World’s Worst Adoptive Mother Thinks I’m a Moron or Something


This glorified welfare queen is Torina, the stay at home foster mother from Minnesota who runs a blog called Busy Intersection which is largely dedicated to garnering sympathy for herself by claiming her 13-year-old non-biological daughter is a mentally ill hellion who doesn’t love her enough.

Don’t believe me? Here’s some of her post called I’m Already Tired Out:

She came home bitching and screaming. You know who. Not even a moment’s relief. Oh no. We could not be blessed with that. She didn’t ask how the boys adoptions went. Didn’t care. I did mention that it was a nice ceremony and the boys tried to excitedly tell her about it but she just talked about the respite house and Hannah Montana and Wii.
Sometimes, I wonder if respite is really that good of a thing. When Tara is around all the time, I can tolerate the bitching and screaming much better than the first day when she comes back. Then it feels like an emotional train hits me.
Those days that she was gone, I felt free…liberated from the emotional heartsuck that she pulls me into. I hate that it is like this. I hate that I don’t feel that same over joyous love and adoration for that kid as when I first met her. With my other kids, my love grows. With Tara, it is more like a commitment of advocacy rather than adoring my child. I can no longer adore someone who makes me so sad, so angry, so hopeless, so tired…all…the…time.

Now that’s good mothering! In case you’re confused as to what’s going on, according to Torina her daughter has Reactive Attachment Disorder and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder and Cerebral Palsy. I suspect she’s also suffering from her mother’s Munchhausen by Proxy since much of her blog details her attempts to get her daughter on medication even though doctors feel the child doesn’t need them. Anyway, when you adopt a child with R.A.D. and F.A.S.D. you can go one of two ways. The first is to provide the child with lots of attention, love and caring.

Torina went the second way.

That is, she sends the kid to respite care even though that will negatively effect a child with R.A.D. because she and her husband “need a break” and then she likes to blog about how awful it is to be around the child.Then she adopted two other children who she lavishes more praise and love on than the daughter. It’s like Torina is trying to raise a serial killer.

So her latest anti-Tara (the daughter) post was basically about her shock and heartbreak at Tara’s reaction to coming home from the place she’s sent when Mommy just can’t look at her anymore and being met with the good news of her new siblings’ adoption ceremony being the Greatest Party Ever!!! Who would have guessed a teen would react badly to that?

I could have, and I of course left a mannered and temperate response in her comment section:

Um. Yeah. Is Tara a teenager? Is she a teen who A)has medical issues that makes it hard for her to fit in and B) knows you feel this way.

I’ve worked with problem children and teens for years before and I’ve found teens want two things. The first is to feel respected and the second is for you to spend a certain amount of time just listening to them. Not doing “therepy” or trying to “heal” them, just listening.

Have you or others here who claim these kids who have no choice in the matter but to be in the houses of strangers who may or may not be decent people (and no offense but because most Fosters I’ve met don’t work…) ever stepped back and looked at the kid as a individual having a tough time and not a project child or a state gifted love projector? Because the post and comments don’t sound like it.


Do you think that in her mind being sent to “respite” house or whatever sends her a message that you don’t really dig her? That’s probably hard for a kid to have to go away because their foster family can’t stand to be around them…


How would you feel if your husband sent you somewhere to “take a break” and when you guys reunited he was ecstatically happy about the time you were gone? That’s kinda how Tara feels.

Blah, blah, blah. Like I said, temperate and mannered. Here’s Mother of the Year’s response via email:

You are a fucking idiot. Don’t you dare read one solitary post and form an opinion about me. I talk to my daughter every day. You say you have worked with kids? Well, then you haven’t LIVED with a child like my daughter. You get a break. You are an asshole. And I am not her foster parent, though it shouldn’t matter if I was. I am her MOTHER. You, on the other hand, are a motherfucker. You think ICE CREAM is going to solve being severely disabled??? MORON. I have had a million bowls of ice cream with Tara. I “shoot the shit” with her all the time.

Fuck you.


One wonders how Torina can “shoot the shit” with her all the time if Tara gets shipped of to respite care on a regular basis? I’d also ask if Torina kisses her daughter with that mouth but we already know she doesn’t.

But what gets me is the commenters on Torina’s blog who seem to think she’s some sort of great mother for shipping her disabled daughter off whenever she isn’t giving out enough love to fill that sucking void Torina calls a soul. If I’m in the minority in suggesting that bad-mouthing your child on the Internet isn’t great parenting, we truly are in the end of times.

Torina and her husband’s awesome parenting skills have also led to their daughter acting out sexually on the school bus. Something Mother of the year thought was an interesting tidbit to publish on a blogspot blog, because, you know, one day that kid will grow up and try to move on with her life.

