Help Fight Fox Sports Anti-Gun/Hunting Policy

The National Shooting Sports Foundation just confirmed with Fox Sports that they have a policy in place that discriminates against advertisers who are in the hunting or shooting sports business. From their blog:

Responding to an NSSF request that FOX Sports Media Group lift a ban on advertisements featuring firearms and ammunition from its coverage of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) events, the network responded with a form letter re-stating its anti-gun / anti-hunting policy, and confessing that its policy extends to all national and cable broadcasts.

NSSF is encouraging all gun owners, sportsmen and firearms enthusiasts to contact FOX today and voice their outrage over this ill-considered corporate policy. FOX’s decision to ban advertisements for lawful products owned by more than 80 million Americans is nothing more than corporate gun control – and it is certainly not “fair and balanced.”

Make sure your voice is heard. Here’s how to contact FOX:

Corporate Headquarters FSN
10201 W. Pico, Bld. 103
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Phone: 310-369-1000

Everyone needs to contact Fox and voice their displeasure with this outrageous, anti-American policy.

h/t Daily Caller

Federal Government Gives Out Free Cell Phones and Airtime to Welfare Recipients

Call me Kreskin but you and I both know these are not being used to get jobs.Your tax dollars at work – and via Occupy Wall Street’s demands for more we see that this still isn’t enough to satisfy the vast, entitled masses who think I should work to support them.

From The Economic Collapse Blog:

Did you know that the federal government is giving out free cell phones and free cell phone minutes to welfare recipients?  It may be hard to believe, but it is true.  Right now, there are companies that are running advertisements specifically targeted at low income Americans informing them of the fact that all they have to do is sign up and they can get a free cell phone and hundreds of free cell phone minutes every single month and it will all be paid for by the federal government.  Some have referred to this as “The Obama Phone”, but that is not exactly accurate.  The outrageous federal programs that are paying for this were initiated before Barack Obama entered the White House.  But the fact that welfare recipients have been receiving free cell phones and free cell phone minutes under both the Bush and Obama administrations has been confirmed as being true by Snopes.  All of this is paid for by “the federal Universal Service Fund”.  That is one of those annoying little taxes that you may have noticed on your phone bill.  So what is essentially happening is the federal government is taking money from all of us so that they can provide free cell phone service for welfare recipients every single month.

That post points us to the FCC website where this information is found:

The Lifeline program provides discounts on monthly telephone charges, and Link Up provides a discount on the cost of commencing telephone service for qualifying low-income households. Lifeline and Link Up are supported by the federal Universal Service Fund (USF). The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), with the help of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), administers the USF. Here are some frequently asked questions about the Lifeline and Link Up programs.


Lifeline provides discounts on one basic monthly telephone service (wireline or wireless) for qualified subscribers. These discounts can be up to $10.00 per month, depending on your state. Federal rules prohibit qualifying low-income consumers from receiving more than ONE Lifeline service at the same time. That is, qualifying low-income consumers may receive a Lifeline discount on either a home telephone or wireless telephone service, but may not receive a Lifeline discount on both services at the same time. Lifeline also includes Toll Limitation Service, which enables a telephone subscriber to limit the amount of long distance calls that can be made from a telephone.

Link Up Up provides qualified subscribers with a one-time discount (up to a maximum of $30) off of the initial installation fee for one traditional, wireline telephone service at the primary residence or the activation fee for one wireless telephone. It also allows subscribers to pay the remaining amount they owe on a deferred schedule, interest-free. Federal rules prohibit qualifying low-income consumers from receiving more than ONE Link Up discount at a primary residence. That is, qualifying low-income consumers may receive a Link Up discount on installation or activation charges associated with either a home telephone or wireless telephone service. Qualifying consumers may be eligible for Link Up again only after moving to a new primary residence..

However The Economic Collapse Blog points out that there are companies providing free phones and minutes to welfare recipients – after all they simply milk the government of the money the government takes from me.

So what happened to food stamps and rent assistance? What’s next cars? Why are you suckers with jobs out there working to support this system? Go Galt!

New Jersey Attempting to Ban Ammunition

From the NRA-ILA:

On Monday, January 30, the New Jersey Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee is scheduled to consider Assembly Bill 588 and Assembly Bill 1013.  The hearing will be held at 2:00 p.m. in Committee Room 16, 4th Floor, State House Annex in Trenton.

