Shawna Forde was a fixture in border security politics for too long. Unstable enough to be summarily dismissed from the Minutemen Defense Corps she became a perfect example of what leftists accuse anyone concerned with border security of being. But Forde had a history of incidents which made it clear that she was at the very least involved with a seedy element, and part of the drug culture. Shawna was mysteriously assaulted by gang members and her husband allegedly shot in attacks she tried to link to her immigration activism, but word on the street was always that her troubles with “Mexican gangs” had a much more nefarious origin.
It has long been accepted as fact that Shawna took out a hit on her husband (who had filed for divorce prior to being shot) and blamed Mexican gangs. As one blogger who met (and didn’t like) Forde in person said, this story didn’t track because Latin American gangs “are not known for doing things in little slices.”
The police dragged their feet building a case against this psycho, giving her time to show the world her true colors:
PHOENIX — Two of three people arrested in a southern Arizona home invasion that left a little girl and her father dead had connections to a Washington state anti-illegal immigration group that conducts border watch activities in Arizona.
Jason Eugene Bush, 34, Shawna Forde, 41, and Albert Robert Gaxiola, 42, have been charged with two counts each of first-degree murder and other charges, said Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County, Ariz.
The trio are alleged to have dressed as law enforcement officers and forced their way into a home about 10 miles north of the Mexican border in rural Arivaca on May 30, wounding a woman and fatally shooting her husband and their 9-year-old daughter. Their motive was financial, Dupnik said.
“The husband who was murdered has a history of being involved in narcotics and there was an anticipation that there would be a considerable amount of cash at this location as well as the possibility of drugs,” Dupnik said.
Forde is the leader of Minutemen American Defense, a small border watch group, and Bush goes by the nickname “Gunny” and is its operations director, according to the group’s Web site. She is from Everett, Wash., has recently been living in Arizona and was once associated with the better known and larger Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.
A statement attributed to officers of Forde’s group and posted on its Web site on Saturday extended condolences to the victims’ families and said the group doesn’t condone such acts and will cooperate with law enforcement.
“This is not what Minutemen do,” said member Chuck Stonex, who responded to an e-mail from The Associated Press sent through the Web site. “Minutemen observe, document and report. This is nothing more than a cold-hearted criminal act, and that is all we want to say.”
The assailants planned to leave no one alive, Dupnik said at a press conference in Tucson on Friday. He said Forde was the ringleader.
“This was a planned home invasion where the plan was to kill all the people inside this trailer so there would be no witnesses,” Dupnik said. “To just kill a 9-year-old girl because she might be a potential witness to me is just one of the most despicable acts that I have heard of.”
Dupnik said Forde continued working through Friday to raise a large amount of money to make her anti-illegal immigrant operation more sophisticated.
Forde denied involvement as she was led from sheriff’s headquarters.
I bet.
Huffpo and Crooks and Liars are claiming this was evidence of her “xenophobia” although her murderous accomplice Gaxiola and the Mexican gang bangers she hired for the hit on her husband have yet to come forward with any horror stories of being berated with racial slurs while plotting brutal killings with her.
The group she founded, Minutemen American Defense, or (I kid you not) M.A.D. as they like to be known has released a statement claiming they are shocked, SHOCKED, that an allegedly drug using loose cannon who was thrown out of the minutemen and was thought to be involved in a hit on her own husband might have been involved in another violent crime. Since they have a section of their website dedicated to obvious yarns she spins and pictures of her hanging around a biker bar I’ll assume they shock easy.
Here’s a hint for my readers, if you know anyone over 30 who hangs around biker bars, you know someone that will probably kill you for money.