Jane Hamsher: 9/11 Trutherism is Mainstream Democratic Ideology and Obama’s a Wingnut

Can we question their patriotism now? Jane Hamsher not only claims that 9/11 trutherism is the mainstream of Democratic politics (and the head scratching logic she uses to get to this conclusion makes me question her sanity) but she goes on to claim, get this, that Obama isn’t far enough to the left because he won’t allow her friends to attack the Blue Dog Democrats and the American Medical Association! You know, because what would advance the liberal agenda more than eating their own and to be seen publicly calling doctors scumbags.

First the trutherism:

I first met Van Jones when he was honored last year by the Campaign for America’s Future at their gala dinner.  He was being swarmed by all of the liberal institutional elite, who just could not be more full of praise for the impressive environmental leader and prison reform organizer.  Everybody wanted Van Jones on their board.  Everyone wanted him at their fundraisers.  Everyone wanted a piece of his formidable limelight.

Now he’s been thrown under the bus by the White House for signing his name to a petition expressing something that 35% of all Democrats believed as of 2007 — that George Bush knew in advance about the attacks of 9/11.  Well, that and calling Republicans “assholes.”  I’m pretty sure that if you search through the histories of every single liberal leader at the CAF dinner that night, they have publicly said that and worse.

So where are all the statements defending Van Jones by those who were willing to exploit him when it served their purpose?  Why aren’t they standing up  and defending one of their own, who has done nothing that probably the majority of people in the Democratic party haven’t done at one time or another?  Is he no longer “one of their own?”

So 35% of a group of people is the mainstream? Because the poll to which she alludes is more correctly interpreted as meaning the mainstream Democrat view (65%) reject conspiracy mongering. We on the right say 35% is a horrifically high number of people who believe a conspiracy propagated by Alex Jones and his ilk. This is just more evidence of Hamsher’s essential insulation from reality.

Then she begins telling stories out of school about her own fairly conspiratorial dealings with liberal special interest groups and the White House, hamshering (a word I am now officially coining) her relationship with the web of Soros funded Communist insurgencies that allows the hack producer of horrible films to be part of the elite who think they will one day rule America. As an aside, the only good movie Hamsher was ever involved with was From Hell, which was an elaborate conspiracy fantasy, like 9/11 being allowed to happen.

Hamsher herself seems upset that Obama and his crew aren’t involved in a conspiracy with her that would include Stalin-esque purges of moderates, attacks on the American Medical Association and most bizarrely a coordinated campaign by the White House with the Soros groups surrounding it to defend not just Van Jones, but trutherism, anti-Capitalism and full on Bolivarism:

Soon after the election, the Administration began corralling the big liberal DC interest groups into a variety of organizations and communication networks through which they telegraphed their wishes — into a virtual veal pen.  The 8:45 am morning call co-hosted by the “liberal” Center for American Progress, Unity 09, and Common Purpose are just a few of the overt ways that the White House controls its left flank and maintains discipline.

My own experience with the Veal Pen came indirectly, when some of them had the temerity to launch a campaign against Blue Dogs.  They were rebuked and humiliated in front of their peers as a lesson to them all at a Common Purpose meeting, which is run by lobbyist Erik Smith.  White House communications director Ellen Moran attends.  It isn’t an arms-length relationship between these groups and the administration.

A few weeks ago, Rahm Emanuel showed up at a Common Purpose meeting and called these liberal groups “fucking stupid” for going after Blue Dogs on health care and ordered them not to do so any more.  Since that time, to the best of my knowledge, none of them have.

In other words Obama and the Democrats were supposed to be taking marching orders from the rich, White progressive elites and he hasn’t knuckled under yet. Jane and company wanted a good old fashioned purge of Conservative Democrats (holding what were Republican seats) and the Democrats have the nerve to try to, I don’t know, keep those seats. Then the spurned Hamsher hits Obama directly:

 When the White House met with bankers after the AIG scandal and they said they didn’t want to be criticized for getting huge bonuses paid for by taxpayers, the White House complied and “cooled their rhetoric.”  The President told the public that Timothy Geithner had been instructed to do everything in his power to claw back those bonuses, and the House passed a bill doing just that.  But it died in the Senate.

You remember all those campaigns by the unions, by the online groups, by liberal economics and finance organizations pushing the Senate to take it up?

Yeah, me either.

Which means that the teabaggers were in perfect position to harvest all of the discontent over the bank bailout, and no coherent liberal critique was offered.  I heard it over and over again — if you wanted to criticize the White House on financial issues, your institutional funding would dry up instantly.  The Obama campaign successfully telegraphed to donors that they should cut off Fund for America, which famously led to its demise.   It wasn’t the last time something like that happened — just ask those who were receiving  institutional money who criticized the White House and saw their funding cut, at the specific request of liberal institutional leaders who now principally occupy their time by brown nosing friends and former co-workers in the White House.

