Digital Maoism and the End of

I saw this story playing out in the wee-hours of the morning, when I should have been in bed. I didn’t post about it then, because I didn’t think it would turn into the end of Digg. To summarize for anyone who has not heard, yesterday someone posted an HD-DVD key number on Digg that would essentially allow users to bypass copyright protection safeguards. Digg owners, not wanting to be sued into the stone age, deleted the post and banned the user. Mayhem ensued.

Diggers, as the nerds who frequent Digg refer to themselves, began reposting the number along with rants about Digg “selling out to the man” and other immature nonsense. The Digg owners, rather than shutting down for a day or so to show the losers who spend hours of their lives hanging around that site that they need Digg more than Digg needs them, capitulated to the mobs demands and even re-posted the key on their blog!

A victory? Not a chance, Digg’s going to be on the hook for a MASSIVE copyright infringement lawsuit that the anonymous posters will wash their hands of. It’s the Digg owners who will lose all their money while the Diggers continue to be subsidized by their parents. Digg is going to be shut down now, one way or another.

But it isn’t just the mob at Digg to blame, the owners allowed the mob to develop because it made them money. Digg’s popularity did nothing to keep it from becoming a ghetto of racism ignorance and leftist propaganda, all used to attract large numbers of shut ins to their “people powered community” so that Digg could make money on AdSense and sell T-shirts. Digg created a community based on mob social dynamics, and like the architects of the French Revolution fell victim to the crowd. This is the end result of digital Maoism and Digg deserves what it gets.

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