Surprise! Lefty Hero Scott Ritter a Filthy Pervert

Scott Ritter is a Filthy Pervert

Former United Nations weapons inspector Scott Ritter is a hero to the left for his constant Bush bashing and anti-war activism. He was also a critic of Bill Clinton who he claimed was too soft on Iraq in the 90s. These positions may seem odd until you realize that they are pretty much in line with the positions of communist groups like Worker’s World Party who use all American actions, hard or soft, to attack our supposed imperialism. For all his speaking “truth to power” Ritter has become a hero to the left who fiercely defends his long history of sexual perversion.

But now Ritter has been caught again propositioning teens online:

A former chief United Nations weapons inspector is accused of contacting what he thought was a 15-year-old girl in an Internet chat room, engaging in a sexual conversation and showing himself masturbating on a Web camera.

Scott Ritter of Delmar, N.Y., who served as chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991-98 and who was an outspoken critic of the second Bush administration in the run-up to the war in Iraq, is accused of contacting what turned out to be a Barrett Township police officer posing undercover as a teen girl.

The details are in this online affidavit of probable cause. But here’s a summary:

Officer Ryan Venneman was posing as 15-year-old “Emily” in an online chat room when he was contacted by someone using the name “Delmarm4fun.” This person, later identified as Ritter, told “Emily” he was a 44-year-old male from Albany, N.Y.

“Emily” told Ritter she was a 15-year-old girl from the Poconos, at which point Ritter asked for a picture other than the one “Emily” had posted on her account. Ritter then sent her a link to his Web camera and began to masturbate on camera.

“Emily” asked Ritter for his cell phone number, which he provided.

Ritter again asked “Emily” how old she was. Told she was 15, Ritter said he didn’t realize she was 15 and turned off his webcam, saying he didn’t want to get in trouble.

Ritter told “Emily” he had been fantasizing about having sex with her, to which she replied: “Guess you turned it off …”

Ritter then said: “You want to see it finish,” reactivated his

webcam and continued masturbating and ejaculated on camera.

The online conversation occurred in February 2009, but the investigation lasted until November, when Ritter was charged, because police had to undergo the lengthy process of obtaining court orders to get Ritter’s cell phone and computer information.

And this is the man the left trusted as a source of information? Of course, Ritter’s  history of preying on children goes back almost ten years:

This is not the first time Ritter has been in such trouble.

According to reports, Ritter was charged in a June 2001 Internet sex sting in New York, but that case was dismissed.

He had been charged with attempted child endangerment after arranging in an online chatroom to meet what he thought was a 16-year-old girl at a Burger King restaurant. The girl turned out to be an undercover policewoman.

Ritter said the criminal charge was a smear campaign in response to his criticizing U.S. policy in the Middle East.

The New York Post reported Ritter had been caught in a similar case involving a 14-year-old girl in April 2001, but that he was not charged.

Ritter’s been known to pal around with the A.N.S.W.E.R./World Can’t Wait/Democracy Now! crowd which as I have pointed out before have a history of using the Internet to lure, I mean recruit, teens to join their public protests. Since the groups are lousy with perverts like Ritter this is a bad idea. It’s also interesting that Ritter joined up with these groups when they first began pushing to recruit teens.

This is the kind of Youth Liberation liberalism I’ve spoken about in action. Parents, liberal or not, need to be cautious about what kind of political groups they allow their kids to affiliate with.

h/t News Real Blog

Democrats and United Nations Preparing for Gun Grab

From my cold dead hands alert. With Democrats rushing through their agenda in anticipation of losing their super majority they may not be able to wait to enact the gun control agenda their leftist supporters want until after the mid-term and 2012 elections, which was the strategy many people felt they were going to use. Back in October Gun Owners of America pointed out that the vague language in the health care bill could be used to get gun control measures enacted without debate:

It is nearly certain that coverage prescribed by the administration will, to control costs, exclude coverage for what it regards as excessively dangerous activities.  And, given Sebelius’ well-established antipathy to the Second Amendment — she vetoed concealed carry legislation as governor of Kansas — we presume she will define these dangerous activities to include hunting and self-defense using a firearm.  It is even possible that the Obama-prescribed policy could preclude reimbursement of any kind in a household which keeps a loaded firearm for self-defense.

The ObamaCare bill already contains language that will punish Americans who engage in unhealthy behavior by allowing insurers to charge them higher insurance premiums.  (What constitutes an unhealthy lifestyle is, of course, to be defined by legislators.)  Don’t be surprised if an anti-gun nut like Sebelius uses this line of thinking to impose ObamaCare policies which result in a back-door gun ban on any American who owns “dangerous” firearms.

After all, insurers already (and routinely) drop homeowners from their policies for owning certain types of guns or for refusing to use trigger locks (that is, for keeping their guns ready for self-defense!).  While not all insurers practice this anti-gun behavior, Gun Owners of America has documented that some do — Prudential and State Farm being two of the most well-known.

