Ashton Kutcher Kicks off Liberal Fascism 2.0

In an essay written on the 5th grade level Ashton Kutcher, the embodiment of “beta” maledom, introduced his “Pledge” drive wherein he and a bunch of celebrities (and in some cases we use the term loosely) take what Micheal Goldfarb of The Weekly Standard aptly describes as a”creepy loyalty oath” to Obama.

Some of the goals they claim to now be dedicated to achieving, like ending modern day slavery and helping food banks (both of which I am already involved in) are laudable, or I should say they would be if these mincing cretin had cared to be involved before. Waiting for Barack Obama to be elected before you’ve ever donated to a food bank not only smacks of a weird cultishness, but it pretty much makes you a bad person.

For the record, the New York Food Bank is one of the most worthwhile charities you can give to, feeding literally hundreds of New Yorkers. You probably have a food bank or other programs in your area, but if you don’t consider helping them out. And you can do so without pledging to be a “servant” to Barack Obama as the people do in this video below. Watch the whole thing, it becomes progressively (no pun intended) more disturbing as it goes on:


After watching the video, and how easily supposed dissidents in the entertainment industry have slipped into their cultural jackboots, I understand why the left reacts so strongly to Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism. It’s like having the playbook of the opposing football team.

2 thoughts on “Ashton Kutcher Kicks off Liberal Fascism 2.0

  1. I pledge to keep informing people that Barack Obama refuses to acknowledge his little girls are the inspiration for spanking the monkey on pedo sites around the net, and that he has never made child sexual abuse and exploitation an issue or even a mention in all of his time as a politician and presidential candidate, even though his own little girls are the representation for “most beautiful little black GL girls in America”. You go, father of the year!!!

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