Not a shock I know but on occasion people like to ask me why I am as disdainful as I am of liberals. Mike Malloy is only one man true – but he is one of the higher rated liberal talk show hosts out there and a favorite of the left. When your liberal friends start yapping about how they listen to “smart” people this is what they’re talking about.
At this point the death toll is around 36. Malloy is amused by their deaths and the pain of the families of the dead. Worse, thousands of your fellow Americans laughed through that bit.
Do you really think that America won’t devolve into civil war with people like this forming opinions for the left?
I use both the Absolute Zero United blog and Evil Unveiled as sources for some of my sex crime related writings, especially the warnings we’ve issued about local active pedophiles. The group got some positive news media coverage recently KETV:
OMAHA, Neb. — A grassroots effort across the country is tracking down dangerous pedophiles and tipping off police. The group contributed to the recent arrest of an Iowa man.
Last month, Kevin Morrissey led law enforcement on a chase from Blair to Fremont. At the end of the pursuit, Morrissey tried to kill himself while parked in front of the Fremont Area Medical Center.
The Iowa native had an outstanding warrant in Washington state. He was caught possessing child pornography.
It turns out that Morrissey is a pedophile activist, according to law enforcement agencies. They weren’t alone in trying to locate him; a group of volunteers had tracked Morrissey’s every move online for years.
The group also tipped off Omaha police about Jonathan Johnson, who was convicted of sexually molesting children in 2008.
KETV NewsWatch 7’s Ryan Luby and KETV photojournalist Dave Hynek traveled to Nashville, Tenn., to talk with a woman who heads up the website called The identity of the woman, who we will call Veronica, can’t be revealed. She has been the target of death threats and fears for her safety.
Veronica spends every day online, up to 10 hours or more, pretending she’s a pedophile.
“We wanted to unveil the evil that’s on the Internet,” she said. “They’re like cockroaches. They’re everywhere.”
Veronica searches for people who are not necessarily convicted sex offenders, but who are attracted to children.
“The problem with pedophile websites that we monitor is that they don’t think there’s anything wrong with sexually pursuing a child,” she said. “They encourage each other. They embolden each other.”
Veronica and her team of six volunteers, who live around the world, are Internet watchdogs. They track, download and store every comment posted to sites that cater to pedophile activists. Those activists think pedophilia is OK and want to make their fantasies legal.
“They would actually like to change legislation,” said Veronica. “They would like to lower the age of consent. They would like to make it so that children have more rights, to have sex with older people.”
The comments and websites themselves are protected by freedom of speech and the first amendment. That’s where Veronica and her team step in.
“We basically are chameleons,” she said.
The group takes the comments, which are accessible to the public, and reposts them on their own website. They develop profiles for each anonymous screen name. They track and eventually identify who the person really is.
“For some, it’s easy. As they post something, they post an email with it. You Google it, you plug it into MySpace or Facebook and there they are, boom, they’re identified in five minutes,” Veronica said.
The report goes on to talk about the role the group played in arresting John Johnson, who was not actively molesting children and talking about it online.
The people at AZU who also run Evil Unveiled are good people who regularly are threatened and harrassed by the scumbag perverts they find online and worse the wives and girlfriends of said perverts. You can see some of those guttersluts in the comments section complaining about how evil AZU is for getting child molesters arrested. Go ahead and read through the comments if you haven’t eaten.
Evil Unveiled has a forum up where you can join and help out the cause. Please consider taking time to help in the fight to keep children safe.
Conservatives are often frustrated by the radical green movement and our inability to bridge the ideological divide between us on issues where we would share common ground. We all want to stop toxic waste dumping, conserve our habitat, and protect ecosystems. On many issues where the green movement and conservatives would naturally align, such as stopping invasive species like pythons in the Everglades or the much dreaded”pig bomb,” conservatives are often shocked to find the green movement working against initiatives to halt the spread of these environmentally dangerous species that in many cases also present a danger to humans.
This is a conceit, however. The environmental and animal rights movements are no more about sustainable living than the Democratic Party is about free markets and a strong national defense. Environmentalism is a cult whose theology is based on anti-humanism. It recruits from the dregs of society by promising the cultists revenge on the society and world they think has wronged them. You need no more evidence of this than PETA’s newest ad which promotes veganism by using images of the aftermath of violent sex. Violent sex that injures women, the ad supposes, is a benefit of men going vegan.