The good news is that because homeowner insurance is private (and is still subject to the free market) you can go to another company if one drops you.  But what are you going to do under nationalized ObamaCare when the regulations written by Secretary Sebelius suspend the applicability of your government-mandated policy because of your gun ownership?

All of this is in addition to something that GOA has been warning you about for several months … the certainty that minimum acceptable policies will dump your gun information into a federal database … a certainty that is reinforced by language in the summary providing for a study to “encourage increased meaningful use of electronic health records.”

Remember, the federal government has already denied more than 150,000 military veterans the right to own guns, without their being convicted of a crime or receiving any due process of law.  They were denied because of medical information (such as PTSD) that the FBI later determined disqualified these veterans to own guns.

Barring that, the far left has already set an international gun grab in motion at the United Nations which will directly threaten your Second Amendment rights. Put aside ten minutes for this video, you’ll be glad you did:

Like I said, this is a from my cold dead hands alert because this is the line America cannot cross. Join the N.R.A. or G.O.A. now before your only option is to join a disarmed public completely at the mercy of government paramilitaries.

A Website Scorned: World Net Daily Takes on Glenn Beck in Defense of Birtherism

I have to admit that W.N.D. is one of those sites I began reading when I was first involved in political blogging, then slowly began distancing myself from as they tend to make that perfect circle the “old right” makes when they lean so far to what they perceive as the right that the end up on the far left. Their support for conspiracy theories of various stripes didn’t help their credibility with me.

Conspiracy theories are almost always scams. The North American Union, 9/11 “Truth” and now Obama’s citizenship are all carny style schemes designed to get you to buy books and frequent websites or forums which run ad programs where companies bid to get their ads on your site based on traffic. The rise of the Satanic Ritual Abuse movement, what we now refer to as the Satanic Panic, was one such scheme largely pushed (even to this day) by people like Ted Gunderson who make a living spreading nonsense around. The W.N.D. version of Ted Gunderson is Jerome Corsi, a 9/11 truther who is at the center of the Birther movement. He also has gone on record claiming President Bush allowed 9/11 to happen to set the stage for the formation of the North American Union and that oil comes not from decomposing organic matter but from abiotic processing, which is a fancy way of saying oil just appears out of the earth.

Unsurprisingly, Corsi has written several books which sell very well among the fringe. The Late Great U.S.A. and America for Sale are both lurid accounts of the conspiracy against America by “them” and Black Gold Strangle Hold makes the case that the oil companies, every world government, and the scientific community all are hiding the fact that oil is not at all scarce. Vapid irrationality to be sure, but lucrative in the extreme for Corsi. And those who sell his books.

The problem, of course, isn’t whether Corsi is making a little cash, as I don’t begrudge any American their right to run a snake oil shop, but it’s in how Corsi’s conspiracy mongering is allowed to reflect on the right by supposedly serious people taking him seriously. Aside from the obvious, I dislike conspiracy theories for two reasons. The first is as we have seen during the Satanic Panic, these theories can have very real consequences for innocent people caught up in the fantasy world of the conspiracist. The second, however, is that it distracts from real conspiracies. The progressive agenda is a conspiracy, not one plotted in shadows by secret societies but simply an alliance of leftists all working to steer this country into a European cultural and political model. We know this because we can go to sites like Media Matters and see it for ourselves.

While people waste time trying to find the secret N.A.U. treaty written by the Illuminati, the Obama administration openly cedes our interest to the United Nations. While people buy Corsi’s book on how oil is really as plentiful as the air we breath, China is drilling for the last remaining oil off our coasts while progressive groups block us from adding that precious resource to our own reserves. While idiots seek “the truth” about 9/11, a Jihadist movement is sweeping the globe and overrunning Europe with its eye on America next. There are real enemies to face, real conspiracies to unravel. Corsi and his ilk waste our time in an old right version of the live action Vampire: The Masquerade game.

Which brings me to World Net Daily, a website scorned by what they thought was their soul mate. World Net Daily, long associated with Corsi and the worst sorts of conspiracy mongering, has discovered Glenn Beck cheating on them with common sense. Hurt and angered, they launched into an attack on Beck loaded with justifications for their idiocy and pleas for Beck to come back to them:

“Birthers,” however, reflect a far greater diversity of opinion than is assumed by Beck’s characterization. For example, while the term has been applied to anyone questioning Obama’s eligibility to serve as president under the Constitution’s “natural born citizen” clause, many “birthers” don’t doubt Obama’s Hawaiian birth, but instead take issue with his father’s foreign citizenship.

While other top radio hosts, including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Lou Dobbs, have all said unequivocally and publicly that the Obama eligibility issue is legitimate and worthy, a few – including Beck and fellow Fox TV host Bill O’Reilly – have taken the position that the issue is, in O’Reilly’s words, “bogus.” Both Beck and O’Reilly cite the contemporaneous appearance of birth announcements in two Honolulu newspapers as prima facie evidence Obama was born in Hawaii and “birthers” are conspiracy nuts.