Sponsored by Assemblyman L. Grace Spencer (D-29), A588 is cleverly disguised as police safety legislation aimed at armor piercing ammunition (which is already prohibited under federal and state law).  The measure actually opens the door to a sweeping ammunition ban by an unelected public official by executive fiat. Common hunting, target, and self-defense ammunition would be subject to ban, along with BB’s, airgun pellets, and non-metallic ammunition like plastic airsoft pellets, if the Attorney General decides that they pose a threat to the safety and well being of law enforcement.

Although the bill only mentions handgun ammunition, it is in fact not limited to handgun ammunition, and would apply to all rifle ammunition for which a handgun is ever made. As an increasing number of gun manufacturers make handgun models that shoot rifle caliber ammunition, the line between “handgun” vs. “rifle” ammunition has become blurred, and the New Jersey State Police have already begun treating rifle ammunition in this category as if it were handgun ammunition for regulatory purposes. As long as a handgun exists that shoots a particular caliber of rifle ammunition, New Jersey treats that ammunition as if it were handgun ammunition.

The Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee is also scheduled to consider A1013 which is sponsored by Assemblyman Charles Mainor (D-31).  A1013 would criminalize the use of a defaced or stolen firearm that is used to injure a police officer and enhances penalties for defacing a firearm.  One provision of this police safety legislation significantly increases the penalties relating to “defaced” firearms. Because of New Jersey’s longstanding poorly crafted definition of “defaced” firearms, it is possible that refinishing a firearm, or long-term damage from rust or scratches from ordinary wear and tear, could be deemed “defacement” subjecting honest gun owners to lengthy prison sentences, even though identifying information on the firearm is still legible.

All you Chris Christie supporters should be watching his reaction on this. The NRA wants you to start making phone calls to your representatives but frankly it’s too late for New Jersey. Leave. Getting out of the North East was the best decision I ever made.

Soulless Egyptian Savages want to Ban Bikinis!

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Militant Islam is full of dress wearing savages who wouldn’t know red blooded manliness if it flew over their country in diamond encrusted gunships that ran on panda blood and cocaine. Now that they overthrew the “dictator” in Egypt who was giving them food and keeping the Israelis from carpet bombing them into the stone age these big bearded douchebags are really striking a blow for freedom by banning bikinis. Because, you know, hot chicks showing off their goods is some sort of problem for people who run around murdering innocent homosexuals who are minding their business.

Yeah, I get it. You don’t want to turn people “immoral” by exposing them to the horrors of beautiful, buxom women:

You can tap that down by raising several generations of people who have never seen a woman who isn’t dressed like Ninja who’s showing off the result of their Jenny Craig diet. Look how well that works in Afghanistan.


Sunbathing in Alexandria may soon be a thing of the past, at least if some Egyptian Islamist politicians have their way.

Egypt’s tourism industry has suffered a severe blow since the outburst of anti-regime demonstrations in January. But that did not stop the Freedom and Justice Party, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, from demanding stricter regulations over what tourists can do and wear while visiting the country. The party is urging officials to ban skimpy swimwear and the consumption of alcohol on Egyptian streets.

“Beach tourism must take the values and norms of our society into account,” Muhammad Saad Al-Katatny, secretary-general of Freedom and Justice, told Egyptian tourism officials on Monday. “We must place regulations on tourists wishing to visit Egypt, which we will announce in advance.”

The call for new strictures on tourists comes as Egypt debates the role of Islam in the post-Mubarak era. Freedom and Justice is competing in elections scheduled for this autumn for parliament and opinion polls show a majority of Egyptians favor a greater use of Islamic law and mores. But a vocal minority worries that Egypt risks becoming an Islamic republic.

“This is how things began in Iran,” Hani Henry, a psychology professor at the American University in Cairo, told The Media Line. “The moderate youth wanted to implement changes, but the Mullah’s hijacked the revolution. The same thing is now happening here in Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood. It makes me sick to my stomach.”

Me too. The bikini is the physical embodiment of the superiority of the Western Tradition (and our women) over Islamism. It is a symbol of our recognition that the human form, specifically the female form, is a perfect and wonderful conduit of divinity on earth. Denying this is to deny the perfect creation around you.

And what kind of supposedly heterosexual man wants to ban bikinis anyway? Maybe these Muslim extremists should spend less time murdering gays and trying to cover up women and more time examining why they are so interested in these two things. They should spend extra time in figuring out why seeing a little skin bothers them so much.

