Random Paulnut: Your German Child Molestation Story is “Jewish S%^t” or Something

Ah, the moral superiority of Paulnuttery. I’m Facebook “Friends” with a hateful harpy named Angie Bishop who has taken to dropping by my page (which is auto-updated with my posts) and claiming I’m a “neo-con” (Jew) who supports the agenda of “them” (Jews) and puts the interests of others (Jews) before Americans.

Late last night I posted a quick story about a progressive boarding school in Germany in which children were routinely beaten and raped by teachers for almost 40 years of its history. I put forward that the leftist disdain for personal autonomy is at the root cause of molestation, the same point I made when blogging about Communist leader Daniel Ortega who was elected President of Nicaragua even though it was well known he had raped his step-daughter for years starting when she was 13.

Hardcore Paulestinian Angie Bishop responded to my piece on the FB auto-update with leftist anti-Semitism dressed up as Conservatism which is par for the course for Ron Paul supporters:

So…what now? You want our American Men and Women to go fucking blow up Germany? WTF? You dont think this Country has its own shit cloud issues? Were supposed to focus on Jewish shit? Give me a fucking break.

Of course those who read the piece know that a) I’m not calling for an invasion and b) there were no Jews in the story. Good ol’ Angie didn’t read the post but saw a criticism of Germans and reacted like any person who hates Jews. But the story isn’t about Jews or Germans, it’s about children being victimized by adults who used leftism to gain access to victims. Why is Angie Bishop more disgusted with unmentioned Jews than with adults orally, vaginally and anally raping children?

I suppose I’d have to read End the Fed to understand.

Oh Canada! Woman Who Molested her Toddler (and Her Dog) on Web Cam Gets Three Years

Liberals are always telling me how great Canada is (though none seem to take my advice and move there) because it’s so much more “progressive” than America. This week their much loved “universal health care” got exposed as a farce yet again when it turned out a Liberal MP and supporter of socialized medicine was coming to get treatment in America because he would die trying to get it in Canada.

That story is overshadowing a much more telling incident that should put the progressive myth of Canadian superiority to rest. A year or so ago, a Canadian woman was found producing child porn with her own 18-month-old child as well as producing bestiality porn with her dog. Our moral betters in Canada gave her a little over three years in prison for this outrage:

An Ontario woman has been sentenced to 3½ years in prison for webcasting sexual assaults on her two-year-old son, in a crime the judge called “an abhorrent breach of trust.”

The woman from Lakeshore, Ont., near Windsor, cannot be identified to protect her child.

Ontario Court Justice Guy DeMarco handed down the sentence after taking two days to consider the details of a case in which the evidence presented wove a graphic tale of sexual abuse and exploitation.

The woman had pleaded guilty to five of 12 charges, including sexual assault, making child pornography and possessing child pornography. An earlier charge of bestiality was dropped.

The Crown and defence had submitted a joint request, asking that the woman be sentenced to 18 months in an Ontario jail, rather than a federal penitentiary, followed by a three-year probation term.

DeMarco instead sentenced her to 3½ years less 18 months for time served, leaving her with a provincial jail sentence of two years less a day.

What a wonderfully progressive place to raise your children. The next douchebag that tells me Canada is better than America is getting kicked in the groin.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon

Degenerate Puppy Killing Democrat Glynn Johnson Found Guilty of Felony Animal Cruelty

I blogged about this piece of garbage before. Glynn Johnson had a history of violence, including a brutal attack on his onw 14-year-old daughter and a rumored bb gun attack on a dog that left it blind. Despite this, the well connected Democrat rose through the ranks of government workers unhindered by his profligacy, eventually becoming Los Angeles County Assistant Fire Chief. While he held that position he began a campaign of harassment and threats against his neighbors that ended in him brutally beating their 6-month-old German Shepard puppy so badly it had to be put to sleep.

The beating was so bad the dog lost an eye and most of its teeth. It had multiple skull fractures and a broken jaw. It was a puppy. Glynn Johnson, the Assistant Fire Chief for Los Angeles, beat a puppy to death. Let that sink in for a minute.

Now he’s been convicted of felony animal cruelty. He won’t get anywhere near as much time as he deserves, but hopefully someone in prison will treat him the way he treated his daughter, this puppy and everyone else he spent a lifetime bullying:

People You’ll See in Hell has a good write up on this case.

Someone let me know when Johnson dies so I can go piss on his grave.

Vermont Gives Canadian Degenerate Sebastien D. Boucher Three Years for Child Porn, Fretted Over his “Constitutional Rights”

That kind of tough sentencing will definitely keep him from downloading more child rape videos and bringing them into America. Thanks for dispensing justice Vermont:

BURLINGTON, Vt. – A child pornography suspect who initially refused to give up his computer password so police could search his laptop was sentenced Friday to three years in prison and deported.

Sebastien D. Boucher, 33, was also ordered to submit to five years of supervised release for his conviction on one count of possession of child pornography transported in interstate or foreign commerce.

Entering the United States from Canada in 2006, Boucher — a Canadian citizen with U.S. residency — was stopped Dec. 17, 2006, at the Derby Line, Vt., checkpoint and asked to show his laptop to an agent.

He waived his Miranda rights and told agents he downloads pornography from news groups and that he sometimes unknowingly acquires images that contain child pornography. But he said he deletes the images when he realizes it.

