The Aurora Shooting and the Loss of Personal Responsibility

As someone who posts at Red Alerts on gun rights and laws, it seems appropriate that I would have something to say after the tragic event in Aurora. But I’m not going to get on a soapbox about the 2nd amendment. We as a culture always have the two-sided argument after killing sprees and we will continue to do so. Pro-gun rights people aren’t going to convince the anti-gun crowd of facts.

I did, however, want to address a couple of issues. Unfortunately, ABC came out immediately after the shooting and stated that the shooter was a tea partier.  They had the wrong guy. This turned out to be bogus information that could have been easily researched by a true journalist in a short period of time.

I’m saddened by the quickness with which the media jumped to politicize this horror. One of the underlying issues that struck me is how our culture has so embraced the blame game, not just blaming gun laws or political affiliation but anything that would remove responsibility from the evil individual who perpetrates such a horrific act.

I’m not a lawyer or psychiatrist but I hope that he doesn’t get to use the crazy defense
even though words like whacko, psycho and nutjob are easily applied to James Holmes. This took forethought and planning. That must mean something in the eyes of the
law. And it’s difficult not to get political because I believe this blame culture we’re
engulfed in is directly a result of liberal victimhood programming.

This individual made the choice to murder. The responsibility is his alone. Every time the
media jumps to assume that some outside force caused him to make these choices, it feeds the lie that the individual isn’t in control of his life. Of course many people have hard lives and some repeat the violence they grew up with.

But this message shouldn’t be the norm and there was a time when it wasn’t. We went from being too stiff and never wanting to make allowances to blaming someone or something else for every dark aspect of our lives. We’ve lost the balance between individual responsibility and societal nurturing. I wonder if by making the shooter a victim of
society instead of his own choices that the victims are that much easier to make faceless,
nameless and therefore forgotten.  And that’s just one step closer to making us all the dependent drones the left wants us to be.

The shooter as per usual is getting most of the press by the MSM. But others are
challenging this. Dave Swindle of P.J. Media has a piece up honoring the victims.  Twitchy is keeping up with Twitter including reporting that the mother of one of the victims, Jessica Redfield, wished that her daughter’s name would trend above the

I hope rather than believe that their senseless deaths won’t continue to be made a media
spectacle. My thoughts and prayers go out to those left behind.

Lt. General W.G. Boykin: Obama Administration a “Marxist Insurgency”

Lt. General William G. Boykin was a founding member of Delta Force in the late 1970s and served his country with honor and distinction before becoming a popular author and speaker. In the following video made by The Oak Initiative Boykin uses his experience in our nations special forces to lay out the case that the Obama administration and its non-governmental allies (OWS etc) are behaving exactly the way Marxist insurgents would when taking over a country. He also points out the terrifying part of Obama care that no one really has talked about – the creation of a Ready Reserve Corp that is obviously a government controlled paramilitary. He also speaks about the U.N. gun control treaty Obama is trying to sign and why that’s important. I urge all Americans to watch this video with an open mind:

He has more videos on the subject at the website.

Michigan Democrats Want to Repeal Michigan’s Stand Your Ground Law

Representative, Tim Bledsoe (Democrat – Grosse Pointe) wants to trample on the self-defense rights of Michigan citizens. Our Stand Your Ground Law went into effect in 2006. Bledsoe recently introduced House Bill 5644 which would re-establish a duty to retreat to Michigan’s Castle Doctrine. This would require a citizen to first consider retreating during an incident when a criminal is attempting to harm them in public.

Twelve of his fellow Democrats are co-sponsoring the bill, seven of whom represent Detroit.  I use the term represent lightly. If there was ever a town where more citizens need to arm themselves and stand their ground against criminals, it’s Detroit. Apparently, this move was prompted by the Trayvon Martin case in Florida. These people fear there will soon be vigilantes crawling the streets of Detroit.  So instead of empowering people, they want to create more fear not just of the crime but of legal retaliation if they happen to defend themselves against it.

Supposedly this won’t impact our Castle Doctrine law. But if this bill gets passed by
hug-a-thug (Rob Taylor’s fave phrase) lawmakers, and even with the strides we’re making in other areas, more officials with this mindset will be emboldened to infringe on our rights to defend ourselves in our own homes.

To quote the NRA’s statement on self-defense laws:

“It’s a natural right. No law “gives” it or can take it away. It’s yours. It works. And its only alternative – the idea that distant, disinterested third parties can dictate after the fact that “you must retreat” – will never be accepted by the American people.”

I certainly hope it won’t be accepted by the citizens of Michigan.

Rick Ector of Rick’s Firearm Academy of Detroit is a tireless proponent of self-defense. I
urge any Detroiter or Metro Detroiter who is on the fence with this issue to at least check
out his Facebook page or his business website. He does a lot of interviews and debates with lawmakers and always posts this info on his FB page. In this video, Rick’s lawyer discusses the law we have now which will be in jeopardy with this bill.



I first heard of this story on the Michigan Open Carry, Inc., Facebook page. They’re keeping a close eye on this issue and will be a good source for info.

