial would ever be set. im gonna check the inter-net sex registry to see if i see her pretty face is on it yet. she is a pretty naughty little girl after all, right!?? hahahahaha

  23. i am vietnamese. im back in my home country now but i graduated from lsu in baton rouge a couple years ago. had a lot a fun there and the international community their is great. i made alot of friends i wouldnt otherwise by going. the usa helped me get an education. southern louisiana was america to me. i hope one day to become citizen. please dont say all ppl down their are like that. nasty ppl are everywhere okay mr taylor???? bye bye

  24. You’re all a sorry bunch of cunts much like Jon has previously stated. The fact of the matter is that this is a blog post and he was expressing his opinion and you bunch of pussies cowardly kicked him off of your gay and inconsistent page. Freedom of speech is a bitch is it not? As for Rob you and your wife probably are a bunch of child molesters trying to put the public eye on someone other than yourselves so that you can get away with the fondling of young children with out being on the radar. I may not be the most politically correct person on your gay ass site, but you don’t really know what the fuck you’re talking about either. The paper never stated that the kid was touched in any way shape or form, so where in the hell do you get your information from?
    Secondly, I’m glad that the world has people like my buddy Jon, whom I don’t even know. But instead of trying to get the truth in the story you make up your own story with hopes that some other sorry sons of bitches will fall in and believe the bull shit that you are posting. The World Wide Web is one hell of thing, but was never intended for people to abuse the rights of others. I’m not taking up for what she did, but I damn sure don’t agree with what, people like you and wife, are doing.
    This young lady was wrong for doing what ever it was that she had done, but no body but the Gonzales Police Department Detectives and the District Attorney’s office actually know what she did. So why don’t you just wait until the trial starts before you start pointing fingers and throwing around your false pretenses. The world would be such a better place if you religion pushing ass holes would stop casting stones as Christianity states and law abiding citizens would practice the fucking words they preach.
    Rob Taylor, I really respect what you are trying to do here, let’s ruin this young lady’s life if we can, right? That is what you’re here for, isn’t it? If not, what the fuck for? What you don’t realize is that it’s going to be hard enough for her to get a job, go to school, or do anything else that she may have wanted to pursue, just because of the write up in the news paper. You must not have any children of your own to go and spend time with in the yard or the park with as much time as you spend at you computer defending your right to say what you want and not get paid for it and, damn, I hope that you aren’t getting paid for this. If you do have children, then why don’t you stop being so caught up in the one or two people in thousands that might be bad and teach them about the good that life has to offer. Maybe take up sports or self fitness as a hobby because you suck ass at this one. So while your hand is on your dumbass wife’s head as she is sucking the tiny dick that you probably haven’t seen in quite some time because your fat ass doesn’t ever leave your computer, let us remember that the media does a well enough job itself posting shit ass stories that make this world an almost unbearable place to live without the help of idiots such as yourselves unknowingly or knowingly aiding their ignorance. If you are trying to do such a great justice to man-kind, why not make a posting of the many people that are already out in public with convictions of such nature where situations do not mandate that they publically announce their sexually convicted status instead of singling out a single person that a greater percent of the masses will never encounter.
    Jenn, tell your husband that if his sexual frustration is getting to him, he should leave his computer every once and a while and give you the attention that you are so eagerly trying to attain by backing his dumb ass in his effort to achieve anyone else’s attention but yours.
    Oh yeah, and thanks the United States Constitution, I’m going to impose my freedom of speech.
    No need in banning me from your site, I’ve already wasted to much time and effort in reading and posting this.
    I know that this blog post may not be as politically correct as you may deem necessary, but I just felt compelled to participate in squirting my verbal and printed diarrhea all over the toilet bowl that is this page, much like what Rob Taylor, wife Jenn Taylor and all other followers of your newly found assembly, which may possibly pass as a cult, are doing. Thanks for your time and have a blessed life.

  25. Your post is long, and filled with the kind of grammatical errors common to people who all post from the same I.P. address in Gonzales L.A. I’m pretty sure I’ve had the whole town visit my site.

