Category Archives: Unspeakable Cults
Surprise! Ron Paul Supporting GOP Official Distributes Pro-Jihadi Propaganda Films
A long post well worth your time on Republican Party Animals about the authors dealings with Los Angles County GOP official named Danielle “Dani” Rascon who is a avid Ron Paul cultist. The piece details a disturbing social network interaction where this woman makes several anti-Semitic and pro-Jihad statements but more importantly details her involvement in producing a Jihadi propaganda film called Rabia that paints a sympathetic portrait of a suicide bomber. She is apparently also a 9/11 truther and has a YouTube channel full of David Duke-esque anti-Semitism. And yes, she’s a pot smoker.
That channel also shows she has some level of involvement with the communist run Iraq Veterans Against the War.
The L.A. County GOP can be contacted here. Ask them why this cretin is representing them.
Wiccans a Little Too Desperate to Distance Themselves from “Wiccan” Murder Suspect Angela Sanford
And the Associated Press is doing their damnedest to help out. Wicca gets caught between a rock and a hard place in incidents like these. On the one hand, Wiccan theology claims a link between modern Wicca and some mythical religion that stretches back into prehistory, which leaves them being in the position of defending the practices of “ancient pagans” who as a matter of historical fact were known to sacrifice people. On the other hand Wiccans, who are predominantly urban liberals with little tolerance for The Old Ways (as their constant maligning of Voodoo and Santeria illustrates quite nicely) often feel the need to be accepted by mainstream (leftist) society which means they often embrace attitudes concerning magic, faith, and the universe that are at odds with any religious world view.
It doesn’t help that Wiccans were targeted during the Satanic Panic. Of course, they didn’t help their own cause by embracing Gavin and Yvonne Frost, two Wiccans who promoted ritual child sexual abuse in their early writings. However, the targeting of Wiccans in the 80s and 90s, and the subsequent reemergence of conspiracy theories often involving Satanism on some level (like 9/11 “Truth”) amongst the left, means mainstream Wiccans are harder pressed to ensure that their ideological fellow travelers understand that they have nothing to do with anything that could be construed as “Satanism” or supportive of ritual crime.
Which leads us to the story at at hand. 3o-year-old Angela Sanford of New Mexico stabbed 52-year-old Joel Leyba to death in the desert last month, during the Spring Sabbat. She claims he tried to rape her, but cops say the evidence doesn’t fit her story, especially after looking at her phone where they found Leyba’s contact information.
She nicknamed him “Sacrifice” on that contact list:
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A self-described Wiccan had a man’s phone number programmed in her cell phone under the word “sacrifice” before she stabbed him to death, then claimed he had tried to rape her, authorities said Thursday.
Angela Sanford, 30, is accused of killing 52-year-old Joel Leyba last month with a dagger after inviting him to join her in a Wiccan celebration of spring near a popular hiking trail east of Albuquerque.
She told police she stabbed Leyba three times in the stomach after he tied her up and tried to assault her.
But police say Leyba was stabbed 11 to 13 times, and a detective reviewing Sanford’s cell phone found the nickname “sacrifice” instead of Leyba’s name.
“It makes us absolutely confident there was something more here than her claims of self-defense,” said Patrick Davis, a spokesman for the Bernalillo County district attorney’s office.
Sanford was indicted Wednesday by a Bernalillo County grand jury. Her bond has been set at $500,000.
Now here’s where the A.P. tries a little too hard to help the Wiccans clean up this mess:
Wicca is an earth-based religion, derived from pre-Christian religions and magical practices, that promotes a peaceful and balanced lifestyle. The Wiccan spring celebration normally is held at the end of April.
Members of Wiccan groups in Albuquerque have said they do not know Sanford.
Yeah, that’s actually one of the better descriptions of Wicca I’ve seen. It splits the difference between their claims of ancient wisdom and the reality of Gerald Gardner creating the first Wiccan covens in the 20th century, but Wiccans, Pagans, and others will see a problem with this statement. The Wiccan “spring celebration” is the Vernal Equinox (or Ostara) and happens around March 21st. Beltane happens May 1st in most traditions. An odd mistake, no? But a convenient one designed to make it look like Angela Sanford had no idea what she’s talking about it seems.
This article from the reliably leftist True Crime Report was filed on Wednesday, March 24th and claims the murder happened that previous Monday. That would place the murder on … the Vernal Equinox. Some reports are also claiming that the man was stabbed 13 times, but I’ve also seen the police quoted as saying “between 11-13” so that might be just seasoning on an already juicy story. But the Wiccan claim that Ostara and Beltane are one only undermines the Wiccan cause, and shows how far modern Wicca has fallen from the time when it was a vibrant tradition of people interested in searching for truth by reclaiming their pagan past. Now it’s a P.R. firm for teenagers who want to wear pentagrams; a group of people who spend more time explaining away Witchcraft than actually practicing it.
