How Does Socialized Health Care Really Work?

Via Hot Air Steven Crowder travels to Canada to show you exactly what socialized medicine looks like. Long but worth it, especially around 8:20 when a nurse at a clinic recommends private health care to Crowder and company. The same thing happens with a different nurse around 9:40.

But let’s get some of that here!


Michael Moore was unavailable for comment. He may have had an appointment with his private doctor.

There is No Honest Debate with the Left

Yesterday I didn’t get onto the Internet until around six o’clock in the evening and was greeted with an extremely racist comment left on one of my old posts. I usually allow such things to stand as monuments to the stupidity of the commenter but after a few years of toiling away on the Internet I’ve come to recognize the honest bigotry of the cretin versus the forced imitation by those who claim to not be racists, but think nothing of leaving comments that would make David Duke blush. Then they return and accuse you of being a racist for allowing their own filth on your site.

I speak of course, of the Moby and in this case it was fairly clear that this person was trolling for some positive reaction from me or my readers. Of course, my readership is far too decent and sophisticated to be dragged into supporting such vile racism. Coincidentally, but unrelated to my own Moby, Free Republic was just the victim of a complicated and transparent Mobying scheme set up by Vancouver Sun reporter Chris Parry who also happens to be a DailyKos diarist with handle Hollywoodoz. There he spreads insane conspiracy theories, pimps his scam business and runs a “third world loan” con game on his fellow progressives.

Parry also promoted the idea that Progressives should use any number of underhanded and dishonest Internet tactics to shut down debate with Conservatives, including Mobying. He practices what he preaches apparently since he not only left racist comments on venerable righty site Free Republic, he then used his own comments as material to write a hit piece in the Vancouver Sun. Even Gawker could see this one:

 It gets worse, though. Chris Parry, it appears, has advocated on his Daily Kos blog any number of egregious offenses, among them: posting hate speech on sites like Free Republic and blaming it on conservatives. Parry posted under the name “hollywoodoz” on Daily Kos, where his signature was “Fool me once, I’ll punch you in the fucking head.” Parry outed himself as hollywoodoz here, where he discloses the company he helped start. In essence: Parry, the journalist, found his story right where he’d been circling it for a very long time, and reported it as news. Sigh.

Free Republic is of course on a tear rallying their troops to spread the word on Parry. Gateway Pundit has an example of Parry’s own racism. But this is just the latest example of the dishonest tactics of Progressives on the web. Robert Spencer has long been a target of such attacks by Progressive turned 9/11 Conservative turned Atheist crusader Charles Johnson and his “lizard” cult. Most recently Johnson’s slanderous untruths were used by C.A.I.R. to help bully the American Library Association into rescinding an invitation to Spencer to speak at a symposium they set up. I have blogged before about Johnson’s attack on me and this site, which was also based largely on dishonesty designed to shut down debate.

Which is the point. Progressivism only appeals to fascists. Modern Liberalism, with its identity politics, class warfare and economic policies that externalize the infantilization of our young people, cannot withstand the scrutiny a debate brings. No one really believes you can create more jobs by making it more expensive to hire workers, or that you can safeguard the nation by timidly asking our enemies to forgive us. If debated honestly, most Americans would be swayed to the right of any argument, because most Americans believe in freedom, personal responsibility and doing what it takes to keep their families safe.

So the left in this country seeks to circumvent debate by assassinating the characters of those on the right, and for decades they have been successful. In our schools, in our media and now on the Internet the left has been able to convince generation after generation that we on the right are too unseemly to be taken seriously, that associating with us or our ideas would carry with it a social stigma that could not be endured. The left has been able to win the debate by ensuring no one listens to the other side.

And on the right we still attempt good faith debate, but to what end? Exposing the dishonesty and destroying the reputations of those like Parry and Johnson who use such tactics will do more for the “right wing” in this country than a thousand debates we get disinvited to. It is time we realize that the left is not interested in being convinced that we are right, but only in convincing others that we never could be and thus aren’t worth engaging. We need to change our strategy accordingly, and show a new generation with stories like Chris Parry’s that the left can’t be trusted.

Minuteman Splinter Group Founder Accused of Running Home Invasion Ring that Targeted Drug Dealers in Arizona

Shawna Forde was a fixture in border security politics for too long. Unstable enough to be summarily dismissed from the Minutemen Defense Corps she became a perfect example of what leftists accuse anyone concerned with border security of being. But Forde had a history of incidents which made it clear that she was at the very least involved with a seedy element, and part of the drug culture. Shawna was mysteriously assaulted by gang members and her husband allegedly shot in attacks she tried to link to her immigration activism, but word on the street was always that her troubles with “Mexican gangs” had a much more nefarious origin.

