Hot Air is following the the latest fallout from the Reuters Fauxtography scandal, linking to this passionate denunciation of Reuters firing of an overworked, under supported photo editor who’s been made a scapegoat for a broken and corrupt system. The big story however happens in the comments section where D.C. based Photojournalist Aaron J Heiner, admits that his superiors pressure him to convey his stories from set political principles they have laid out for him. The exact quote is as follows:
“This is why I’m so torn in the industry today. On one side, part of me still wants to be out there telling the story without any outside pressure to take a side, while the other part of me just wants to give up because there is so much pressure to take a side and tell a story the follows the political principles established by my EIC. “
For many who still like to cling to the idea of a free and independent press, such an admission will be particularly heart breaking, but even for those of us suspicious that individual journalists may be altering the truth of stories depending on their own political ideology, the knowledge that even independent journalist who want to be objective are forced into propagandizing for the left is disheartening, though I can’t say very surprising. But I am angry about it, even if it is old news.
The question is what can we do?