Liberals Cringe as Ethiopians Defeat African Jihad

Ethiopia has shown the world how to defeat Islamic expansionism through military means, and have freed large areas of Somalia from the terrorists which the world had simply given up on. As the I.C.U. called on foreign born Muslims to invade the horn of Africa like some sort of racist safari for Arabs, “Liberals” are demanding that the U.N. intervene on the Jihadists behalf. DailyKos and have already begun working overtime to vilify the brave soldiers who are doing what America hadn’t the will or desire to do in the ’90’s; destroy the Jihad that is responsible for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of Black Africans who refuse to bow to Islam and accept second class status in the Arab superiority cult that is promoted by Jihadism.

While Ethiopian troops take back territory form the I.C.U., something that the U.N. could not, and would not do, white Liberals are busy brewing up conspiracy theories about the U.S. secretly backing the evil Ethiopians to destroy those poor decent Jihadists or are ignoring the plight of Black Christians and Animists at the hands of slave trading Muslims all together, instead focusing on how American Christian’s defending their faith against Islamic Imperialism is “stirring up anti-Islamic sentiment“. There is no concern for the victims of this on-going Jihad, especially it seems when the victims are in Africa. I assume that if this was some European country the same “Liberals” would be cheering on Ethiopian troops pushing invaders back. Maybe.

Certainly when it was white Europeans in Bosnia being victimized in a “holy war” we couldn’t drop enough bombs, but on the other hand the victims there were also Muslims so supporting war there could play well to the progressive sensibility of defending the “weak”, though the Somali victims are equally defenseless, though not being white perhaps they aren’t as worth while as the whites in Europe.

Perhaps progressive politics include a love of Sharia and fealty to Islam, at least when Islam’s worst excesses are aimed squarely at Black Christians. But it’s more likely they just don’t care that the Ethiopians are the good guys, defending freedom and religious minorities from what is in actuality Fascism. As long as they can prove their point, whatever it is, they don’t care how many Black folk are enslaved.