The exact quote is “the F.B.I. claims it has broken up a plot to attack Fort Dix in New Jersey.” It pops up in the very beginning of one of his most vile rants:
Olbermann here is basically claiming that the whole affair is a hoax, a ruse with which evil Republicans and their minions in the F.B.I. and New Jersey law enforcement can steal more of America’s precious civil liberties. He has gone beyond the typical nutrootism with which we’re all acquainted and settled firmly into trutherland. I expect he’ll soon be calling for 4/29 truth and a complete investigation of the moon landing.
The problem Keith has with the F.B.I. story is that the six men arrested are “morons” and thus, in Olbermann’s mind, not dangerous. Olbermann Watch presents the best argument against Olbermann and his moonbattery in this post. Here’s a taste:
Keith conveniently ignores that just a few weeks ago there was a deranged “moron” who, acting alone, killed over 30 people with just two handguns. Zacharrias Moussoui was caught before he could carry out the 9/11 attacks because he was such a “moron” that he told flight instructors he only wanted to learn how to take off – yet 19 other “morons” killed close to 3,000 people. The 1993 World Trade Center bombers were such “morons” that one of them went back to the Ryder rental office to claim his deposit on the truck used to blow up the Tower One parking garage – after they had killed six people and injured over 1,000. A border patrol agent prevented the Millennium Plot because one of these “morons” was caught with a cache of explosives in the trunk of his car. A transatlantic flight did not explode over the ocean because Richard Reid was such a “moron” that he was unable to light the fuse for the bomb in his shoe before being tackled by an alert passenger and a flight attendant.
Apparently Keith Olbermann wants a new government policy to limit its investigations to terrorists with SAT scores over 2,000 and a 3.4 GPA.
Hot Air has more, and be sure to check out their comments which are particularly cutting on this story, plus a reminder of just how hypocritical Olbermann is on this one:
Isn’t Keef Olberdouche the same idiot who went into a tizzy over some media outlets making light of his panic over some laundry soap mailed to him awhile back? I guess it matters most when it’s him or someone else he cares about (as if he actually cares about anyone BUT himself), and not American soldiers at an American military base.
Keef Olberdouche, the Moonbat Barometer!
…i like it
SilverStar830 on May 9, 2007 at 6:53 PM
Is there anyone more loathsome than Olbermann?
h/t Olbermann Watch
Three words this dipzoid needs to know; “Sudden Jihad Syndrome”. Perhaps in the case of the Fort Dix Six it isn’t so sudden but the same mentality is there.
Then he’d have to admit Republicans were right about something. He’d rather die in a bomb blast I’m sure.
LOL, too true!
The truth about Fort Dix Six is a cover up for the American Patriot Act and domestic spyware against innocent people and terror to innocent American People for Advocating for their children under the ADA No Child Gets Left Behind Act, and abuse of the American patriot Act privilege dealing with medical malpractice denying a free and appropriate education slander, inasion of privacy white collar crime and every other white collar crime you can think of.. Im a 39 year old mother who was torture dfor advocating for my child and defending my constitutional rights of my family.
Say what now?
The truth is…my home was unlawfully wiretapped. I have a friend in Macedonia who I invited here 4 years ago to visit…. They used their spyware program to see what I knew about what was going on with my child an dthem as my son has said things in the past he shouldnt had… when nothing else worked including torture for a hearing I filed on March 19th they came out with Fort Dix Six…My friend in Macedonia has nothing to do with it….And when I try to get an answer from the white house… they will not reply…you tell me Its 8 years of irresponsibiility of the needs ofmy child and like of accountability of professionalism and in grasping for final straws.. this was the best I government could do… pathetic isnt it, but scared me bad enough I have seeked sanctuary through the churches and private citizens….
mr Taylor my wholel community knows about it.. Its a cover up for an 8 year legal battle…….
Its about dirty politics and dirty laundary
S.A.T. score over 2000?
Of course the patsies are morons. They are deluded dim-bulbs unwittingly (or more likely semi-wittingly) pressed into service as poster morons to fuel the never-ending war on terrorism. Richard Reid was coached and allowed to pull his ridiculous bonehead maneuver by the intelligence agency which sponsored this transparent act of dipshittery. His handlers were on board with him, including the doctors who magically, immediately injected the idiot with incapacitating drugs to shut him up. (No they don’t have syringes of “valium” handy in the planes first-aid kit)
As a result, we will forever have to remove our shoes at the airport.
Thank goodness he wasn’t the underwear bomber.
Do you have proof of this aside from wild speculation by Ron Paul supporters?
Isn’t it a bit racist/classist that every non-White Muslim terrorist is said by people like you to be “controled” by some smarter White American? Isn’t your entire theory based around the idea that these immigrants and Arabs and everyone not like yourself are easily controled, little more than animals?
It reminds me of the way people claim the 9/11 hijackers couldn’t have flown the planes because they were “cave dwelling Muslims” even though they were here going to Grad school. It was racim pure and simple to assume they were not as smart as Americans when in fact they were better educated than many.
Inshort, you’re at least a classist, probably a racist.