    I like your post because it illustrates so ably the projection common to people like you, trolling blogs to argue points you wouldn’t dare make in public. I’m sure almost everything you accuse me of is true of you, but I’ll correct a few points so that there isn’t any confusion for my readers.

    A) No person’s rights are being abused. Megan Partin is a newsworthy item that I commented on. If she didn’t want to be commented on she’d lay low.

    B) You do know Jon. You post from the same I.P. Address. Often.

    C) I’m not a Christian, I’m a Pagan. I happen to think Christianity creates weakness in people moral and otherwise, as an American however I respect my fellow Americans right to practice their religions sans comment from me. I see you don’t agree, making you some sort of Communist.

    D) Regardless, I didn’t push any religion in this article. I’d be interested to know where you perceived my pushing of Christianity on you in the above.

    E) I didn’t ruin Megan Partin’s life, she did. As did all the enablers who gave her drugs and watched her land herself in trouble.

    F) Your vulgarity proves you yourself are high, likely some “friend” of Megan’s (if not her herself) too stupid to realize that coming to her defense in this way makes her look like some hood rat gutterslut whose friends can’t be bothered to act like a civilized human being. That’ll play well with a jury.

    G) I’ve not singled out Partin; in fact I haven’t even updated her story. I have many sex offenders on my blog. You’re just wrong.

    H) Red Alerts makes money the way any other blog. Sorry Capitalism bothers you comrade.

    I) “Impose” freedom of speech? Go to school much?

    J) My wife’s name isn’t Jenn Taylor. Like most modern couples she kept her last name.

    So in closing stay in school (you need it) and give that pervert my best. When you do tell her that it was your post that reawakened my passion for following the Megan Partin case. I’ll be posting about her once a week from now on. Meaning I’ll see you back here I’m sure.

  26. i love you megg and none of these bitches know u…
    and i swear let alone wont fukk wit u..
    any1 who thinks they kno really hav no idea bc everything thats
    said isnt true..and i dont care who says it… through God
    everything will b made pure and u have more forgiveness and
    purity in ur heart than any of these bitter people who dare to judge
    and make such callous comments about some1 theyve never known..
    if they seriously hav enuff time to bother with what u do, then ur better than
    them anyway… satan and his followers will do whatever to make ur head and heart heavy to hold u down… but Gods children will bring u comfort and he will light ur ways in the dark…
    i was ur friend before and i will always accept u for who u are… its often when ppl seem not to deserve love is when they need it the most!!!

    Baby, if God is for you…none of these ppl can be against u… who are they anyway…Only God Can Judge U ~

    *the best friend*

  27. Really? You’re not even going to change writing styles before posting again?

    But let’s assume you’re not the same cretin posting here under a variety of assumed names. My question for you is why are you writing like a 12 year texting his best friend?

    And won’t God be, according to you since you’re some sort of lay minister I assume, be expecting “Megg” to repent, confess to her sins and ask for forgiveness? That is Christian theology after all.

    Since her MySpace was full of drug references and the whole White Girls and Gang Signs vibe, are you really going to claim she is the purest person around? Really?

    Isn’t it more likely that the person who does drugs and has an eyebrow raising relationship is a “follower of Satan” and a person disgusted by drugs, raping children and the like isn’t?

    If you were really Partin’s “best friend” you’d be working to show her that Nihilism and Antinomianism, summed up quite nicely in the “only God can judge you” attitude you’re promoting, leads to evil. If you’re a Christian then you know Christ told his followers to “render unto Caesar what is Caesars” meaning follow the laws of this earth. Pay your taxes, don’t take illegal drugs and respect the age of consent, that’s the true Christian way.

    Of course what would I know about religion? I just have a degree in Religion and a Masters from Wesleyan; you’re someone between the ages of 11 and 19 who clever enough to spell anyone with a number at the end to save time. I’ll bow to your wisdom

  28. you people really need to get a frickin life.. none of you know this girl from tuesday.. we all know that things like this can be blown waaay out proportion. i know for a fact that charges are bullshit.. and to think that a 19 year old young woman would intentionally do something like this is ridiculous.. where’s the faith people?! I’m betting that she was clowning around and there was no sexual intent what so ever. c’mon people.. look at her.. i would tell you all to be the judge but you’re all Idiots!

