SEIU Attacks: White-Led Union Thugs Attack Black Conservative at St. Louis Town Hall Meeting

All you Uncle Toms (Jesse Taylor and Pam Spaulding I’m looking at you) on the left can look at this and see what your White friends will treat you like if you ever step out of line:


As an aside, that’s the kind of beating you can expect if you vote down gay marriage again Black folks. And yes it will be administered by some SEIU house negro at the direction of five or six Whites, just like this attack. Six people were arrested related to this violent assault, including a reporter for the St. Post-Louis Dispatch. I guess suppressing Blacks is taught in J school now. The Post-Dispatch has already spun the arrests, burying the assault at the bottom of a piece where the reporter claims the GOP was at fault for their own abuse at the hands of Union thugs:

The six people were arrested after confrontations outside the school, said county police spokesman Rick Eckhard. Carnahan was gone when the ruckus started, Eckhard said.

Post-Dispatch reporter Jake Wagman, who was covering the event and shooting video for, was arrested for interference.


In a prepared statement released Friday morning, (Rep Russ) Carnahan said: “Sadly we’ve seen stories about disrupters around the country, and we have a handful of them here in Missouri. Instead of participating in a civil debate, they have mobilized with special interests in Washington who have lined their pockets by overcharging Americans for a broken health care system.”

“I will continue to engage with constituents that I am honored to represent in Congress and fight to achieve long-overdue health insurance reform in our country,” Carnahan said.

Engage them by sicking union thugs on them? Carnahan claims the protesters weren’t civil but how many of his supporters got sent to the emergency room? Black man Kenneth Gladney had to do his interview from an emergency room, but I guess since he won’t support socialized health care he has it coming:

Kenneth Gladney, 38, a conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don’t tread on me” printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was awaiting treatment for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack.

“It just seems there’s no freedom of speech without being attacked,” he said.

Members of the local Tea Party Coalition, a movement that has emerged to counter Obama’s policies, had urged their members to attend Carnahan’s forum, which in turn spurred Democrats to establish a strong presence.

Inside the gathering, while speakers stuck to aging issues, they were often interrupted by yells from audience members who wanted to shift the focus to health care.

“This isn’t even close to civil,” said Steve Belosi, 52, of Lake Saint Louis, commenting on the crowd. “The rudeness was beyond compare.”

As rude as sending a man to the hospital? I notice no Democrats (perhaps we can call them Fascists now) have criticized the beating of Gladney. And what kind of people, aside from the fat degenerates from SEIU, were involved in Gladney’s beating:

One of those arrested was Brian Matthews, 34, of St. Louis city, who works as a rehabber and previously worked on a campaign for a Texas statehouse candidate.

“I feel like it was a bull rush,” Matthews said. “It all came from behind.”

Matthews said he had been inside the forum because he is in favor of a public option for health care. He had attended with a friend, a 51-year-old woman. After it was over, they were walking outside and had a run-in with a man who was trying to videotape them. Matthews said that man from from the GOP. They reported the man to a police officer, who seemed uninterested, Matthews said.

As the pair walked to their car, they saw a man on the street who looks like he had been assaulted. Police surrounded him.

“My friend took pictures,” Matthews said, “and an officer told her not to. She contested that.”

Matthews said he and his friend walked away, arm in arm. The officer followed them, and Matthews friend exchanged words with the officer, Matthews said.

“I can’t tell you how many police officers charged us from behind,” Matthews said. “I was pushed to the ground by one. I was pushed into the back of somebody who was walking away.”

Matthews said he was told he was arrested for interference. His friend was maced “after she was subdued by the police,” Matthews said. She vomited on the side of the road, then later vomited more in the police car, he said.

In other words, Matthews and his whore, I mean lady friend, tried to get some random guy arrested based on a crazy conspiracy theory and when the cops wouldn’t take the bait they jumped some Black guy and tried to keep the cops from arresting someone. Disgusting.

Newsbusters has more. If you’re attending a town hall, be ready to defend yourself. I’ll be going to a couple of my local ones and I’m not coming unprepared.

Post-Modern Post-Racialism and the Obama Presidency

Yesterday leftist rag The Daily Beast ran an article by squishy White “Republican” John Avlon claiming that everyone in the “birther” movement is a racist who hates Black people. The birther movement, for those of you unfamiliar with it, is a collection of mainly conservatives who are convinced Obama isn’t a natural born citizen. The Birther-in-Chief is actual Black man Alan Keyes who has been hitting this note for about a year.

Nowhere in Avlon’s lefty hit piece does he mention that Alan Keyes is the driving force behind the birther movement, nor does the bleating mass of commenters lapping up his intellectual sputum mention that or the fact that Obama isn’t a “Black man.” He is, like me, Bi-racial. Unlike me, his Black ancestors have not been in America since the 1700s, he has no roots in the Black community, and grew up in countries that had no Black population to speak of. There is even some evidence to support that his violent communist family from Kenya is involved in ethnic cleansing of Black Africans from different tribes, and those of different faiths.