It has long been accepted as fact that Shawna took out a hit on her husband (who had filed for divorce prior to being shot) and blamed Mexican gangs. As one blogger who met (and didn’t like) Forde in person said, this story didn’t track because Latin American gangs “are not known for doing things in little slices.”

The police dragged their feet building a case against this psycho, giving her time to show the world her true colors:

PHOENIX — Two of three people arrested in a southern Arizona home invasion that left a little girl and her father dead had connections to a Washington state anti-illegal immigration group that conducts border watch activities in Arizona.

Jason Eugene Bush, 34, Shawna Forde, 41, and Albert Robert Gaxiola, 42, have been charged with two counts each of first-degree murder and other charges, said Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County, Ariz.

The trio are alleged to have dressed as law enforcement officers and forced their way into a home about 10 miles north of the Mexican border in rural Arivaca on May 30, wounding a woman and fatally shooting her husband and their 9-year-old daughter. Their motive was financial, Dupnik said.

“The husband who was murdered has a history of being involved in narcotics and there was an anticipation that there would be a considerable amount of cash at this location as well as the possibility of drugs,” Dupnik said.

Forde is the leader of Minutemen American Defense, a small border watch group, and Bush goes by the nickname “Gunny” and is its operations director, according to the group’s Web site. She is from Everett, Wash., has recently been living in Arizona and was once associated with the better known and larger Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.

A statement attributed to officers of Forde’s group and posted on its Web site on Saturday extended condolences to the victims’ families and said the group doesn’t condone such acts and will cooperate with law enforcement.

“This is not what Minutemen do,” said member Chuck Stonex, who responded to an e-mail from The Associated Press sent through the Web site. “Minutemen observe, document and report. This is nothing more than a cold-hearted criminal act, and that is all we want to say.”

The assailants planned to leave no one alive, Dupnik said at a press conference in Tucson on Friday. He said Forde was the ringleader.

“This was a planned home invasion where the plan was to kill all the people inside this trailer so there would be no witnesses,” Dupnik said. “To just kill a 9-year-old girl because she might be a potential witness to me is just one of the most despicable acts that I have heard of.”

Dupnik said Forde continued working through Friday to raise a large amount of money to make her anti-illegal immigrant operation more sophisticated.

Forde denied involvement as she was led from sheriff’s headquarters.

I bet.

Huffpo and Crooks and Liars are claiming this was evidence of her “xenophobia” although her murderous accomplice Gaxiola and the Mexican gang bangers she hired for the hit on her husband have yet to come forward with any horror stories of being berated with racial slurs while plotting brutal killings with her.

The group she founded, Minutemen American Defense, or (I kid you not) M.A.D. as they like to be known has released a statement claiming they are shocked, SHOCKED, that an allegedly drug using loose cannon who was thrown out of the minutemen and was thought to be involved in a hit on her own husband might have been involved in another violent crime.  Since they have a section of their website dedicated to obvious yarns she spins and pictures of her hanging around a biker bar I’ll assume they shock easy.

Here’s a hint for my readers, if you know anyone over 30 who hangs around biker bars, you know someone that will probably kill you for money.

Muslim Desecrates Pvt William Long’s Memorial with Truther Rant and Anti-Semitism

Disgusting. A memorial service for a Jihadi victim Pvt. William Long was crashed by a Muslim woman who refused to allow the mourners to show their respects. She went on to claim 9/11 was an inside job ( a theory made up by wife beating Muslim Kevin Barrett), Jesus was a Muslim (even though by historical and their own accounts Islam comes into being in the early 600s A.D.) and that Coptic Christians in Egypt are not persecuted despite the fact that they are now being starved to death by their Muslim masters.

Atlas posted this video of the incident:


How vile. Needless to say you won’t be seeing this video on the nightly news, not in Obama’s United Caliphate of America. Keep Arkansas Legal (I’m not familiar with them so if you are in some argument with them over immigration don’t drag me into it) are the originators of the video and they have this to say:

However, the most shocking part of the event was when a muslim fanatic crashed the event. The fanatic drove by and yelled at us, then parked in the parking lot and stood out with a homemade sign yelling anti-American and later anti-Semetic comments. Had this been a ceremony for Tiller, this would have been the top story for both local and national media. Since it isn’t a top story, it’s up to you to send this to as many people as possible.

That I can agree with. Spread the word, Muslims are feeling frisky these days so everyone be careful. Here’s the true Islamic doctrine regarding Christians and Jews:


Not exactly what they’re trying to sell you over here is it?

h/t Gateway Pundit