    (just a hint of who i am)

  29. Are you saying molesting 12-year-olds can be blown out of proportion? That’s asinine.

    If you had a 12-year-old daughter and a young Johnny Depp was “clowning around” with her and took a picture that police said was molestation would you think it was O.K.?

    Are you saying attractive people can’t be criminals? That if some dude molests a young boy and he’s good looking enough we should assume the dude is innocent?

    If the charges are “bullshit” why aren’t you contacting the media to blow the case wide open? Or like a person with a soul going to the police and give them you evidence. That’s what a good person would do.

    But you’re of course lying like every other commenter from Gonzales L.A. who comes here defending Partin but never explain why we should believe these reports are false, except for the specious argument that good looking girls can’t be deviants.

    It’s almost like there’s this one person from Partin’s home town with a vested interest in clearing her name who wonders from Wi-Fi connection to Wi-Fi connection posting rambling comments that sound like they were written by a teenage girl who smokes too much pot. Almost.

    And is the hint to your identity the lack of capitalization of your childish signature or the fact that the entire comment is written on a 4th grade level?

    (The real hint is only teenage girls use the word “frickin’)

  30. Poor southern white trash trailor princess! I bet the jail cell in which she briefly spent time was the first room she ever got for herself in her entire life! This story kind of reminds me of that Joe Dirt movie when David Spade’s Loser-ana girlfriend started molesting her own pets. Why do southern girls feel the need to molest everything in sight? Rob Taylor, thank you for exposing such skanks. As if we superior northerners need any more damning information about the South with which to feel better about ourselves.

  31. Actually Tony NYC is full to brimming with exactly this sort of degeneracy and nonsense, which is why I proudly moved from NYC to South Carolina and have never regretted it.

    The issue here is one that’s nationwide however, and that is the culture of irresponsibility we have forced children to grow up in. Starting with the Boomers American parents have stopped teaching children boundaries, right from wrong and personal dignity and honor. Post-modernism and deconstructionist paradigms in the educational system have left generations adrift in a sea of amorality and nihilism.

    No one stops kids and says “Hey, getting high all the time’s a bad idea and an adult who’s trying to get you high is just some pervert,” instead we have a culture where adults prey upon children, sexualize children and expect children to act as adults themselves. Is it any wonder that sexually chaotic crimes like the one Partin is accused of happens in such an environment?

    I’m no prude, I just think that adults should do adult things with other adults and kids should be safe from predation. It is the New York liberals, Tony, that created the culture norms that blurred the lines between adults and children, and maturity and immaturity for that matter, who are ultimately to blame for the Megan Partin’s of the world.

    So don’t feel superior to Partin, you’re more like her than you think. And without people like you to look down their noses at traditional values and southerners, the party girl sub-culture that led Megan down this path would likely not have existed in Gonzales L.A., and without liberal attitudes toward drug use she might have been able to control the deviant impulses she’s accused of having.

  32. Megan Partin has shown what real Southern hospitality is all about. And what’s with your mindless rant about “liberals” and drugs? No one knows what in holy hell you’re talking about, Robby boy. The fact that the South is full of uneducated hillbillies goes back hundreds of years. We should have let you guys secede from the USA. In fact, why can’t Louisiana do that right now and save the rest of the country the embarassment of being in the same Union with it? It’s typical of third-world people like southerners to blame their problems on the supposed immorality of superior people who were always better off than they are. The terrorists who bombed 9/11 said as much. You poor people are just jealous and too busy wallowing in your own filth to acknowledge your own base condition.

  33. You’re the one that’s an illiterate hillbilly. As I’ve said I lived in NYC, as well as Middletown CT (where I attended Wesleyan) and New Jersey. I chose to live in the south so that I wouldn’t have to be around people like yourself (people who don’t read and don’t have Masters) but who think you’re superior to others.

