M.I.T Hosts Holocaust Deniers at “Social Justice” Forum

Solomonia reports on the inroads the Holocaust denial movement has made into our universities, riding the coattails of the often Pro-Palestinian “Social Justice” movement. The most disturbing part of the story is M.I.T.’s Dean of the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences co-sponsoring an event featuring the Rabbi who attended Iran’s Holocaust denial conference and has been embraced by the likes of David Duke, and a radical Imam who has denied the Holocaust and associates with the New Black Panther Party, a racist anti-Semitic terrorist group using the Black Panther name to further their Islamist agenda.

Both men share the same view, albeit for different reasons, that Israel should be forcefully dismantled for the cause of “justice” even if that means killing every last Jew within its borders. Both men embrace vile conspiracy theories concerning Jewish power in America and the world, and both men will be wildly applauded by those in attendance who are happy to hear someone validate their own prejudice and desire for barbarity. This is “Social Justice,” a code word for the Final Solution.

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