You get the picture, Torina shouldn’t be a foster mother. She’d be more at home blogging for Pandagon with that potty mouth of hers. The question is why Minnesota Child Services allows this weirdo to adopt kids anyway. People who know me know my mother works for social services in New York and I’ve seen her take kids from people for less. Is Minnesota so bereft of potential fosters that they’ll let some woman with no personal boundaries adopt special needs children?

Torina has put up a little blog post about yours truly, which would annoy me but a link is a link. Go to the comments to see my buddy SMP rip them a new one, and Torina’s commenters claim I should be blocked and/or arrested for giving them the business. Sad who raises children these days, isn’t it?

Surprise! She banned me. Nothing like shutting down debate to prove you’re right. Although she did send an apology via email. Then she promptly set her blog to private.

Hope and Change: ANSWER Led Pro-Islamist Demonstrators Attack San Francisco Police

Video from Atlas. I have it on good authority that this “anti-war” protest was organized through ANSWER but the real players are a pro-Taliban/Pro-Hamas group that uses the the communists as cover. That makes little difference to the cops that have to police the event, as you can see here.


Arm yourselves is all I have to say. This mob is the future of American politics.

Politicians Learn They Can Talk Up a Bad Economy, Will We Learn Not to Listen?

It’s remarkable how different the tone of politicians and pundits, especially of the left leaning variety, has become on the economy. The Dow is reacting to the new sweet talk from Washington with a Bear market rally that might make even Peter Schiff smile and I suspect the rally will continue today and maybe even until the end of the week. Reality will set in however. Tax hikes will add to the already out of control unemployment and the government printing presses working overtime will lead to inflation at the very least.

Cap and Trade and new Ethanol mandates will meanwhile create grocery inflation and eat away at what little worth our devaluing dollar has. But for the moment as the Dow reacts to the new found Hope of the Obama administration gold and oil will go down enough that people will start buying those in quantities large enough to convince people who want to believe everything is fine that the recession is over.  It isn’t.

The higher than expected consumer spending so many people are talking about is driven by food, gun and ammunition hoarding. The better than expected performance of banks that started the optimism was little more than bankers waving taxpayer money while claiming they were rich. The underlying weakness of our economy is still gnawing away at our finances and the stimulus package is only prolonging the cure.

We can no longer look at debt as wealth, we need to start saving and building wealth the old fashioned way. This will destroy the global economy as our consumption of world goods lies at the base of the world’s prosperity but that will happen anyway. Americans must change the way they think about money to weather the storm that is coming.

Forget what Obama and company are saying about recovery,”greenjobs” and cutting taxes for the little guy. You will be paying higher taxes, much higher taxes, in the form of more expensive products and consumption taxes. Housing prices will go up but the value will remain at normal levels, in other words your house is no longer an investment, it is a place it live so get comfortable.

Learn some new skills, if you have land start gardening, take up hunting and fishing and stock up on long lasting non-perishable foods now. Next year you can expect to pay double at least what you are paying for food so if you can provide your own, even just a few meals a week through gardening or wild game, you’ll be saving money. Likewise buying beans, rice and other long lasting staples now while they are still relatively cheap.

Pay off your debt, and unless you have cash to burn and the ability to react quickly stay out of the stock market. Gold is a nice investment if you can take physical possession, as is silver. Think about investing in arms. An SKS was selling for $200-$400 a couple of years ago, now they can run three times that.

Keep cash on hand and if you use a credit card try one with “points” you’ll use. Pay off debts and don’t make any new major purchases. Your 2008 car will run fine for the next couple of years so learn to love it.

Above all don’t let the media tell you about the economy, learn to look at the data yourself and interpret it. We are going through a monumental shift in this country, one that entails people used to having great prosperity getting used to living in a world where credit doesn’t fall from the sky and wealth becomes harder to come by. It won’t be pretty but it’s an adjustment the market has to make, and it will whether Obama wants it to or not.

Exotic Dancers Defiant as New Jersey Begins Cracking Down on Bikini Waxing


Apparently bikini waxing was always illegal in New Jersey, even though my home state has a higher than average number of Go-Go bars which decorate the state like mushrooms after a rainstorm. Because the Democrats destroyed New Jersey’s economy, these clubs are unfortunately also one of the best ways many women have to get ahead as it requires little investment and a high rate of return for time. The town where I attended college was a small town that had at least 20-30 bars in it, 25% of which were strip clubs. It also had very few small businesses and very little opportunity for residents to get good paying jobs.

Jersey Democrats don’t want people bringing in a few hundred bucks for a few hours work. They want people poor and completely dependent on the Democrats. That’s the reason Jersey tends to be so hard on the establishments and the women who work within.