However, what neither talk host realizes is that newspaper birth announcements are not placed by parents phoning their local paper with the good news that they had a child. Rather, as WND has reported based on interviews with the two Hawaii papers involved, the Obama newspaper birth announcements stemmed from information automatically sent to the papers by Hawaii’s Department of Health upon the state’s issuance of a “Certification of Live Birth,” which, as WND has also reported, is considered insufficient on its own to positively document the president’s birthplace.

Many people remain unaware that a child does not even have to be born in Hawaii to receive a “Certification of Live Birth – that’s the “short form” that provides no hospital name, delivering physician or any of the other information that traditionally appears on a legitimate birth certificate. And yet the “short form” COLB is the one and only piece of evidence the White House has cited in defending its assertion Obama was born in Hawaii.

Hawaiian law specifically allows “an adult or the legal parents of a minor child” to apply to the health department and, upon unspecified proof, be given the birth document.

The only requirement for proof cited in the law doesn’t address the birth of the child either, just “that the legal parents of such individual while living without Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.”

Demand the truth by joining the petition campaign to make President Obama reveal his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate!

And since Obama’s long-form birth certificate remains locked away from public view and sealed by privacy laws, no brainwashing device – such as Beck alluded to in his program – would be necessary to keep Hillary Clinton from discovering the contents of Obama’s original birth certificate.

That excerpt sets the tone. A desperate plea by desperate people who fear not only losing their credibility as they are attacked by a well known pundit, but their meal ticket as his huge audience abandons the snipe hunt for proof that Obama can’t be President. It should be obvious to all that W.N.D. does not exist on page views only. They have a bookstore which admittedly has some very good books for sale, such as Ray Comfort’s thought provoking (if flawed) Nothing Created Everything and Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate. But the W.N.D. book catalog also relies heavily on the sale of conspiratorial works which relies in turn on the persistence of a conspiratorial mindset among the right.

World Net Daily has a donation page where the top cause you can donate to is a fund to buy billboards that promote Birtherism. Surely no one believes that the majority of that money would not be used in “administrative” costs? They also sell DVDs, clothing and other items, something they have in common with Alex Jones’ websites.

In other words, W.N.D. is financially invested in people being hooked on their conspiracy theories. The site, like Alex Jones’ Prison Planet, is in itself a conspiracy designed to prey on suckers who need to feel as if there are secret forces at work against them for a variety of reasons.

The real conspiracy is the conspiracy to separate the gullible from their cash, and the “Birthers” are a part of that conspiracy. Beck is right to dismiss them and we’d all be better off dismissing anyone who makes a living peddling their asinine fever dreams.

Self-Described Jihadist Caught Making Bomb Threats in Memphis Out on $100 Bond

Yes I said $100.

MEMPHIS, TN – Tonight, Mohamed Ibrahim is out after posting $100 bond. Earlier in the day, he was arrested after police say he walked into several Memphis businesses and threatened to blow them up.

Court records show Ibrahim was also telling people he was Muslim, and wanted to start a jihad, or holy war, in Memphis.

Police say when they arrested him, he had a butcher knife hidden in one of his jacket sleeve

Notice that MyEyeWitness News is reporting that Mohamed Ibrahim was “telling people he was Muslims” as if there is some question about whether or not this is true. I point this out to give some insight into the political culture of Memphis.

Ryan Poe at The Commercial Appeal gives you a sense of how dangerous Ibrahim is:

A Memphis man was arrested Friday after he walked into seven local businesses and announced that he would bomb them if they didn’t close, according to a police affidavit.

The report states that Mohamed Ibrahim, 35, threatened businesses on Poplar Avenue, Summer Avenue, Mendenhall, Perkins and Danny Thomas Boulevard.

“If you don’t close this place up, I’m going to blow it to pieces,” Ibrahim told customers at the BP Gas Station on the 300 block of Poplar, according to the report.

A police officer pulled over the suspect’s black PT Cruiser on Poplar and arrested Ibrahim, who was “very nervous” and appeared as if “he was trying to hide something,” the report stated.

The suspect tried to kick out the windows of a patrol car during the arrest and police said they had to use pepper spray to subdue him.

Ibrahim was found in possession of “Islamic cassettes” which I assume weren’t audio of Sufi poetry and was charged with commission of a terrorist act as well as filing a false report and disorderly conduct. Given those facts bail seems pretty low.

N.T.A. is on this story. Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs have analysis.

Alex Jones Fan Post Internet Death Threat Against President Obama

“Anti-Zionist” Palestine supporter and Alex Jones fan “KarlKarlKarl1234” posted this comment on a YouTube video featuring Alex Jones complaining that Neil Boortz and and George Bush were Nazis … for supporting the Fair Tax or something.

Bush & Obama need to be executed or simply lynched on the sidewalk for High Treason.

Z.A.C. covers this sort of nonsense all the time because he has a stronger stomach than I do. I find these people too grating to deal with. But I wanted to show readers that Jones fans, Palestinian supporters, and other dregs are always willing to throw out the “let’s lynch a black guy” commentary and none of his fellow travelers batted an eye. Check the comments yourself to see if anyone even bothered to disagree with him.

Alex Jones is scum, as are all the suckers who make up his online cult.