The connection between former Nazi, known criminal and anti-crime victim advocate George Soros and OWS movement are well documented. Soros was interviewed by Newsweek where he tipped his hand as to what his upcoming plans for OWS will be:
In an interview with Newsweek writer John Arlidge, Soros reportedly said riots on the streets of American cities are inevitable.
“‘Yes, yes, yes,’ he says, almost gleefully,” when asked about the prospect of Occupy turning violent, writes Arlidge.
In the interview, Soros claimed the Occupy Wall Street movement “is an inchoate, leaderless manifestation of protest.”
However, WND has repeatedly documented the billionaire’s many ties to Occupy, including how the group’s reported nerve center is staffed by professional agitators deeply linked to organizations funded by Soros.
Those groups, most prominent among them being the Tides Center, have been involved with Occupy since the anti-Wall Street movement’s inception.
Tides functions as a money tunnel in which major leftist donors provide large sums that are channeled to hundreds of radical groups.
The Tides-funded Adbusters magazine is reported to have come up with the Occupy Wall Street idea after Arab Spring protests toppled governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. The Adbusters website serves as a central hub for Occupy’s planning.
Sounds like Soros sees this spring and summer as the perfect opportunity to overthrow the United States with an army of young, violent leftists. The Daily Beast article which WND is quoting from has some more interesting quotes, including this one:
If there is a glimmer of hope for the world in 2012, Soros believes it lies in emerging markets. The democratic-reform movement that has spread across the Middle East, the rise of democracy and economic growth in Africa, even reform in Russia may yet drag the world out of the mire. “While the developed world is in a deep crisis, the future for the developing world is very positive. The aspiration of people for an open society is very inspiring. You have people in Africa lining up for many hours when they are given an opportunity to vote. Dictators have been overthrown. It is very encouraging for freedom and growth.”
Since radical Islamists have taken over most of those countries it’s disturbing to see Soros claim that is the “freedom” and “growth” he’s hoping for.
The OWS crowd has been desecrating churches, attacking police in brick attacks and they have bailed out one of their own who was arrested for illegal carry. Are they now 2nd Amendment fans? Not so much, the person they bailed out is a violent wife beating degenerate. Just the kind of person you want on the streets if you’re planning “Arab Spring” style riots.
Get prepared for civil unrest, and I’m not just talking about the “battle rattle” survivalists like to waste money on. You aren’t going to be running around in your level III vest with an AR-15 when one of these riots break out. But a good leather jacket offers substantial protection against a Manson loving hippy’s knife attack and a little bear spray is a nice addition to your edc if you live near an OWS hub. A fog of powerful chemical deterrent will probably be more effective on the doped up OWS mob than a pistol.
And it’s just in the midst of when there’ll be a 2012 elections. I’m sure Occupy Wall Street would be the perfect pawns to fuel conspiracies of there being a possible national emergency that Obama will probably declare or not.
But given his lack of competence on anything, he’ll likely fail on that as well. Obama may well just be a fall guy for someone else whom may rule the real United Soviet Socialist States of America.
*fall guy I meant.