The Michigan House of Representatives has listing for reps in your area if you want to contact them and ask that they shoot down this bill (pun intended).


Holder DOJ Grantee Promotes Incest and Child Molestation as Normal and Healthy

Cross posted at Greenville Dragnet

Stop It Now! purports to be a organization dedicated to stopping child sexual abuse, though many have pointed out that much of their website is devoted to minimizing child sexual exploitation and giving advice to people that amounts to letting child molesters off the hook. They claim to have received a grant from the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice (grant number 2010-DD-BX-0694) which is used to fund an online advice column called AskNow!

In a recent column someone supposedly wrote in to ask what to do about their 13-year-old son, who was caught “practicing” kissing with his 4 1/2 year old sister. Their advice is a shockingly blase shrugging off of troubling child sexual abuse. I will reprint their response in it’s entirety:

If this was a one–time practice for a first time kiss with his same-age girlfriend, it does not seem to be something that is very concerning, although certainly still offers an opportunity for some healthy sexual development and healthy boundary education with your son. Knowing him as well as you obviously do, does his explanation make sense to you and seem plausible?

Have you noticed any other concerning behaviors in your son? Have there been any other sexual behaviors between your children? I would encourage you to take a look at the Signs That a Child or Teen May Be At-Risk to Harm Another Child. Look especially for patterns in the behaviors, behaviors that you’ve tried to redirect before that keep coming up.  A single sign is not necessarily meaningful, but seeing a group of them could be concerning and call for follow-up.

Even if you do believe that this is an isolated incident, please still consider addressing any concerns that may come up about how your son may have gotten his little sister to participate in this behavior. These questions may help you to further assess your son’s behavior and this incident:

Did he threaten or bribe his sister to get her to kiss him?
Did she try to refuse to participate?
What’s your daughter’s presentation? Did she seem scared? Or did she seem more pleased that she was “helping” her big brother practice for something important?
Did he try and keep this behavior a secret?

If any of these questions raise worrisome thoughts, or if you are seeing other behaviors in your son that concern you, then yes, increasing supervision is very important and it’s possible that you may want to seek out other professional supports.

Regardless, talk with both of your children about this experience. Avoid blame and shame – rather use this opportunity to make clear and re-establish your family’s rules about appropriate and inappropriate touching, and about personal and privacy boundariesi.

This is a good time to learn about child sexual development, and particularly about the differences between typical and common behaviors for different age groups, and behaviors that could be concerning. Our online listing for Resources on Age-Appropriate Sexual Behavior can help you locate accurate and age-appropriate information. Additionally, our tip sheet, Talking to children and teens can support you in ongoing conversations with your children.

As a final note, I don’t know whether one of your children told you about this behavior, but if they did, they should be commended for sharing this with you and you should be commended for raising children who know that they can tell their parents when something unusual or inappropriate occurs.

Emphasis added by me of course. Notice that right off the bat this group is advising that finding out your teen son has “practiced kissing” his 4-year-old sister is not necessarily cause for concern. Think about that for a second. A teenager, kissing a toddler to “practice” for his girlfriend is no big deal according to a group dedicated to stopping sexual abuse? And forget the fact they’re brother and sister for a second – that in and of itself is clearly problematic and something parents should probably be looking into counseling for.

This is a TODDLER that a teen is using as a sexual surrogate. This is bizarre and potentially dangerous behavior that a parent should take as a sign that it’s time to get their son some psychological help. Even at 13 it is not normal for a child to be attracted to 4-year-old or interested in sexual experimentation with them for any reason.

But the Stop It Now! crew goes further in the second paragraph by imply the 4-year-old might be partially to blame for the molestation her older brother inflicted on her. They advise the parent to find out “how he got her to participate” as if she’s a co-conspirator – she’s a TODDLER. How morally backward and degenerate do you have to be to even suggest that a teen and the toddler he was caught molesting could in some way share the blame for the molestation?

Not that Stop It Now! believes in blame. After all they call for the parent to talk to the teen who molested a toddler to not “shame or blame” him. Only some fascist, I suppose, would point out that a teenager who is using a toddler as a sex doll to practice his moves on is completely at fault for the situation and the subsequent problems his behavior causes. Only a heartless fiend would suggest that a person who has kissed a TODDLER in a sexual manner should feel shame!

And almost as bad as all that the anonymous advice columnist prevaricates on the issue of whether the parents of this deeply troubled teen should supervise him more. The answer is of course he needs more adult supervision, but Ask Now! gives a virtual shrug of their shoulders and says “maybe” on the issue. What kind of organization that wants to prevent child abuse takes that sort of insouciant stance toward parenting a teen who has shown signs of being sexually predatory?

One that gets a grant from the Department of Justice.

These people are taking your tax money and using it to promote a dangerous agenda. Stop it Now! sees child molesters as victims and they promote a quasi-Marxist “restorative justice” program designed to de-stigmatize sexual predation and exploitation and desensitize Americans to the horrors of child sexual abuse. I am calling my congressman now to demand that this group be defunded and the Department of Justice explain why a group like this is getting taxpayer money and I urge everyone reading this to do the same.