Yet for Avlon, Barack Obama is the perfect Black man.

Obama promised a post-racial presidency but his entire appeal to White liberals is his “Blackness” which is mediated to the extreme by his unfamiliarity with Black American culture. The media criticized Michael Steele for making a joke about bring fried chicken to a picnic without bothering to figure out if fried chicken is something Black people like to take on picnics. It is, and my Grandmother’s fried chicken was Ambrosia wrapped in aluminum foil and slightly chilled from being in a cooler full of Shop Rite brand sodas on the way to our favorite family fishing hole.

It should be noted that the criticism of Steele, based solely on his off-hand remark that shared Black American culture with the world, came from White Obama supporters like noted hack Bill Browning. Browning claimed that Steele, a Black man, was racist against Blacks for mentioning fried chicken as a picnic food. Obama encourages this sort of post-modern redefinition of racism implicitly by standing idle now, and during his entire political career, while his clan of White “liberals” burned their rhetorical crosses on the lawns of anyone who dared to criticize the essentially White progressive agenda Obama represents. Obama is not Black and he is by any definition a token for the far left, but in this wildly redefined world he is representative of a people he knows nothing about and the power of White leftists to delineate what is “real” Black behavior and who is an Uncle Tom.

It’s an upside down world, but one in which there is still one fiction that has survived, if only because it is too important to the race baiting industry that has stolen the cause of Black advancement, and that is the Black man as perpetual victim of a racist state. In his rambling and asinine address on health care last night I saw that one of the journalists in his harem threw him what he considers a soft ball and asked him about overrated academic hack Henry Gates’ arrest. Obama lied about the details of the arrest, then called the police stupid in a display so childish all Americans should have been mortified. That the officer who the left is now claiming falsely is a racist, James Crowley, once gave a Black man mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and only arrested Gates when the belligerent Harvard professor followed him out of the house to berate him is almost a given. Obama’s friend got arrested, and since he is a Black man it was racism.

Ignore for a moment that it’s fairly unimportant. A couple of thousand people are getting arrested and thrown in a drunk tank or holding cell as you read this, only to be released after they cool off in a time honored policing technique designed to keep the arrestees from getting in more trouble. Obama supporters care about none of these people, or the addictions/mental illnesses that lead many of them into these situations. Obama is “their Black” and Gates is the Black guy who writes the books they leave on their coffee tables to show people how “aware” they are so a defense of them is tendered, so paternalistic that it’s a surprise they didn’t baby powder Gates’ little tush afterward.

The Boston Globe did, when they removed the arrest report because it reflected badly on Gates, you know, by telling the truth. If Gates wasn’t drunk during this encounter he is frankly the biggest ass in Cambridge. The Globe removing the report was an attempt to make the arresting officer look racist, even though there was no racism in the incident. Obama added fuel to that fire in what he laughably calls a post-racial presidency. White leftists are already orgasmic over Barack’s “honesty” about a subject they know nothing about which is how Black Americans are treated by the police. Ironically, the man that gives them license to do so, Barack Obama, knows nothing about it either.

The consequences of this post-modern post-racialism are an increase in racial animosity and the potential for violence and civil unrest. I blogged yesterday about a tense racial stand-off in Texas, and in this new post-racial America vicious Black on White hate crimes like the Newsom/Christian murders or the Wichita Massacre have still yet to be addressed by the national media. Both cases have been slowly scrubbed of their most horrific details on the web, as the ever shrinking Wikipedia entries for both attest to. Most recently, the assault on a White family on the Fourth of July by a gang of Blacks who made racist comments during the attackshould prove that the leftist class/race warfare narrative in this country does more harm than good, and the post-modern construct of post-racialism will only lead to more mayhem.

When he leaves office Obama will have allowed a White driven academic understanding of racism to drive policies that will further segregate America and undo years of struggle to bring Americans together. If that’s what he meant by post-racial, then he’s a success, but I suspect he meant something entirely different. That lofty goal cannot be achieved within the White progressive power structure, and a Black man would know that.

Child Pornographer Gets Light Sentence from Washington Judge

A 59-year-old degenerate gets caught with pornographic images of a underage girl he met on MySpace, a girl he also had inappropriate sexual contact with and showed child pornography to, and what does he get? Six months, and a maximum of four years of sex offender “treatment” that will no doubt be courtesy of the good taxpayers of Washington. Disgusting:

MOUNT VERNON — A judge sentenced a 59-year-old La Conner businessman to sex offender treatment Thursday for taking sexually explicit photos of a minor girl and posting them on a MySpace page, touching her inappropriately and showing her child pornography.

Skagit County Superior Court Judge Mike Rickert ordered Stephen A. Burks to six months in the Skagit County Jail and to complete the special sex offender sentencing alternative, which could take three or four years.


Burks is eligible for a work release program while he is at the jail.

He owns a gas station and video store in La Conner, is married and has two grown children, according to court documents.

