Often we hear academics and various Europhiles rue our dissimilarity with our “allies” in Europe and especially England. While simultaniously denying that anything of substance or value has ever been achieved by European “imperialism”, there are many in this country who seek to steer us onto parallel course culturally and politically as that now burning shore. Even as Europe crumbles under the weight of its folk Marxist views, as large sections of the continent are annexed by Jihadist insurgencies there are still those among us who point to the shadow that was the West and proclaim it light.
There are those who believe that peace is to be strive for above all else, above goodness, above right, above freedom. There are those who claim that America is the root cause of all turmoil in the world, that our myriad enemies are reasonable, honorable and seek not war but peace. They say that Iran and North Korea are victims of America’s folly, that Islamic Terrorists will end when Israel is “dealt with”, that Communists, Jihadists, and the patchwork mobs of violent revolutionaries that mount protest after protest, riot after riot in our own cities are harmless, that they are the true patriots.
But when America is attacked again, this time with by a coalition of countries dedicated to our destruction, aided by homegrown insurgents, what will they say then?
Will they point to Europe then? Will the U.N. come to our aid? Will Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink take to the streets to fight for the rest of us? Of course they will not because this will be the day they have waited for their entire lives.
When you sit with your friends and loved ones for the holidays, say a prayer for America, because our enemies draw ever closer to their goal of our destruction, and give thanks that America is still strong. Give thanks that for yet another year we’ve held back the darkness, and that night has yet to fall on our nation.
And remeber who our enemies are. h/t Justify This for these videos.