This is what a “free” health care plan will look like in America if the left gets its way. From The Daily Mail:
Thousands of lung cancer patients are to be denied a life-prolonging drug branded too expensive by the NHS “rationing” watchdog.
But the treatment will continue to be given to Scottish patients.
Guidance being issued to NHS doctors claims Tarceva is not a good use of “scarce resources”, by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
But angry campaigners said it was the latest example of medical “apartheid” which means the Health Service is providing dramatically different care on either side of the border.
Private medical insurers such as Bristol-based WPA Provident also pay for Tarceva for lung cancer sufferers which costs around £1,700 a month.
Tarceva is one of a new generation of targeted drugs that attack only cancer cells and are tolerated much better than traditional chemotherapy.
Drug makers Roche is planning to appeal, saying the bill per patient is only around £1,000 more per patient than alternative medication with debilitating side effects that will have to be used instead.
John Melville, Roche’s UK pharmaceutical general manager, said: “We used to talk about postcode prescribing.
“This is passport prescribing, where Tarceva is available in all of Western Europe, except England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
“It is unusual for Roche to appeal a decision so vociferously but we are convinced, along with a majority of other countries, that Tarceva is cost-effective
“This negative decision clearly demonstrates a disconnect between the Department of Health’s Cancer Reform Strategy, which calls for a world class cancer service, and the reality inflicted on lung cancer patients by NICE.”
Apart from Tarceva, there are several other cancer drugs approved in Scotland but denied south of the border.
It is estimated that 2,300 patients with non-small cell lung cancer in England each year could benefit from Tarceva, a once-daily tablet.
Patients get an extra three months of life on average – it increases one-year survival rates by 41 per cent.
The difference here is that rich white liberal areas will no doubt get access to these sorts of drugs while poor areas, “Red States” and the Black community will be shafted.
But isn’t that what the left wants? I’ll quote myself on this, as unseemly as that sort of thing is, in a post about the left and their attempt to cajole the country into giving welfare benefits to a well to do White family:
More entitlements for undeserving Whites has been a staple of White Nationalist ideology for decades, the doctrine of Communitarianism which is popular with these folks; perhaps their newly forged close ties with the nutroots has given the the idea of a Whites-only welfare state new life, and luckily they already have a spokesfamily.