    New York’s “awesome” educational system has a 50% high school drop out rate in some districts, college students who think Loose Change is well researched and teachers who have never read primary sources in their area of expertise. Maybe you should go to Brooklyn and see how literate the people are.

    For that matter what was the last book you read? One of Dawkins 4th grade level rants about why he feels superior to religious folk no doubt. Have you ever read The Conquest of New Spain? The plays of Lope de Vega? The prose and plays of Yeats?

    Until you have you’re little more than a child pretending to be sophisticated, a buffoon drowning in his own ignorance while flinging his ideological dung at those who lack his pretensions and therefore have the one attribute he’ll never have; class.

    Drugs are the most important part of the story here Tony. If you were literate you’d see that. And people like you are no different from Partin. You’re selfish and think you’re superior to others, thus both of you act in childish and unseemly ways. I wonder how many 12-year-olds you fantasize about. More so I wonder when I’ll be able to blog about you here.

    But the balls in you court. I’m just a man with a Masters from a good school who makes a living writing. You relate the details of your awesome life to my readers so they can see how jealous I am. Tell everyone how long it’s bee since you’ve borrowed money from your parents. Tell everyone about the last time you touched a woman.

    Come show us how magnificent the great Tony Greenwell, king of the ‘net trolls, and his Robin Leach-esque life is!

  34. Look at Rob Taylor brag about his religious degree from a christian university! How priceless! And how does he decide to use this degree after graduating and brown-nosing his northern superiors for so many years? He sets up a web site devoted to gossiping about sexual crimes! What’s the matter, Taylor, your degree not in so much demand in the marketplace these days? Eew, don’t cry. I completely understand your inferiority complex.

    If I wasted more than two years of my life at a university persuing a theology degree when I know I’m not going to be a minister, I’d be pissed too! In fact, I’d feel like moving far away in a southerly direction to get away from all the mockery to a place where such an education is even minutely respected any more. Then I’d consider opening a website from home and writings rants about sexual crimes to assuage all that tension built up over the previous years! By that time I’ll have built up such an ego in thinking people adore my own effeminate gossip routine, and such a skill in preaching about my subjects thanks to Wesleyan, that I’d begin blaming all my failures and mistakes in life on the same people whose asses I kissed liberally in the past. Poor Reverend Robby! Please stay where you are in Virginy. You are not missed!

  35. Mr. Rob Taylor,
    This is my real name, and yes I am from hick-town Gonzales, LA, not L.A. which is located in southern California, and I’m very impressed with your page here as well as all of your blog entries. What I do not understand is why someone of your stature would waste your time arguing with people agreeing with basically everything you say? Also, I don’t understand why you constantly correct people on spelling and grammatical errors when you pay no attention to what you type, it says a lot about your character. I know Ms. Partin personally, and have the utmost respect for her and her family, as well as the way that she handles people that do not know what actually occurred. I am coming to no one’s defense here, if Ms. Partin would like to do so, then that is her prerogative. I would like to know, however, how a boy under the age of seven as stated in the newspaper, was interpreted by you as a boy the age of seven and is now 12, also stated by you. With your continual age progression, I give him 2 weeks before he is of legal age, as stated by state law. This does not help your credibility in the situation. In fewer words, what I’m trying to say is you need to be more consistent in order to be more believable. Anyone can get on here and type up undignified articles about someone that they do not know, but have only read about in an article. What makes for a really good as well as a believable story is some hard-core facts, that of which I do not see, nor do you have any.

  36. Tony:
    My Comparative Religion degree is from a regular college, and it’s not a theological degree. My master’s is from Wesleyan, hardly a Christian university. Being a Pagan, I didn’t have the desire to go into the ministry. But I guess your assumptions about people are often wrong, no doubt why you’ll die alone.

    Now I’ll go cry myself to sleep with my wife and my “inferior” sense of self-satisfaction. Try not to judge me too harshly while sleeping alone on a futon in your mother’s rent controlled apt. I’m sure your superior intellect keeps you warm at night.

    Where’s did you get Masters again?