If high taxes and and an atrocious crime rate in many of her cities didn’t make life difficult enough for dancers, New Jersey has insane rules governing these clubs which are only designed to take money out of the pockets of exotic dancers. Strippers in New Jersey aren’t allowed to be naked in strip bars unless the bar is alcohol free, for example.

Jersey is also one of the few states I’ve lived where there are blue laws that keep malls in some counties (Bergen) from being open on Sunday incidentally. And while Jersey is regulating legal adult entertainment and when residents will be allowed to shop, crime is out of control.

In 2007 ,the most recent year for which the New Jersey State Police have stats available, there were 71, 901 reported incidents of domestic violence (a decrease of 3%), 3006 Assaults on police officers, 783 bias attacks and 208 carjackings. New Jersey is home to literally dozens of violent gangs including MS-13, The Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings and several outlaw biker gangs. I guess they’ve solved all those problems in the last two years, because they are cracking down on commercial bikini waxing after two women complained of getting sick after visiting a salon:

Jeff Lamm, a spokesman for New Jersey’s Division of Consumer Affairs, said that the proposal would specifically ban genital waxing, and was prompted by complaints to the board from two women who were injured and hospitalized. One of them sued. Lamm said that the state only investigates infractions if consumers complain.

Two South Jersey hospitals and a handful of dermatologists didn’t return requests for comment, and another hospital declined.

Dr. Eric Bernstein, a Philadelphia dermatologist, said that genital waxing could irritate or tear the skin and result in infections.

“But you can get an infection from almost anything,” he added. “The state is probably just looking out for the residents’ best interest, but they’ll have to enforce it.”

Martino Cartier, owner of Martino Giovanni & Pileggi, in Washington Township, Gloucester County, claims that the state previously was more concerned with salons’ using the word “Brazilian” – connoting a full genital wax – than with the waxing itself.

At Cartier’s spa, Brazilian waxes are known as “summer waxes” and they go by “custom bikini” or “full bikini” in other salons. Semantics aside, Cartier said, the full genital waxings are popular, and his licensed aestheticians do dozens per week in the spring and summer.

“This is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard,” he said. “We’re all going to be losing a lot of money over this.”

One Camden County salon owner who asked not to be identified said that she offers the service but didn’t know it was illegal.

“If it’s illegal, then why do they teach it in schools?” she asked.

Because New Jersey is basically a communist state where technocrats make decisions that other technocrats never hear about and the people of New Jersey continue to sit back and take it..

So dancers, Hooters girls, the swimsuit models who do promotional work at clubs and all the other women who need to be waxed for their professions in a state that allows little opportunity to make as much money doing something else will take their business to another state or buy home waxing kits, thus ensuring salon employees lose money and jobs.  Nice work Jersey! First you create an environment of such limited opportunity that women wanting to get ahead financially have little choice but enter high traffic cash tip industries, then you try to regulate those out of existence.

Next home waxing kits will be be illegal, but I’m sure you’ll get those wax kits from dancers’ cold dead hands.

Racist Sheridan Folger Makes the Conservative vs Republican Distinction Clear

I admit that I will basically follow anyone on Twitter who follows me first, which is how I came to follow Sheridan Folger of the site Let’s Get This Right. After following him i promptly forgot about him, as I simply scroll through any Tweets I receive on Twitterfox to see if the titles catch my interest.

Early this morning Sheridan had a Tweet that definitely caught my eye. It was entitled Inner City Congo Blog and though I was heading to bed after being up all night working on a project I just knew I should check it out before it was lost in a sea of Tweets and I wasn’t disappointed.

Here’s what Folger, who describes himself as “Father,Veteran,Conservative, Limited Gov’t, Free markets, national security, fiscal & social conservative,traditional values, Republican, pro-life” on his Twitter page thinks is not only acceptable to allow on his Ning site supposedly dedicated to Republican values but thought it was so awesome he wanted all of his Twitter followers to see:


If you don’t want to waste time with the “Reverend Circa 53’s” blog I’ll give you some highlights.

The good Reverend on the State Sovereignty Movement:

 “It’s a solution to battle the negative negro influence on the country and it’s cities, and crime and disease and poverty”

He goes on:

“The point of this blog will be to enlighten and inform the people that are having their lives rearranged because of inner city slum/ghetto dwelling negoes”

Perhaps Sheridan should read up on Republican history because he is not a Republican.The Republican Party has always held the classical liberal values of individual rights, rule of law and protection of the individual from the tyranny of the majority. Conservative is a catch all phrase that includes everything from Republicans to seditious racists like Sheridan Folger and his friend/alter ego Reverend Circa 53 who couldn’t be bothered to care about the rights of individuals as they squeal indignant at the rest of us for not being troglodytes.

I’m not one for purges, but get out of my party Folger, and take your cretin with you.