The border agent saw files “Two year old being raped during diaper change” and “pre teen bondage,” and the computer was seized. But when an when an investigator later tried to access a particular drive, he couldn’t because of password-protected encryption software.

But here’s where it gets even more maddening:

A grand jury subpoenaed Boucher to reveal the password, but a magistrate later said he didn’t have to, since it would have the effect of giving prosecutors the key to get evidence against him.

On Sept. 25, Boucher pleaded guilty and agreed to surrender the password, on condition that what investigators found couldn’t be used against him at sentencing.

According to U.S. Attorney Tristram Coffin, Boucher had a constitutional right not to surrender the password.

Prosecutors already had enough evidence to convict Boucher, but they wanted to examine the contents of the computer’s “Z drive” to see if other crimes had been committed, according to Coffin.

Under the plea, if the government found evidence that he’d produced child pornography, that evidence could be used against him.

So Canadians have the same Constitutional rights as Americans? Then why aren’t we allowing them to buy firearms here as guaranteed by the Second Amendment? It’s interesting how lefties always think foreign nationals have “Constitutional rights” when it would mean protecting a pervert or Al-Qaeda operative but not Canadians or Mexicans who want to protect their family or go hunting. Weird.

But there was a happy ending here. Boucher rolled on some other people and finally gave up the password. Guess what was on his laptop:

When Boucher finally gave up the password Oct. 19, investigators found 2,000 still images and 118 video files depicting prepubescent children being sexually assaulted by adults, according to Michael Touchette, a computer forensics analyst for the Vermont Department of Corrections who testified Friday at the sentencing.

Unfortunately they couldn’t find evidence of who produced the porn or if even that particular computer was involved. So Boucher gets out on good behavior within a year and returns to Canada to partake in more child pornography. But we can rest easy knowing the Constitutional rights afforded Americans extend to Canadians as long as they aren’t buying a gun.

h/t Trench

F.B.I. Arrests S&W Executive in SHOT Show Bribery Set Up!

I say this is a set up because Amaro Goncalves of Smith and Wesson and 20 other people were the target of a sting that almost any multinational corporation would have fallen into when doing business overseas. The question I have is why legal arms manufacturers are being targeted by the F.B.I. while Militant Islam is increasing it’s activity here and abroad?

From Reuters:

WASHINGTON, Jan 19 (Reuters) – An executive of Smith & Wesson (SWHC.O) and 21 others have been charged with violating U.S. bribery laws after an undercover sting in which federal agents posed as arms-buying representatives of an African defense minister.

The defendants, including a senior Smith & Wesson sales official Amaro Goncalves, were accused of violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or FCPA, and conspiracy to commit money laundering tied to the sale of guns, body armor and other law enforcement equipment.

The FCPA prohibits the payment of bribes to foreign officials in order to secure business contracts.


Among those charged was the chief executive of Protective Products of America Inc (PPA.TO), R. Patrick Caldwell, who previously worked for the U.S. Secret Service for 27 years and was in charge of the division for the vice president’s protection. A spokesman for the service declined to say when Caldwell left the agency.

An attempt to reach Protective Products was not successful. Protective Products filed for bankruptcy protection last week and sought approval to be acquired by an affiliate of the private investment firm Sun Capital Partners Inc.


As part of the FBI sting operation, an unidentified business associate who was a former executive for an arms manufacturer arranged a meeting between the arms sales representatives and undercover FBI agents who posed as representatives of an African country’s minister of defense.

The agents told the sales representatives that in order to win a contract, they had to add a 20 percent “commission” to price quotes, half of which would go to the purported minister of defense and the rest would be split between the others.

In the case of the Smith & Wesson executive, Goncalves gave price quotes for two sales, a small one of 25 guns and a larger one with 1,800 pistols. He gave two price quotes for the transactions, including one that had its price inflated by 20 percent, the Justice Department said.

The two-and-a-half-year-long investigation involved 250 FBI agents, according to Mark Mendelsohn, deputy chief of the Justice Department’s fraud division. In connection with the indictments, 150 agents executed 14 search warrants across the country and British police executed another seven, Justice Department officials said.

Three of the defendants worked for unnamed British companies; another worked for an unnamed Israeli company, according to the indictments. The defendants sought to obtain contracts for the sale of products ranging from grenade and tear gas launchers to pistols, ammunition and explosive detection kits.

Breuer said the investigation was the largest action ever undertaken by the Justice Department against individuals in an FCPA case. He also said it marked the department’s first large-scale use of undercover techniques in an FCPA investigation.

That’s a lot of resources to trip up an American gun maker, some military equipment manufacturers from England and a Israeli arms company. Odd that no communist nations seem to be involved. Even more odd is that these companies will be supplying the enemies of Communists and Islamists in a less robust fashion now that they’ve been hauled into court when Isamofascism is gaining ground in several countries. Just an observation.

The American government gives billions in “aid” to oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia, aid they don’t need but is in fact a Jizya meant to make it easier for American interest in that part of the world. When dealing with third world nations corruption is part of the price of doing business. Everyone knows that but the government wasted the time of at least 250 F.B.I. agents while Muslim terrorists were sneaking underwear filled with explosives onto airplanes.

Are these the priorities we want the feds to have?

h/t The Firearm Blog