But the PETA ad is just a more flamboyant example of how these people think of the rest of us humans. The sexual dysfunction of whoever wrote this ad is not unique to PETA. Recently it came to light that one of Greenpeace’s newest “heroes” is a tier 3 sex offender who to this day claims his victims–two girls between the ages of 13 and 15–were asking for it. Meet George John Bolenbaugh III aka John Bolenbaugh. Greenpeace has been highlighting this “activist” for his tireless campaign which claims an oil company he worked for (and was fired from?) is killing people. This despite the fact he’s a predatory child molester who had sex with two girls, who were between the ages of 13 and 15, when he was in his late 20s.
Defendant sought to introduce evidence that one of the complainants had herpes, arguing that her active case of herpes was relevant to a possible motive for accusing defendant of criminal sexual conduct. [*3] He contended that the evidence was relevant to the complainant’s bias and credibility. We agree with the trial court that the evidence was irrelevant and that, even if relevant, any probative value of the evidence was substantially outweighed by the risks of unfair prejudice.
Nice guy right? Just the kind of person you’d want representing you and your cause–if you were running a depraved cult of nihilistic degenerates. But it gets worse. Bolenbaugh is unrepentant for his crimes and his fellow “greens” are defending not only his activism but his criminality. Bolenbaugh and friends have launched a campaign on YouTube to attack the people exposing this information and here’s a little nugget one of his supporters dropped into the conversation:
@Hellfireblogs This guy is not a predator!!! You are! The guy done his time,leave him alone! I’ve been lied to and found out later she was younger than she claimed. Luckily I did no time and I shouldn’t have. The girl is now a great mother, successful business owner and one of my best friends. No permanent damage! I’m not saying it was right but I surely didn’t deserve prison and this guy has done his time and is registered and it was 12 years ago.Leave him Alone!!!
Full disclosure: I’m the Hellfireblogs he or she is responding to. But did you catch that? This person is saying he too “was fooled” by these evil teen girls seeking to entrap men in their late 20s. Sound like good people fighting for a cause to you?
What’s also interesting is that this particular YouTuber is a 9/11 truther with a channel devoted to anti-American conspiracy theories. He or she seems especially concerned by mythical “Illuminati” and “Satanic” child abuse. Yet, they are not at all concerned by real predation and exploitation of teens. Almost like, you know, a cult.
Bolenbaugh himself is all over YouTube and other sites claiming that I work for this oil company, that he did nothing wrong (even though he had sex with two children), and the that the “real” criminals are this company. He’s fighting the good fight, so to speak.
Of course we all know that’s bunk. Bolenbaugh is using the cover of environmentalism to lash out at the world he’s angry at for treating him in what he thinks is an unfair way. He’s also no doubt linking up with a movement where he will come into contact with young girls, and his videography is especially disturbing considering his history when you see how much time he spends with children and families.
This isn’t a one-off. The PETA ad depicts the violent degradation of women as a part of their lifestyle and worse, depicts women as wanting to be hurt during sex. Greenpeace is using an unrepentant child molester who blames his victims for his crimes as a spokesman for their cause. There is a pattern here that can only be understood by looking at the underlying anti-human theology of these groups.
There is an impulse among conservatives to embrace the idea that these groups are full of people who are not evil, just wrong. We can no longer afford to perpetuate this myth. The radical green movement will not save the environment because that is not what it’s designed to do. It is a movement designed to give people like Bolenbaugh a platform from which to lash out at the rest of us and marginalizing this moral insanity is the only way a sane, rational conservation movement in this country can ever arise.
Police now this was an organized effort because they had their plans to take over the property of an elderly couple written down. When people try to tell you Occupy isn’t full of drug using douchebags with an inflated sense of entitlement use this video illustrate the point. From KATU:
Invariably people will side with the thieves. Again, evidence that the Occupy movement is about people not respecting the rights of others and desiring to take their property and wealth. If you have a house on the market be careful.
Six years ago a group of “Indigenous” Canadians, led by White communists and anarchists, assaulted and occupied land in Caledonia section of Ontario, Canada. Using the supposed breaking of a treaty as a pretext (and no real consensus has ever been reached on that point) “Native” protesters – and by “Native” we are also talking about a contingent of Ward Churchill style Indians – began a campaign of extortion, harassment and violence against White, Black and Asian Canadians. The violence was so bad many of the residents of Caledonia were not only hospitalized but permanently disabled by beatings administered by protesters. Residents of Caledonia had their homes and property stolen and re-distributed by the “protesters” and there have been several murders associated with the protesters.
In other words it’s a lot like what Occupy Wall Street wants to become. This report has a comprehensive list of the atrocities committed by these anarchists complete with pictures of the damage.
The police have arrested eight people recently in the area – for protesting the violence. The charges were dropped and the group is planning another protest. Micheal Coren interviews one in this clip. I post this because the Caledonia occupation is a template radicals use to plan their attacks. Occupy Wall Street is already using this playbook so it is instructive to see the damage these tactics can cause over time: