Anti -American disinformation from the anti-Imperialist news service, reprinting a statement issued from The Worker claiming that North Korea has the right to develop nuclear weapons because of America’s “60 year war of aggression” with the D.P.R.K. which was spurred by our greed and love of evil, of course. The statement goes on to claim that North Korea’s defiance of the world community, and their attempts to blackmail the region through the threat of nuclear war are in actuality important deterrents to “U.S. aggression” and promote world peace.
While we as Americans are distracted by the very real danger of Wahabist expansionism, a growing number of “radicals” in our midst move ever closer to our enemies, and to becoming terrorist themselves. The next attack on American soil may not be carried out by Muslim fanatics, but student radicals protesting American “imperialism”.