He pleaded guilty to sexual exploitation of a minor, child molestation, possessing pictures of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct and dealing in photos of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Several similar charges were dropped as part of the plea deal.

Now at least you know where not to raise your children.

h/t Trench Reynolds

Democrat Operative with Ties to Ted Strickland and Hillary Clinton Pimped Out Teen Girls Online

Robert “Eric” McFadden is the founder of Catholics for Kerry and was involved with the controversial (and heretical from a traditional Catholic perspective) Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. McFadden also worked as the head of Clinton’s Catholic outreach program last year during the election, and was Ohio Governor Ted Strickland’s director of Faith Based Initiatives for some time.

McFadden was also a sexual degenerate who was pimping out teenage girls on Craigslist:

A middle-aged man was arrested and taken into custody by Columbus police officers for crimes related to online prostitution. Robert E. McFadden, 46, allegedly traded information relating to online prostitutes and escorts who plied their trade on the city streets. Charges in the pending case also state a 17-year-old minor was one of the “sex for hire” participants. Law enforcement officers state McFadden reportedly offered raffle tickets for $10 each in order to win and evening with a prostitute.

McFadden allegedly created reviews of individual streetwalkers and personal escorts and sold the reviews of their performances online. The “hooker review” website has been pulled from the World Wide Web, leaving many searching aimlessly for a glimpse of the X-rated performance chart. According to the details available about McFadden’s lascivious love low-down, customers could post comments about their personal experiences with the sex workers. Possible child pornography charges may be forthcoming due to the age of at least one of the prostitutes.

Yowza. Someone’s going to be doing like a million Hail Marys. McFadden apparently made a living being the official Democratic Party Catholic as this report from the Catholic News Agency ably shows:

The former director of the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives for the governor of Ohio was arrested Wednesday for his involvement in an online prostitution ring.  Eric McFadden, who has also formerly served as the president of the organization Catholics for Faithful Citizenship and spokesperson for Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, will face seven prostitution-related charges tomorrow in court.

Eric McFadden, 46, the former head of the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives for Governor of Ohio, Ted Strickland, was arrested this morning and faces two counts of promoting prostitution, two counts of pandering obscenity involving a minor, two counts of pandering obscenity involving a nude minor and one count of compelling prostitution, Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien told the Springfield News-Sun.

The News-Sun also quoted Keith Daily, Governor Strickland’s press secretary who described the situation as “very sad, shocking and appalling.”

McFadden’s faith outreach has not been limited to the Ohio governor’s office.  In 2004, McFadden worked for Catholics for Kerry and in 2005, served as the president for the organization, Catholics for Faithful Citizenship.  In 2006, he was a spokesperson for Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, and more recently, he was Hillary Clinton’s lead Catholic outreach organizer as the State Faith & Values Outreach Director during the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

According to NBC 4 in Columbus, Ohio, detectives suspect McFadden was involved in a “hooker-review” site that led to the creation of a Brewery District brothel.

Here’s how we know he was never a particularly bright man:

McFadden used complex encoded postings on Craigslist that would look like useless or corrupted data, in which he would embed the information of the woman available, the type of sex interaction she would be willing to perform and the place to meet her. Paradoxically, McFadden’s code name in his transactions was “mcfaddencatholic.”

Looking for some lefty hypocrisy?

McFadden who has been a supporter of John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama described his Catholic outreach in 2007 to PBS’ Religion and Ethics Newsweekly as giving “a voice to Catholics so they can stand up and say, ‘I am a Catholic Democrat, and I’m proud and these are the principles that I believe in.’”

Additionally, he was a member of the Knights of Columbus and reached the 4th order.  Last year, he penned a letter to the Knights of Columbus asserting that Supreme Knight Carl Anderson was leading Catholics astray by suggesting that Catholics could not vote for pro-abortion candidates.

“Carl Anderson should resign as Supreme Knight so the good work of the Knights of Columbus can continue without the stain of partisan politics,” he wrote.

While he wrote this he was hiring and pimping out underage prostitutes.

Lest you think the Liberal hypocrisy ends with him Newsbusters points out that the left-leaning Columbus-Dispatch actually scrubbed the story from their site, while The American Catholic catches Huffington Post first trying to claim McFadden was a “GOPer” until they were called out in the comments. Now party affiliation is nowhere to be found, but the Huffpo commenters are enthusiastically calling for the legalization of pimping out children.

It will come as a shock to you I’m sure to find that a person who was pimping out a teenage girl may have had a history of online sexual harassment aimed at Pro-life women. Carol McKinley puts forward the theory that Ted Strickland’s people knew McFadden was a degenerate and got rid of him just before all this broke loose. Knarfoh has examples of his postings. Pro Ecclesia has a list of comments McFadden has made on his site, which are telling.

McFadden also apparently went by the name God of Thunder. He met his victim in an online chat room, groomed her, then “raffled” her off to men.

The MSM will be bringing you all the details in the coming weeks I’m sure.

h/t RightWing Sparkle.