  37. “Tyson:”

    Are you claiming I should travel to LA from my home just to write a blog post? Seems excessive. I extend the same offer to as I did your various sock puppets-if you have facts relevant to the case let me know and I’ll check them out.

    I was a good catch about the age though. The Partin comments came so long after I posted the story that I, like the Partin groupies, began giving her the benefit of the doubt. Pushing the age up was maybe a sub-conscious way of making the crime less degenerate. The boy was under the age of 7.

    I correct grammar only when it illustrates a greater point, such as the fact that many of the commenters here are the same person and that they are high while they type out their screeds.

    I could go more in-depth, like pointing out that people who type “I” in the lower case have self-esteem problems.

    Being black I also find it offensive when Whites use “Ebonics” to sound cool. It’s racist and I thus correct it.

    But if you don’t like my humble blog there are literally millions of others available to the I.P. address you and all your “friends” post from. I’d suggest Dreamin’ Demon but the things they’ve said about Megan would make your shake your delicate foundations to the core!

    Good Day sir!

  38. Wow, looks like somebody from Louisiana actually has some sense. I also don’t get why Taylor just pounced on me so quickly after I posted a comment virtually agreeing with his sentiments. Making enemies must be an avid hobby of his. My comments about the South were said in a joking spirit. I mean come on, I mentioned Joe Dirt! And note Taylor’s ever fragile ego: he’s still defending his time at Wesleyan! Get over it already!

    Please Robby, you could have graduated from Harvard with 10 degrees. It only matters how you use a degree which gives you the justification to brag about it. Running an unabashed TABLOID web site devoted to discussing sex crimes and racy arrest stories doesn’t exactly contain the “class” you speak of so much. I mean, I like the National Enquirer and The Globe just as much as any other person, but it’s just amusing to see another tabloid showman put others down because they may not have masters’ degrees. Have you applied at Inside Edition yet, Robby? Maybe after a stint there, you can upgrade to Fox News!!!

  39. Tony why can’t you do a little research before commenting. One click away from this story would show you that the site covers all sorts of Crime and Politics.

    The reason I “jumped on you” is because it isn’t my sentiment that southerners are backwards. That’s asinine pretension. My sentiment is that people who get high a lot do irrational things. That’s why I have a “Victimless Crime File” category.

    You’re no better than someone because you pretend to be from NYC. If that’s how you live your life you deserve ridicule.

    Your comments weren’t made in a joking spirit, but in a trolling spirit, but I don’t allow the insulting of entire groups to stand. I don’t censor either so I respond.

    I need not “defend” my time at Wesleyan. I pointed out that you made up facts to suit you argument. I don’t have a theological degree I have a B.A in Religion. Wesleyan isn’t a Christian university. And running one of several blogs is something I do because I enjoy it.

    If this is such a tabloid why hang around? And why write a comment which you claim agrees with my sentiment? Are you lonely Tony?

  40. Oh yes, Robby, I’m so lonely! Hug me! And please tell me a story about another one of your Southern hos that you caught with her pants down! Hey, maybe all three of us can sneak out one night and start a love triangle! Maybe you can teach us some tricks you learned at Wesleyan like speaking in tongues!

  41. Wow. I’m thinking when you sober up you’re going to want me to edit that one.

    Little hint tony, a threesome has two women and one man.