As for the wider Wiccan community not knowing her, this is meaningless. Most Wiccans are active online and only the gods know what sort of people she was associating with there. Her MySpace has been deleted, and of course there are now people claiming that her page was covered in Biblical quotes, but my sources say that her religion was listed as Wiccan and that the majority of the page was covered in vampire and Wiccan images and thoughts. If anything, she sounds like she came across older Witchcraft material like Paul Huson’s (excellent) Mastering Witchcraft, which doesn’t shy away from Judeo-Christian magical practices and their influence on Witchcraft.
Now before you even start Wiccans, I am not saying Wicca performs human sacrifices; it does not. But Wicca has a very loose theology including the belief all gods and goddesses are in actuality the one god and goddess. Combined with very lax standards (necessarily so, to be fair) for who gets to be called a Wiccan and a thriving online community that includes quite a bit of role playing it is to Wicca’s credit that more crimes aren’t committed in its name.
Instead, Wiccans tend to be victims of crime. Not from the modern day inquisition that populates the Wiccan mythical landscape, but by unscrupulous grifters who see the Wiccan community as priming people for financial and sometimes sexual exploitation. It’s no coincidence that PaganSpace and other online gathering spots for Wiccans attract “Gorians” and other men interested in sado-masochism, or child molesters. Wicca has done a piss poor job policing itself, mainly because to do so removes the hippyish charm of being part of an “earth centered” religion, and many young Wiccans pay the price for that lack of resolve.
But as I said in the comments of this The Wild Hunt report, Wicca does bear some responsibility. It is the dearth of occult knowledge, replaced with fantasy convention, mixed in with the faithless view of Wicca as a club rather than religion which convinces people like Sanford to adopt the mantle of Wiccan when they are in fact something else entirely:
The fast and loose “anybody who claims to be a Wiccan is one” mentality strikes again. Mass marketing nonsense as religion attracts people for whom Wicca can mean almost anything and no one challenges them on it. From what I’ve read of her she was an online ‘Wiccan” who seemed to blend PaganSpace style posturing with an image of Wicca that comes directly from supernatural romance.
Maybe Wiccans should spend less time telling people what they aren’t and more time thinking about who they are. Maybe embracing Wicca as a sub-culture rather than a faith means you attract people who don’t share your values. Maybe a general nod to New Age pabulum disguised as moral guidance isn’t sufficient to keep the Wiccan who converted while high after watching Charmed and getting her information from a teenager calling himself Silvermist Thunder DragonWolfe from acting out the fantasy she thinks Wicca is in the real world.
Ironically, I was just talking to another ex-Wiccan, born again Witch about this new trend we’ve seen of Wiccans claiming that Witchcraft and magic “are metaphors” or whatever. I told her know self-proclaimed Wiccan had the guts to practice good, old fashioned Witchcraft. I almost though I was going to be eating my words until I read up on the story and saw that she was just a paranoid weirdo (funny how they pop up in Wiccan circles) who probably thought she was killing a demon or something.
This was good coverage though, Jason. Although I’d point out that the Matamoras murders by Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo were technically done as a form of Witchcraft (a blend of Palo Mayombe which is considered Witchcraft and Gothic Satanism for lack of a better term) and there have been cases of Sante Muerte cultists sacrificing people but there is not of course a neo-Pagan element in either.
But couldn’t a person who has only read mass market books about eclectic Wicca have cobbled together a practice where human sacrifices were used? If Anglela Sanford used Meso-American gods as stand ins for the Wiccan God and Goddess (she is in their old stomping ground) it’s possible, no?
As I allude to above, Sanford likely cobbled together a practice of worship influenced by Reconquista groups active in the area as well as less than credible online sources. Two gang members in Mexico were caught burning the heads of victims in front of an altar to Sante Muerte, who many practitioners consider the reemerged goddess MICTECACIHUATL otherwise known as The Lady of the Land of the Dead. It is interesting to consider that in this aspect she is seen as a goddess of rebirth and regeneration, which is what pagans celebrate during the equinox.
I don’t know if Angela Sanford is guilty or if, as she claims, she simply was in a bad situation. Unlike many modern Wiccans I would be open to the metaphysical possibilities – her gods conspired to receive this sacrifice – were it not for the evidence on her phone. Given the location of this crime and the admittedly scant details I will call this one as the work of an amoral dabbler who placed power and its achievement over any moral code she had. It’s too bad Wicca doesn’t attempt to provide one anymore. Instead they have attempted to actually rearrange their sacred calendar to appease the very Christians they claim to oppose. This is a desperate attempt to maintain their image at any cost, including their integrity.
