The Dangerous Isms

Liberalism, Conservatism, Libertarianism, we all have one. Every American these days identifies with some ideology which he or she supposes separates us from our fellow citizens and creates a divide we are unable, or unwilling, to reach across. It is as dangerous, if not more, so than any threat we face today, this division of Americans.

But most Americans share more in common than they would think, and much of our internal strife is inflamed by those who desire to see all Americans crushed under the weight of class war, civil strife and eventually totalitarianism. We may disagree on various issues, but most of us will acknowledge that we have a great country which affords us the freedom to have those disagreements. It’s something we all forget, and I was just reminded of myself while surfing YouTube. That’s where I found this little gem of a cartoon, which believe it or not, I’d seen before as a little anti-Communist, which I think should be required viewing for anyone prior to engaging in heated political debate.