  45. Mr. Rob Taylor,
    I would not give you any information about the case or evidence in question Mr. Taylor because your Masters Degree, in some weird way, allows your feeble mind to think that you can misconstrue what people say and interpret it in a totally opposite manner than what it should be perceived as. Like I said, “I am very impressed with your page here and your blog entries.” What I do not understand is how a man with your knowledge is so closed minded and self-centered that you can bash the south and come up with these notions that these other people are my “friends”. I have no clue who these people are, fact being that no one is brave enough to take responsibility for what they type. It may be because they are just here for some sort of personal benefit, which is, in my opinion, why you are here.
    No, I do not think that you should come down south and investigate the case, because we do not really like bigots. The fact that you are black does not have anything to do with what you are typing, that was just something that you decided to throw out there. For what reason? I do not know. I think that you are the racist one Mr. Taylor, not saying that you are, but that is a pretty racist based comment that you made. The fact of the matter is that people from the south grow up in mixed communities, which is the reason why some of the “white” people here in the great state of Louisiana speak with the Ebonics slang. You would know that this is the “Melting Pot” if you did any research on culture, or your country for that matter.
    As far as you stating that the people that are posting are the same person and that they are “high” while posting, leads me to believe that you are possibly high or drunk yourself. I come to this conclusion because this is your argument to every post. Good argument Mr. Taylor. This is another sign that you are just talking from your anal sphincter, which is your butt hole; something like a fart, if they did not teach you that in Wesleyan, where you received your ever-so-proud of Masters Degree, if you even have one. It is very questionable, whether or not I should believe you, because as I stated before, your inconsistencies allow readers to question your credibility. I used to respect all well educated individuals like your self, until I started understanding why some you pursued your degrees. Is it because you got picked on in school? Or is it that your parents not show you enough attention at home? It just seems as though there is some sort of psychological problem that you have with the human race as a whole. I am not insisting that you are having psychological problems, but if you are, I would like you to know that there are people that can help you.
    I have been keeping up with your blog post for some time now, what I do not understand is why you react so offensively to such a offensive topic as the one that you started, did you not expect people to try to defend her name and reputation? My misunderstandings of your intentions start with your misconstrued perspective of your own followers. Mr. Tony Greenwell, agreed with what you said and further bashed the south a little bit, in a form of acceptance with what you had previously state, in which case you bashed the south your self. Then you lashed out at Mr. Greenwell, for agreeing with you. So is this for your own personal benefit. Does this site allow you to feel more like a part of the community, and more like an American without having to leave your home, or even like people for that matter?
    I understand that this blog post is about drugs and the protection children, so how is it you being black have anything to do with it? What does religion have to do with it? What does “whites speaking Ebonics,” have to do with anything? And lastly why are you constantly degrading the south, if this is not what this blog is about? Do you not have any supporting evidence for the arguments that you are presenting? So the real question that I am getting to is: Do you know what you are blogging about? I know that you have stated it many times, but you keep coming back with these arguments that make no sense to the content of which the previous blog was stated.
    If you are so intelligent, keep your posts within the context of the topic at hand. It is not hos, blacks, whites, the south, ebonics, or any of these other off-the-wall references that you are making. The topic at hand is drugs and rape, so stick to it and you might get more respectable feed back.

  46. “Tyson”, you know I can see your I.P. address, right?

    “Tony”didn’t agree with me, you’re the one intentionally misconstruing my post. I never bashed the south and I don’t like the attitude. Point out where I degraded the south. Point out where I said that all southerners where child rapists. You can’t because you’re making that up.

    You ask what this or that has to do with the post; if you don’t want to know why I correct some people’s grammar don’t ask. YOU asked why I came down on someone for their grammar and I told you my reason, now you claim to not want to know, seems to me like you’re just a troll.

    If you and the “other” people bring up the subjects of the south, White ganstas and the rest, explain how that becomes off the wall references?

    But to answer yet another of YOUR “off the wall” (and I think you mean “out of left field”) questions, this site’s my job. It’s how I make a living, this and the several other sites my wife and I run (chances are you go to one or more) not something I do to “feel apart” of anything. I’m a grown-up; I don’t need approval from others to feel good.

    You apparently do. You need to make up lies about what the above post was about to argue with it. I’ll send you or anyone a $25 Amazon gift certificate if you can prove I “constantly degrade the south.” That’s a real offer “Tyson’ so hop to it, show me what a bigot I am.

    But if you can’t either get lost or visit my sponsors. But stop wasting my time.

  47. Super Gangsta:

    That’s almost a good defense, and certainly the only one I’ve heard which would clear her. I’d take issue with the idea that racism played a part in Partin’s case but if you have evidence of that feel free to post it.

    But are you accusing the Gonzales cops of sexually assaulting Partin? If so does Partin or her Lawyer have a statement backing up this charge?

    I also think we agree that no matter what, the parents of the child should probably get a visit from social service.

Comments are closed.