Oh Snap! Fred Thompson’s Response to Comrade Moore

Michael Moore challenged Fred Thompson to a “debate” about how much America sucks, or whether or not Cuban cigars should be smoked by rich guys or something. Moore’s never one to make coherent points. Many saw this as yet another cheap ploy by a “master publicity whore” to drum up buzz for his new movie, while others saw an ambush in the making.

The chips were down and Fred was on the defensive, but he came out swinging.


Thompson makes a great point, that Moore is unmoved by the suffering of his fellow “truth seekers” at the hands of the communist regime he loves so much. Moore never mentions the oppression of dissidents in Cuba, even though the information about them is widely available on-line.

Perhaps Moore and company should spend less time reading Marx and more time reading blogs like Babalu blog, Uncommon Sense and La Contra Revolucion before he cast aspersions on the character of men like Fred Thompson who support freedom for Cuba, an island that hasn’t had an election since before I was born.

Uncommon Sense has more information on the political prisoner Thompson mentions.

h/t BreitBart

2 thoughts on “Oh Snap! Fred Thompson’s Response to Comrade Moore

  1. Similarly, Moore was unmoved and not interested when I emailed him about the suffering of Iranian people under the Islamic dictatorship in Iran. Moore has a simple guideline for himself: Anti-American Good, otherwise not interested.

  2. Ha! Uber pwnage, FT-style.

    Thompson’s response is priceless, but Moore’s letter over at Drudge may be even more entertaining. Among the weighty issues Moore would like to discuss: whether FT’s Law & Order character “supports a woman’s right to choose, gun safety reforms, gay marriage, the trans fat ban and anti-smoking laws.”

    Because there’s nothing more important than what a fictitious character thinks about social issues. Maybe Moore can quote the political discourse of his imaginary friend while he’s at it.

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