Jose Padilla Found Guilty: “Progressives” Left in Shocked Disbelief

Jose Padilla, who changed his name to Abdullah al-Muhajir after his conversion to the Wahhabist death cult’s version of Islam was found guilty today of terrorism related charges. Michelle Malkin has the details of his trail here and lest we forget Padilla bears a shocking resemblance to the mysterious third Oklahoma City bomber. Reporter Jayna Davis wrote a book about the possibility that a then radicalized Padilla helped the White Supremacist plot as part of the growing alliance between White Nationalists and Radical Muslims.

None of those facts prevent so-called progressives from wailing in anger and disbelief that there erstwhile ally, who would have thinned out the population of the hated America quite nicely with a dirty bomb, wasn’t released into their waiting arms. Here’s a shot of some comments at Dailykos:


It gets worse from there as the angry Kossacks claim that jury’s are stupid to believe the government, Padilla was tortured until he was insae, Bush is the anti-Christ, etc. In essence the Kossacks are throwing out their usual canard: We’re Whiter and smarter than the rest of you.

The Christian Science Monitor, ever ready to martyr America, wags their collective fingers gravely, while the liberal hacks at Newshoggers tearfully lament the verdict with this slice of melodrama:

I can’t say I’m surprised, but I’m really disappointed that the jury found Padilla guilty. I suppose they were constrained by the rules of evidence and probably didn’t have much of a choice since Padilla is far too damaged from three years of torture while in US custody to meaningfully assist in his own defense, but in no way was justice served by this verdict.

If there was any justice left in the system, it would have been the Bush administration on trial for violating Padilla’s rights as an American citizen and as a human being. What really bothers me about the verdict though is that this will only embolden the White House to further abridge all our civil rights. They violated every rule of human decency and twisted the rule of law into a hideous contortion that bears no resemblence to our Founder’s vision of a fair judicial system. And they got away with it.

One might hope this travesty will be reversed on appeal, but since Padilla lives inside the wrong color skin, I’m not holding my breath waiting for that to happen.

Oh! The Travesty! Needless to say it’s my contention that the author of this tripe is some White guy who’d cross the street if he saw Padilla or anyone like him coming toward him. And just for once I’d like to see what rights of mine have been abridged by Bush? I own couple of guns, do what I want, when I want, how I want and the ATF or any government agency isn’t kicking in my door. I think I’m free, but since I’m the “wrong race” maybe some nice White liberal will explain things to me.

I guess the left is really letting us know what side of the war they’re on.

h/t Hot Air