And so the groups in the DC veal pen stay silent.  They leadership gets gets bought off by cocktail parties at the White House while the interests of their members get sold out.  How many have openly pushed back against the Administration on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell or DOMA? Well, not many.  Most tried to satisfy their LGBT members by outsourcing activism to other organizations, or proving their bona fides by getting involved in the Prop 8 battle that is not directly toxic to the White House.  It’s a chickenshit sidestep that betrays their members in the interest of personal gain, which they justify with feeble self-serving palliatives about the importance of “maintaining a seat at the table.”

Where are they on health care?  Why aren’t they running ads against the AMA, the hospitals, the insurance industry barons who have $700 million in stock options, PhRMA, the device manufacturers and the White House for doing back room deals with all of the above?

Why are they not calling for the White House to release the details of those secret deals?

Needless to say, this criticism of the Obama administration’s corporatism is racist.But what kind of fascist do you have to be to suggest that rather than run ads promoting your health care platform you should run attack ads on doctors and hospitals? The same people you want to work in this new system of yours. It’s almost as if she and other health care proponents are willing to force people to work in a system they don’t like.

Of course Hamsher returns to Jones. Like a schoolgirl with a crush on the motorcycle riding dropout with the Warrant tattoo on his bicep, Hamsher just can’t believe everyone isn’t rising to the defense of misunderstood bad boy Van Jones. And the lack of support for a man who claims White environmentalists are in cahoots with evil corporations to poison Black folk among those same White environmentalists is a moral outrage that cannot be unchallenged:

If these groups, if these liberal leaders, let Jones just hang there while Glenn Beck pounds his chest and celebrates the scalp, we have no liberal institutions.  What we have are a bunch of neoliberal enablers who have found a nice comfortable place in the DC establishment that they don’t want to jeopardize, a place on the new K-Street gravy train that they don’t want to lose.  Dropping Van Jones from their rolodex is a small price to pay.

If there is going to be a serious progressive movement in this country capable of standing up for health care against an industry that spends $1.4 million a day on lobbying, we can’t just look to the members of the Progressive Caucus and say “hey, you, get something done.”  They need cover.  They need to know that they will be supported.  And people like Van Jones who have given their lives to causes we say we value like prison reform and environmental advocacy need to know that they will be defended, and not handed over to Glenn Beck as an acceptable casualty in the battle for K-Street dollars.

So to all you liberal organizations in the “veal pen” — this is your moment of truth.  I get all your emails.  And the next Common Purpose meeting is probably on Tuesday.  If you can’t get it together to at least put out a statement of support for Van Jones and condemn the White House for using him as a sacrificial lamb to right wing extremists that will devour us all if left unchecked, it’s time to add “proudly liberal only when it doesn’t matter” to your logo and be done with it.

Van Jones wants the same people she is asking to support him to be held responsible for racial and class grievances he has largely made up. Van Jones wants to take all the money Hamsher makes on royalties and distribute it to others. Van Jones believes Hamsher herself is part of the problem, yet she squirted out this call for progressives to stand with him in orgasmic ignorance of what Jones stands for. She shrilly decries the White House doing to her and her progressive friends what she encourages Jones to do to me and other people on the right. It is a fantasy based view of the world she has, where conspiracy theories are acceptable, conspiring with radicals to overturn capitalism is acceptable (and consequenceless), and the only real sin is not conforming to her armchair Marxist view of the world. She accuses Obama of being a “neoliberal” in her piece which is the leftist version of our own and overused RINO, in other words she’s saying Obama’s basically a wingnut, like everyone on the right.

But reading through her childishly angry tirade, just the latest in a long career of outlandishness, who is really the nut? The woman supporting Trutherism or the Democrats trying to stay in power?

h/t Just One Minute

Illegal Alien Runs Down Grandmother then Flees … In $40,000 S.U.V.

Ah the plight of the illegal alien, I’m sorry, undocumented worker who is oppressed by we “racist” border security hawks (and Black folk) who are concerned about such minutia as the ethnic cleansing of Black Americans by illegal dominated Latino gangs or the completely avoidable rapes and murders career criminals who we allow to dwell in this country illegally seem to have a special affinity for.

Weathering all this scorn they work the most menial of jobs for little pay and dwell in perpetual poverty picking lettuce as we evil Americans hose them down with DDT while eying them maliciously through our monocles and trying to force them to adopt such wicked and racist values as only having sex with women over 18, not killing trannies you’ve had sex with and not forming gangs that end up being arrested for hate crimes against Black Americans.

