No Guns for Negroes: The Racist History of Gun Control

I found this two part documentary on Xavier’s Thoughts and every Black American needs to watch this. Freedom lovers of all stripes should also give it some time, it’s a little known but vitally important history of the gun control movement in this country:

Part I:


Part II:


Support your 2nd Amendment rights!

Islam, Leftism and the Riverdale Terror Plot

The Synagogue targeted by the four terrorists in NY was less than a 20-minute walk from my old home in the Bronx. The section of the Bronx I lived in is known as Riverdale. It is home to the well to do as well as the working class, and it is home to a thriving Jewish community. Largely secular and reform Jews, who looked down on the Hasidic and Sephardic Jews who make their home in Brooklyn, Riverdale’s Jews were no doubt surprised to find themselves the target of Jihadist aggression. Solidly liberal, Riverdale went to Obama in the last election somewhere around 72% and the area is hardly a place where Zionism is openly expressed, or even welcome.

The last year I lived there the Ethical Culture Society, where many Jews in the area send their children after they’ve had their Bar Mitzvahs, held a free Palestine lecture. The next day they were shocked to find anti-Semitic White nationalist material floating around. I tell this story because it illustrates the naive worldview that many of Riverdale’s Jews, and most New Yorkers for that matter, wallow in. We are at war, and while it is important to point out that not all, perhaps most, Muslims are our enemies it is foolish to pretend this war isn’t between Islam and the West. It is foolish to think that American Jews are safe from attacks by jihadists no matter how liberal they are, no matter how much they claim to want peace.

One of the plotters, supposedly the leader, was the son of an Afghan immigrant who was angry at the military actions in that country. At least three of the plotters were ex-cons who converted to radical Islam on our dime. But to suggest that Islam was the primary motivator for the attack is to absolve the “anti-Zionist” left of their share of the responsibility for the targeting of Jews:

The group’s alleged ringleader, James Cromitie, according to the complaint, discussed targets with an undercover agent. “The best target [the World Trade Center] was hit already,” he allegedly told the agent. Later, he rejoiced in a terrorist attack on a synagogue.

“I hate those motherf—–s, those f—ing Jewish bastards. . . . I would like to get [destroy] a synagogue.”

It should be noted that it was a Muslim connected to their mosque that informed on them. Meanwhile Cromite’s tirade sounds suspiciously similar to what many leftist groups have been claiming about Jews in the past several years. How is his anti-Semitism different from the PETA chapter in New york that sent threatening emails to Rabbi Shea Hecht on Yom Kippur?

How is Cromite’s hatred of Jews different than the bigotry of U.K. diplomat Rowan Laxton who screamed anti-Semitic slurs in a busy English gym?  Or the tiresome anti-Semitism of Andrew Sullivan? Or the rank hatred that led to the closure of the forums?

It isn’t, and I would put forward that leftist anti-Semitism is much more influential in attacks on Jews than the animosity for Jews found in Islam. Blending Marxist class warfare rhetoric with anti-religious bigotry the left has indoctrinated many young people into accepting views concerning Jews (and especially the Jewish state) that would be more at home at a Klan meeting than among civilized people. Cinnamon Stillwell wrote an essay about this phenomenon on campus almost two years ago. Orson Scott Card took on leftist anti-Semitism in a book review. Stanford University aired a film for its students that included Blood libel.

These sorts of efforts have paid off for the left, allowing them to build a coalition that shares the central goal of “freeing Palestine” and mitigating the influence of the so-called “Jewish lobby” in America. That the rhetoric would encourage violence against Jews is not a concern of the left, who see Israel and Jewish support for that state as the last gasp of colonialism.

In this environment why wouldn’t Jihadists think the Jews of Riverdale, secular and sympathetic to their cause, were legitimate targets that no one would defend? If even the “enlightened” left is openly hostile to Jews, so much so that Jewish leftists have had no choice but to confront their fellow travelers,  why won’t people like Cromite feel encouraged to attack them?