So you happy now liberals? The Arab Spring all you imagined? You lay down with savages you wake up with burkas.


NAACP, Al Sharpton and Detroit Leaders Play Race Card with Emergency Financial Manager Law

Earlier this month, Huffpo reported on the prospect of Detroit having an emergency financial manager. Judging by the article and some of the updates, you’d think the KKK was about to descend on Detroit. And it’s all because of Republican ‘dictatorial’ governor Rick Snyder.

For those of you who don’t know, Detroit has a corruption problem. Former mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is a convicted felon after funneling state money to his wife and lying under oath in a civil trial about an affair. He also pled guilty to assaulting a police officer. He’s been ordered to pay 1 million in restitution to the city and was sentenced to further jail time when he was found to have lied about the state of his finances. Monica Conyers, former Detroit City Council member and wife of democrat Congressman John Conyers, is serving a sentence for receiving bribes from a contractor.

Those are just a couple of examples of a city besieged by corruption. Employees in the school system have also embezzled and misused funds for which former governor, Jennifer Granholm, called in EFM Robert Bobb. Bobb is black and Granholm is a democrat and oddly enough I don’t recall as much of a cry of racism when Bobb was called in, though his tactics to clean up the school system weren’t popular with school officials. Even the Detroit Public Library system thoughtlessly spent over 2 million on furniture all the while the threat of closing of some branches loomed.

With all of this going on, the city is in obvious financial straits. Mayor Dave Bing has been warning the city is near bankruptcy for months and says that without huge reform the city could run out of cash by April.

But for some, the concept that a city has to show it can be responsible with money and get rid of corrupt leaders or face the consequences isn’t reasonable. It must be racism. President of the Detroit NAACP, Rev. Wendell Anthony, compares Detroit having an EFM to going back to the plantation. And race baiter for pay, Al Sharpton, has made a predictable appearance claiming that the EFM law is racially biased and is used against cities with a predominantly black population. He and Congressman Conyers led a protest outside the home of Governor Snyder on Martin Luther King Day. Detroit’s religious leaders and other protestors showed up including members of the extreme leftist group By Any Means Necessary. The religious leaders apparently left to avoid being associated with such a radical element.

There is a lot of misinformation going around about Michigan’s Emergency Manager law. I find it ironic that the people balking the loudest about the state intervening in a financial emergency are the same type of people who think Obamacare and other big government concepts are okay. Public Act 4, the new version of this law, states:

“The legislature hereby determines that the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of this state would be materially and adversely affected by the insolvency of local governments and that the fiscal accountability of local governments is vitally necessary to the interests of the citizens of this state to assure the provision of necessary governmental services essential to public health, safety, and welfare. The legislature further determines that it is vitally necessary to protect the credit of this state and its political subdivisions and that it is necessary for the public good and it is a valid public purpose for this state to take action and to assist a local government in a condition of financial stress or financial emergency so as to remedy the stress or emergency by requiring prudent fiscal management and efficient provision of services, permitting the restructuring of contractual obligations, and prescribing the powers and duties of state and local government officials and emergency managers…”

The City of Detroit can barely take care of its own trash. It’s had enough of a loss in population that Mayor Bing has proposed moving residents closer together in order to save money on public services. Detroit’s downfall isn’t just bad for the city. It will have a far-reaching impact, especially to the suburbs. However, Detroiters do tend to forget that it’s not the only town around. Do people imagine that Governor Snyder doesn’t have enough on his plate with the rest of the state struggling as well? I have to wonder if they think he lies awake nights in his pointy white KKK hat dreaming of what he’s going to do when he finally gets his hands on Detroit.

I assume it’s the phrase “permitting the restructuring of contractual obligations” that upsets a lot of people in Detroit and cities that have already had an EFM.  Mayor Bing has already stated he needed the unions to be willing to compromise to help the city. Unions never want to hear they are part of the problem. At least one union official is spreading the rumor that the law takes away the right of citizens to vote which isn’t true. This short fact sheet explains the reality.

After demonstrating incredible levels of irresponsibility and corruption, it’s only reasonable that the state step in to help the city and possibly save the state from any further losses.  This already volatile situation doesn’t need race baiters coming in to preach hate. It needs someone from outside of Detroit to work with city officials in bringing the city back from the brink of the precipice of self-destruction it seems so hell-bent to run head on into which is the job of an EFM.