Thousands Quit A.A.R.P. Over ObamaCare!

Ah! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! This story is awesome:

CBS)  CBS News has learned that up to 60,000 people have cancelled their AARP memberships since July 1, angered over the group’s position on health care.

Elaine Guardiani has been with AARP for 14 years, and said, “I’m extremely disappointed in AARP.”

Retired nurse Dale Anderson has 12 years with AARP and said, “I don’t wanna be connected with AARP.”

Many are switching to the American Seniors Association, a group that calls itself the conservative alternative as CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports.

Last week alone, they added more than 5,000 new members. Our camera was there Friday when the mail came.

Letters were filled with cut-up AARP cards.

“I think that probably the seniors are most upset with cuts in Medicare,” said ASA President Stuart Barton.

Much of the anger came after this incident, in which old folks finally saw that the AARP is nothing but a communist front group with nothing but disdain for it’s members:


That video has been making the rounds, and the case for abandoning a group supposedly dedicated to helping seniors but spends an inordinate time advocating for such liberal causes as gun rights restriction. I say pass it around to your senior friends and get them to support the A.S.A.!

I swear to you I teared up laughing at this story. The A.A.R.P. has been advocating neo-Marxism so long they didn’t realize that their politics were outside of the mainstream views of their own members. How out of touch do you have to be to try to sell this Obamacare snake oil to the people who will be most detrimentally effected?

Via Gateway Pundit comes this report from USA Today which helps AARP try to minimize the losses:

The approximately 60,000 number represents members who specifically cited AARP’s stance on the health overhaul debate in canceling their membership between July 1 and mid-August, Nannis said. He said that on average AARP loses some 300,000 members a month, but he couldn’t say how many more members had quit for other reasons in that time period.

He said AARP gained some 400,000 new members during the same period and that 1.5 million members renewed their membership.

So 60,000 people is a drop in the bucket, right? Wrong. Those 60,000 people will pad out the A.S.A rolls enough to allow them to really start competing with the AARP, and then that drop in the bucket will turn into a flood.

2 thoughts on “Thousands Quit A.A.R.P. Over ObamaCare!

  1. The AARP supports strict gun control and other wealth re-distribution policies as well so they are a Marxist organization. George Soros is drilling of the coast f Brazil for oil, is he not a socialist? Are groups he’s running like the Center for American Progress not promoting neo-Marxism?

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