Sy Hersh Tries to Lie His Way Out of the Lies He Told

Seymour Hersh made some startling claims to a Pakistani paper called The Nation, basically claiming that Dick Cheney (and Israel of course) runs a secret death squad that was responsible for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

When it became apparent that the statements made their way to people that knew they were a lie Seymour released this statement:

US journalist Seymour Hersh on Monday contradicted news reports being published in South Asia that quote him as saying a “special death squad” made by former US vice president Dick Cheney had killed Benazir Bhutto. The award-winning journalist described as “complete madness” the reports that the squad headed by General Stanley McChrystal – the new commander of US army in Afghanistan – had also killed former Lebanese prime minister Rafique Al Hariri and a Lebanese army chief. “Vice president Cheney does not have a death squad. I have no idea who killed Mr Hariri or Mrs Bhutto,” Hersh said. “I have never said that I did have such information. I most certainly did not say anything remotely to that effect during an interview with an Arab media outlet.” He said Gen McChrystal had run a special forces unit that engaged in “high value target activity”, but “while I have been critical of some of that unit’s activities in the pages of the New Yorker and in interviews, I have never suggested that he was involved in political assassinations or death squads on behalf of Mr Cheney, as the published stories state.” He regretted that none of the publications had contacted him before carrying the report. “This is another example of blogs going bonkers with misleading and fabricated stories and professional journalists repeating such rumours without doing their job – and that is to verify such rumours.” staff report.

The problem is that’s a lie. Legal Insurrection has video of Hersh making these very claims on Marxist shill Amy Goodman’s dreadful Democracy Now! program.

Isn’t libel illegal?

Finger Wagging Harpies Angry that Women in Bikinis Sell Beer

And that the sky is blue I suppose. What’s interesting about this report is that the women are complaining that a package good store near the elementary school they send their kids has “scantily clad” women working there. At no time do they claim that drive through liquor stores located near elementary schools are a bad idea no matter what the employees wear.

Priorities I guess:

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Baby Raping Pervert Bobby Joe Flores Gets to Plead Out for a Measly Two Year Sentence After Giving Infant Gonorrhea


Indiana law prohibits the release of the names of people with communicable diseases, unless the person signs a release form or the release of the name is needed to enforce public health laws. It’s part of that whole “right to privacy” that liberals seem to think is somewhere in the Constitution (it’s not) and in this case it means a baby raping pervert who was caught after he infected his 1-year-old victim with an STD will get out of jail in less than a year unless he’s a hellacious enough prisoner that they don’t shave his time.

From the Ft. Wayne Journal-Gazette:

Bobby Joe Flores had gonorrhea. And at some point after he baby-sat for a 1-year-old girl, so did she.

But a state law prevented that information from being presented to a jury, so Flores pleaded guilty to a lesser-grade child molesting charge.

The result Monday was a prison sentence under which Flores could be free in less than a year.

In April 2008, the girl’s mother took the child to the hospital after she noticed symptoms consistent with gonorrhea and the child began crying when her diaper was changed. In May, Flores, 21, was arrested on an outstanding warrant and while in jail received treatment for what was later determined to be gonorrhea, according to court documents.

In June, Allen Superior Judge John Surbeck issued subpoenas on behalf of prosecutors for Flores’ medical records at the jail, as well as his records at the Allen County Board of Health.

In October, Flores was formally charged with a Class B felony child molesting.

But attorneys for the Allen County Sheriff’s Department and the Fort Wayne-Allen County Health Department contacted prosecutors and said their employees would not testify at Flores’ trial because Indiana law prohibits the disclosure of information related to the identities of people who contract communicable diseases.

Since Indiana also credits prisoners with two days for every day served without disciplinary action (!?!) Flores, who has 180 or so days under his belt, will be out in six months. At which point he’ll no doubt rape more babies. Flores deserves to die for his crimes, instead he’ll do less time than someone who stole a car.

But at least we can rest assured knowing that our “right to privacy” is being so jealously protected by the government. Now if only they tried protecting kids.

h/t Lost in Lima, Ohio