As a postscript to this I should say I have been somewhat surprised in the last few months to be contacted by quite a few Wiccans who were on the right, more “orthodox,” or otherwise find themselves on the outside looking in at modern Wicca. Like me they shared the view of Wicca losing its footing, either being too political or too much of a non-magical tradition. I am saddened by their plight, but cases like this (and mainstream Wicca’s reaction to it) proves that they are needed more than ever to help restore Wicca before it’s too late.
h/t Dreamin’ Demon. The Wild Hunt has extensive coverage of this case.
Deepak Chopra is Either Insane or Evil
If Wicca has become the bush leagues of the occult, as I often maintain, then the slow pitch soft ball league has got to be the sad and silly New Age industry embodied by scumbag grifter Deepak Chopra. This little niche occupied by Chopra, and several other authors who should be absolutely ashamed of themselves, services the aging trophy wives and bored baby boomers who make up significant portions of sub-urban hipsterdom. What they sell is easy to attain “enlightenment” which one receives by reading some overpriced books, attending some expensive workshops and learning to regurgitate platitudes no one really understands. And when you don’t these 50+ year-old Yentas shake their head sadly and tell you to read the next book on Oprah’s book club list.
This version of the New Age is worse than role-playing because the people involved don’t know that this is a fraud. I have little sympathy for people too stupid to realize enlightenment can’t be purchased from some cretin who pimps his books on MSNBC but I do think selling spirituality the way Chopra does is disgusting. He charges people money to tell them what they want to hear (like the hooker he is) which in turn keeps these idiots from growing spiritually. He makes a living helping stunted people devolve into the douches you see lecturing people about genetically modified foods at organic groceries and who will tell you cancer is brought on by the cancer victim’s “bad karma.” And yes, I have witnessed both these things.
And to prove he is indeed a slug I bring you, via Gateway Pundit, his take of the recent earthquake which killed several people. From his Twitter account:
“Had a powerful meditation just now — caused an earthquake in Southern California”
I’m sorry? People just died in an earthquake and you’re trying to take credit for it Deepak? That’s just evil.
According to AOL News Chopra explained himself thusly:
And then, to clarify: “Was meditating on Shiva mantra & earth began to shake,†he tweeted. “Sorry about that.â€
Really? People died in a disaster, people lost their homes and businesses and you take credit for the disaster and throw out a “sorry” even as people are burying their loved ones?
Look, we all know Deepak Chopra not only can’t cause an earthquake, but he probably doesn’t even really meditate on a regular basis. Like the con artist he is he sought to impress his followers with his supposedly supernatural abilities, but all he ended up doing was exposing how self-involved he is.
Using a disaster to pimp your get enlightened quick business is wrong, doing so when people die in it is evil. If Deepak Chopra really believed he caused this earthquake accidentally, that the earth responds to him alone and his very stray thoughts moves mountains, he’s insane. It’s one or the other.
But Chopra fans will say he really did cause the earth to move with his meditation. Then he murdered several people if you’re correct. If that’s the case he is evil, especially since his reaction is not to give a crap about the people who died.
No matter how you slice this one there is only one conclusion to draw, Deepak Chopra is either insane, evil or both. Stop buying his books and grow up.
I Suppose Rachel Maddow Will Blame Ugandan Child Sacrifices on Christians as Well
Looks like those Christianist Ugandan puppets of the Christian right are at it again:
JINJA, Uganda — Caroline Aya was playing in front of her house in January when a neighbor put a cloth over her mouth and fled with her.
A couple of days later, the 8-year-old’s body was found a short walk away — with her tongue cut out. Police believe she was offered up as a human sacrifice in a ritual killing, thought to bring wealth or health.
“If it is a sickness you try to treat it, and if they die that is one thing,” said Caroline’s father, Balluonzima Christ. “But when you slaughter a person like a goat, that is not easy.”
The practice of human sacrifice is on the rise in Uganda, as measured by ritual killings where body parts, often facial features or genitals, are cut off for use in ceremonies. The number of people killed in ritual murders last year rose to a new high of at least 15 children and 14 adults, up from just three cases in 2007, according to police. The informal count is much higher — 154 suspects were arrested last year and 50 taken to court over ritual killings.
Children in particular are common victims, according to a U.S. State Department report released this month. The U.S. spent $500,000 to train 2,000 Ugandan police last year to investigate offences related to human trafficking, including ritual killings.
The problem is bad enough that last year the police established an Anti-Human Sacrifice Taskforce. Posters on police station walls show a sinister stranger luring two young girls into a car below bold letters that call on parents to “Prevent Child Sacrifice.”
Human sacrifices have been recorded throughout history and occur still in many countries, including India, Indonesia, South Africa, Gabon and Tanzania. One traditional healer in Uganda, when asked about the phenomenon, pointed to the story told in the Bible’s book of Genesis, when God asked Abraham to sacrifice a son.
