The New Black Panther Party held a conference call to plan their “day of action” for “justice” for Trayvon Martin. Brietbart has a recording of their audio call where they openly call for violence nation wide. Via The Blaze this transcription of some of the rantings of Michelle Williams, the Tampa area NBPP chief of staff, exposes what sort of activism they are looking for:
“I say to everyone that is on this call right now, I‘m comin’ out of the gate…my prize right now this evening is going to be the bounty, the arrest– dead or alive– for George Zimmerman. You feel me? To every brother, to every female, I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the American black man’s problem just to avoid violence. You feel me? It’s time to wake up, I don’t know how else…It’s in me to fight. It’s in me to raise up soldiers. It’s in me that every time my feet touch the ground the state of Florida- these crackers- they scared.
“I’m kinda pissed off right now that the state of Florida ain’t on fire. This could not have happened in L.A. because them brothers up there are not scared to riot. This could not have happened in St. Petersburg Florida, where the black man over there are ain’t scared to kill a cracker.”
The New Black Panter party has a large national presences with membership estimated in the thousands and have chapters in Europe, most notably France. In this respect they operate very similarly to 1%er motorcycle gangs like the Hell’s Angels, thus we can assume that national leadership here exerts influence over chapters worldwide.
They are also allied with radical Muslim groups like Hezbollah and openly support Al-Qaeda. So this sort of “community organizing” could easily lead to violence. National spokesman Chaun Kweli made this dire warning to listeners:
An act of war has been declared on us and we have no choice but to fight…[But] we have to be trained how to fight. See the whole purpose of the maneuver that’s happening in Sanford is to train in self-defense, because many of us think we’re prepared for a battle- just like many of us think we’re prepared for a fight- but if you are not training, if you are not stocking up water, if you are not stocking up food, if you are not stocking up weapons and artillery and survival books, and gas masks, and flashlights, and cantines, and ready-to-eat meals…if you are not stocking that up I don’t know how serious we are right now.
They’re socking up on food, water and weapons – are you? Here’s the recording.
Be careful out there.