Julian Assange – Kremlin Stooge

Jeff Bercovici has an epic take down of everyone’s favorite radical Julian Assange who just signed a fat deal with Russian propaganda network Russia Today:

How foolish of me it was to question whether Wikileaks founder Julian Assange really had a deal to distribute his new talk show to hundreds of millions of viewers. It turns out he does: with Russia Today, the English-language news network launched by the Russian government to massage its international image.

That’s right: Assange, self-styled foe of government secrets and conspiracies of the powerful, is going to be a star on a TV network backed by the Kremlin. The same Kremlin that has done suspiciously little to investigate or prevent the killings and beatings of journalists that have plagued Russia for more than a decade. The same Kremlin accused of blatant fraud in December’s parliamentary elections. The same Kremlin whose control of the country’s broadcast media allowed it to suppress coverage of the massive protests mounted in response to that fraud. The same Kremlin whose embrace of corruption led to Russia being named “the world’s most corrupt major economy” by Transparency International in 2011.

And so on. That Kremlin is Julian Assange’s new patron. The same Julian Assange who accused President Obama of putting “a chill across investigative journalism” by prosecuting Army leaker Bradley Manning.

Actually, though, maybe it makes sense. After all, Assange has said “it’s an international disgrace that so few western journalists have been killed in the course of duty, or have been arrested in the course of duty.”

Read the rest.

Davos Elites Meet to Destroy Capitalism

It’s stories like this that make it easy for people to start being conspiracy theorists. The problem with the Alex Jones set however is that they take attention away from he real conspiracies that exist around us – like the Davos meeting being held to plan a push to destroy capitalism and our way of life:

Economic and political elites meeting this week at the Swiss resort of Davos will be asked to urgently find ways to reform a capitalist system that has been described as “outdated and crumbling.”

“We have a general morality gap, we are over-leveraged, we have neglected to invest in the future, we have undermined social coherence, and we are in danger of completely losing the confidence of future generations,” said Klaus Schwab, host and founder of the annual World Economic Forum.

“Solving problems in the context of outdated and crumbling models will only dig us deeper into the hole.

“We are in an era of profound change that urgently requires new ways of thinking instead of more business-as-usual,” the 73-year-old said, adding that “capitalism in its current form, has no place in the world around us.”

Some 1,600 economic and political leaders, including 40 heads of states and governments, will be asked to come up with new ideas as they converge at eastern Switzerland’s chic ski station for the 42nd edition of the five-day World Economic Forum which opens Wednesday.

Read the rest.

Rollover – 1981 Movie Predicts Financial Terror Attack and Dollar Collapse

This 1981 political/financial thriller involves a plot by Arab countries to collapse the American economy. Because commie Jane Fonda is involved there’s plenty of Marxist hooey in here, but the scenes of the economic collapse are eerily similar to both the 2008 crisis and what most people are saying is coming this year.

Given the new book by Kevin Freeman that proves the 2008 collapse was just stage one in a three stage financial terror attack this movie proves that in some cases life imitates art:

Conservative Union Members Gather Strength in Michigan

UAW member, Terry Bowman, was fed up with his union dues being spent in support of leftist causes. The tipping point was when his local union declared in a newsletter that Jesus would have supported Obamacare. In 2010, Bowman founded Union Conservatives, a group for union members who are pro-union but want their unions to be “grounded in truth and reality,” the main truth being that socialism doesn’t work and the reality that unions need to work with both political parties for the benefits of workers, not just kiss up to one.

In his op-ed piece in the Detroit News, Bowman relates how the unions still spend members’ money on political causes that are blatantly anti-conservative even though a large number of them vote Republican:

“A recent Harris poll shows that 60 percent of union households say that unions are too involved in politics, and we know that 40 percent or more of union households vote Republican. Unfortunately, union members who disagree with these partisan political attacks are forced, as a condition of employment, to financially support this message.”

He goes on to make to briefly make the case for right-to-work laws. From the comments I’ve seen on the Facebook page and elsewhere, Bowman has received the kind of treatment you’d expect from union members who oppose such laws. According to them, he’s a corporate shill or just too stupid to understand how the unions are saving the world. He was derided on the group’s Facebook page for asking people to be civil. Oh the horror of having to engage in intelligent debate! But we know that radicals can’t abide by rules of civility especially when a member of their own tribe gets uppity.

Bowman and the Union Conservatives have got an uphill battle in front of them against the extreme leftist union leadership in Michigan. But the group is moving on with two promising events this month that will hopefully gain it more recognition. The first is at the Michigan Prosperity Forum in Traverse City featuring Michelle Malkin and Andrew Breitbart. Bowman will be heading a panel discussion there. The group also will be hosting along with the University of Michigan Dearborn College Republicans a debate of the Republican candidates for the Michigan Senate. Event info and details about the group can be found at the Union Conservatives website.

United Nations Trying to Force America to Fund Terrorist Groups!

UN Watch does more to expose the Islamist and Marxist agenda of the United Nations than any other group. This is the most troubling report I’ve seen in recent years, since it’s more than likely the Euro-Socialist model the Obama administration uses for deciding foreign policy dictates we knuckle under and pay what amounts to a Jizya:

UNESCO officials are braced for “months” of back-and-forth with the United States as they seek restoration of U.S. funding following mandated cuts in response to the Paris-based agency’s embrace of “Palestine” as a member, diplomatic sources report.

One confirmed that the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama has been seeking ways to effect a waiver of the law that mandates immediate cessation of Washington’s contributions to any UN agency that allows Palestinian membership. But this official added that the one key person holding out is Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Indeed, the Florida Republican launched a call this week for the United States to “strengthen and preserve” the funding prohibition law. In a press release, she says that the Obama administration has “failed” in what she describes as efforts to “gut” the law and restore Washington’s UNESCO contributions.

She also warns that granting a waiver to the law would encourage more UN agencies to embrace the Palestine entity.

The funding prohibition law makes no provision for a presidential waiver in the absence of Congressional consent, which Ros-Lehtinen – speaking in the wake of renewed Palestinian pledges to advance the Palestinian statehood cause at the UN – restates that she strongly opposes.

“As the Palestinian leadership continues their destructive statehood scheme at the UN, the U.S. must act decisively to stop this ruse,” Ros-Lehtinen says in her statement released Monday.

“Other than our Security Council veto, the only roadblock in Ramallah’s way is that by law, the U.S. must cut off funding to any UN body that grants membership to ‘Palestine.’”

Ros-Lehtinen says the law has deterred other agencies from opening their arms to the Palestinians, and that any dilution of it would have the opposite effect.

“The Administration wants Congress to gut U.S. law and let the Administration fund UN bodies that support the Palestinian statehood scheme,” Ros-Lehtinen’s statement says.

“But the Administration’s diplomatic efforts have failed to seriously impede the scheme; in contrast, leveraging our funding to the UN has succeeded, as others see that we mean business and that they can’t take reckless, anti-Israel actions with impunity.”

The statute emerged in the wake of successful efforts by President H.W. Bush to prevent the Palestine Liberation Organization – which preceded the Palestinian Authority – from joining agencies such as the World Health Organization and UNESCO.

Disgusting. Palestinian statehood is the one building blocks of a re-established caliphate – which fundamentalists Muslims will be forced to accept as the only legitimate political authority and will kick off a world war. That, in reality, is what the Arab spring and “Palestinian” liberation is really about. Jihadists need a caliphate to force all Muslims to wage war on the infidel. Without a caliphate Muslims cannot be obligated to fight their fellow Americans (until the Muslims are strong enough according Koranic law) but if a Caliphate is established no Muslim would be allowed to avoid the call to war of the Caliph.