Richard Warman is well known in Canadian political circles as an “anti-racist” activist who uses Canada’s ill conceived Canadian Human Rights Act to attack political speech he doesn’t like. While he often targets White Nationalists I will put forward that this is a smoke screen from which this communist strikes at Conservatives and Liberals who he dislikes.
No person is safe from Inquisitor Warman, who has even brought charges against conspiracy mongering kook David Icke. But more telling of Warman’s lack of character is the way in which he is often purported to gather evidence for his trails. He joins Nazi sites under aliases and posts racist bile that he himself claims is illegal. Ignore the hypocrisy of him doing things which he then charges others with a crime for doing, but isn’t it odd how easily Warman fits in with the White Nationalists?
And by fit in I mean surpass them completely. Even White Nationalists has castigated Warman for his racist treatment of Black politicians, mainly because he used those groups as proxies to vomit forth his venom for conservative minorities like Anne Cools.
I bring up his comfort with White Nationalism and penchant for anti-Black racism to illustrate his lack of character. He’s no different than the murderous A.R.A. filth who he’s affiliated with. “Anti-Racist Action” is a collection of White anarchist who pretend to fight racism but are really just a gang, like the Bloods or Latin Kings, who are attempting to rid their turf of rival factions, i.e. skinheads.
They care little for hate crimes against Blacks and Jews, both of which are on the rise even in cosmopolitan New York City, but instead attack conservatives and jump the occasional skinhead who ventures into A.F.A territory.
Like the A.F.A Warman carries water for both radical leftists and radical Islamists, so his human rights complaint are often aimed at Jews and Conservatives who stand up for free speech and Western Civilization.
The Matthew Hopkins of Canada has now launched a new campaign against freedom of thought and conscience in a law suit that targets four of the biggest Canadian conservative blogs.
The Blogs are Ezra Levant, Five Feet of Fury, FreeDominion and Small Dead Animals. None of these sites are offensive, none are neo-Nazis and none deserve anything but the world’s respect and support.
No matter how you feel about censorship laws these blogs are being unfairly attacked and need help to defend themselves. Warman’s lawsuit is designed to bankrupt the individuals who run the blog, forcing them into poverty and silence. We cannot let that happen.
Each of the above blogs has PayPal or a similar service with which you can make donations. Spare anything you can to fight for every man and woman’s right to express themselves and their opinions.
Michelle Malkin has more.
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