Hear that Rachel? Maybe you can pin this on Christianity anyway! I mean if you ignore the fact that according to Christian myth God stopped Abraham from actually sacrificing his son (it was a test of faith) and then declared human sacrifice evil. Granted, I’m not a Christian and haven’t been to a church outside of weddings or funerals in decades but I don’t remember any Christians I know promoting human sacrifice.
The truth of the matter is that this is a darker magic, the kind you run into when you have a thriving community of practitioners competing for clients. Some of those clients are going to be criminals, as will some of the practitioners. Mexico has had a spate of human sacrifices by those in service to drug gangs. Uganda is no different, a market place full of healers, witch doctors, priests and priestesses of almost forgotten gods and the petty sorcerers who fill the gaps between.
It is an oft ignored fact that even here in America the conscientious practitioner of what is known as the occult is in constant battle, philosophically, metaphysically and sometimes even physically, with the people less scrupulous in their practice. Witchcraft, real witchcraft (not the live action role playing game much of American neo-Paganism has devolved into), is a messy business full of desperate people looking for easy fixes to their problems from people whose esoteric knowledge promises little reward aside from experience of the numinous. The money is there however; botanicas in NYC are full of protection oils with homemade labels picturing guns and knives sold to people who live in bad neighborhoods, instructions for rituals designed to hide you from creditors, and spells to make judges look favorably on you.
In Uganda the scene is assuredly similar. That great Fraternity of Night has membership standards that are, shall we say, loose? The petty wizard need only have the curious nature that drives him to seek out various recipes and formulae, and unlike the simple folklorist a desire to put them into practice. There’s no overarching morality to the practice of Witchcraft aside from the acquisition of power and the preservation of ancient knowledge. In places like America where most people share a set of Enlightenment values and most people (myself included) happen to believe in gods that extol goodness and condemn wickedness, the depravity of human sacrifice is rare and likely to incur the wrath of more than just the secular authorities. In Uganda this may not necessarily be the case:
The sacrifices are also linked to a deep belief in traditional healers, or witch doctors, who can be found practically every half mile in Uganda.
At the end of a winding dirt road on the edge of Kampala, Uganda’s capital, barefoot children scurry past a sign advertising the abilities of Musa Nsimbe, who goes by the trade name Professor Gabogola. The sign in front of his small wood hut reads like a panacea for the world’s woes.
“A traditional healer with powers over spirits. Solves all cases, demons, thieves, tooth decay, madness fevers, appelipse, genital affairs.”
Sunlight streams in like tiny laser beams through holes in the metal roof of Nsimbe’s shrine. Smoke fills the air. Furry hides cover the floor. Animal horns are arrayed before Nsimbe, who chants, hums, murmurs, shakes and bangs his head against the wall in a furious calling of the spirits.
The 38-year-old Nsimbe — a father of 14 children with two women — says it’s possible that some witch doctors carry out ritual sacrifices, but that he does not.
Another traditional healer, 60-year-old Livingstone Kiggo, said sacrifice is part of the healer’s tool kit — sacrificing a goat, sheep or chicken is considered a call to the spirits, to people’s ancestors. But killing humans is not part of the practice, said Kiggo.
He blamed sacrificial deaths on people who “want to destroy the work of traditional healers.”
“Those are killers. They are not healers. They are killers,” said Kiggo.
In 2008, Kiggo said a man approached him offering to sell a child. He went to the police, who set up a sting operation and snared a man trying to sell his nephew for $2,000. Police and advocates point to several cases where impoverished parents or relatives have tried to sell children to witch doctors for money.
Some Brujos will no doubt have sympathy for Livingstone Kiggo, fighting the good fight against some unscrupulous competitor so depraved that he or she sells the blackest magics, the vilest evil imaginable. Worse for Kiggo is that no matter how his conflict with the others turns out he and the healers are indelibly tainted in the public mind by the works of the perfidious. This is ever the curse of the Magician.
But how is this war of Witches even possible if Uganda is basically controlled by some Evangelical conspiracy as Rachel Maddow proclaims? How is it that Maddow and company explain how practitioners line the streets of Uganda even as The Family secretly controls the country?
The Maddows of the world live in comfortable obliviousness to the true horrors that stalk the world they just barely live in. For Rachel Maddow, and the sheltered and stunted fan base that hangs on her every word, a group of Evangelical hippies can seem to cast a shadow darker than anything they have ever experienced, but that is because they have never truly experienced shadows. In their post-modern cloisters they imagine a world where the root of all evil is not in those who would dismember a child to cure a disease, but in people for whom they have a personal dislike. They don’t like right leaning people in general, right leaning Christians in particular, so they become The Enemy. It’s a comfortable war they wage, against an enemy who won’t harm them. In the meantime there are people in this world so evil that they will castrate young boys to make philters from the severed part.
I’m not a Christian myself but it sounds like Uganda could use the influence of Evangelicals, or at least Uganda’s children could.