Bat and Machete Wielding Gang Invade Australian School!

At least seventeen students were injured and one teacher was struck with a bat in the back of the head. The five assailants, aged 14-16, were arrested on scene and were not students at the school:

Sydney – Five teenagers armed with baseball bats and a machete were arrested Monday after a rampage through a Sydney high school.

A teacher was hit over the head with a bat and needed hospital treatment. Seventeen pupils received minor injuries in the roll-call incident that resulted in dozens of windows being smashed.

The five teenagers, aged 14-16, were not from the school.

Detective Inspector Jim Stewart said a motive for the attack had not been established but noted that ‘the information to us is they were coming here … seeking someone.’

Stewart said the assailants, who dropped their weapons and did not resist arrest when police arrived, are likely to face charges of assault, affray and malicious damage.

‘It beggars belief they would attempt this kind of activity against innocent students,’ Stewart said.

It does beggar belief to the outsider, but just a few years ago Sydney women were terrorized by a crew of Muslim gang rapists who acted with a surprising amount impunity. In context, with a criminal culture that flaunts the law as they do in Sydney, this sort of attack doesn’t seem particularly surprising.

The bat and machete wielding villains are said to have destroyed several classrooms, indicating that they in essence rampaged through the school unopposed until police came. Even in NYC such things would be unthinkable.

The Sydney Morning Herald is reporting this may have been a retaliation for some other attack, but details are sketchy. They do include information that one of the victims was a girl who was struck in the face by one of the assailants, hopefully with a bat as opposed to the machete, which adds a misogynistic detail to the attack that fits in well with the Muslim crime narrative that many view the rise in urban violence being a component of.

Though social and moral breakdown in general is equally to blame in my view. As evidence I present to you this story of a father and daughter deciding to have children together. Modern Liberalism in all it’s glory:

Mr Deaves admitted that he “initially” thought having sex with his daughter was wrong.

“Emotions take over. As people no doubt realize, there are times during your life where emotions do rule the heart, it rules the head,” he said.

“I knew it was illegal. Of course I knew it was illegal but you know, so what.

Ms Deaves said the physical relationship with her father was like “a sexual relationship with any other man”.

For Mr Deaves the sexual relationship was “absolutely fantastic”.

Australia is a society out of control, and people with no taste for morality cannot expect civilized behavior from their children.

Breitbart has a video report.