And what do they get in return? Easy credit and $40,000 S.U.V.s? Hardly worth it. Especially when “racists” like me howl with outrage over the occasional hit-and-run:

State troopers arrested an illegal immigrant Tuesday in the hit-and-run death of a longtime bicyclist and clinical psychologist, authorities said.

Roberto Salvador Alvelais-Torres, 28, is accused of striking Beverly Jean Duffield, 74, of Tulsa with a sport utility vehicle and then driving away, Oklahoma Highway Patrol Lt. George Brown said.

Duffield was killed Tuesday morning while riding her bicycle near U.S. 75 and the 1700 block of Southwest Boulevard — an area where she was known to ride frequently.

Cherie White, a longtime friend who was at Duffield’s home Tuesday evening, said it was not the first time Duffield had been struck by a vehicle while riding a bike.

About five or six years ago, she was hit while riding on 41st West Avenue. She suffered a head injury and bore an extensive scar on her right thigh from that crash, White said.

“She was always trying to educate cyclists about cycling and being aware of their surroundings and being safe,” White added.


Medics who responded about 7:20 a.m. pronounced Duffield dead at the scene with massive traumatic injuries, EMSA spokeswoman Tina Wells said.

The vehicle that struck her had fled the scene. Brown said troopers who were investigating the hit and run found at 31st Street and Southwest Boulevard the 2002 Chevrolet Suburban that they believe Alvelais-Torres was driving.

After finding the vehicle, they were led to Alvelais-Torres, who was arrested about 2:30 p.m. on complaints of negligent homicide with a motor vehicle, failure to stop at the scene of a fatal accident, failure to stop at a stop sign, operating a vehicle without a driver’s license and not having insurance, according to an arrest report.

Brown said Alvelais-Torres is an illegal immigrant who has been living in Tulsa.

Isn’t caring about the unnecessary death of Beverly Duffield just another form of racism on my part? As is demanding we have some sort of control over our borders so that we can assimilate immigrants which would include driver’s licenses? Isn’t it just horrible that I’m being so hateful by asking how this guy purchased a $40,000 vehicle with no valid identification and thus no credit? Terrible what poor Mr Alvelias-Torres has to go through in this horrible country.

Via StephenLoneWolf here’s some video on the case:


No, Birthers are Not the New Birchers and Boycotting WND is Not a Good Idea

And I say this frankly as a man who doesn’t link to WND often because of their support for kookery (although I am always impressed with the work of Joseph Farrah) but Jon Henke’s recent call to shut down a business for daring to put forward ideas he finds unseemly (and much of the Jerome Corsi corpus is beyond unseemly) on The Next Right reeks of doctrinaire leftism. What’s worse is that that Henke is taking issue with what is, as far as conspiracy theories go, eyebrow raising boilerplate that is essentially harmless quackery that falls far short of the truly offensive theories the left has often thrown around like 9/11 being an inside job. Here’s Jon Henke’s outrage over WND promoting a theory no more outrageous than aliens building the pyramids:

In the 1960’s, William F. Buckley denounced the John Birch Society leadership for being “so far removed from common sense” and later said “We cannot allow the emblem of irresponsibility to attach to the conservative banner.”

The Birthers are the Birchers of our time, and WorldNetDaily is their pamphlet.  The Right has mostly ignored these embarrassing people and organizations, but some people and organizations inexplicably choose to support WND through advertising and email list rental or other collaboration.  For instance, I have been told that F.I.R.E (The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) – an otherwise respectable group that does important work – uses the WND email list.  They should stop.

No respectable organization should support the kind of fringe idiocy that WND peddles.  Those who do are not respectable.

I think it’s time to find out what conservative/libertarian organizations support WND through advertising, list rental or other commercial collaboration (email me if you know of any), and boycott any of those organizations that will not renounce any further support for WorldNetDaily.

The irony of Henke calling WND unseemly while advocating an Alinsky-esque attack on a private business is thick enough to be used as pancake syrup and sweet enough to induce diabetes. Birtherism is silly and deflates under its own internal logic. After all if Obama is the chosen candidate of a cabal of powerful people looking to hide the truth of his identity why wouldn’t they have worked out the pesky details of his birth certificate in advance? The sinister yet incompetent secret society that runs the world is a theory only subscribed to by people who have never been in the real world long enough to understand that such nonsense is impossible.

But is Bitherism more offensive than John Birch Society anti-Semitism? More disgusting than “truthers” claiming that the passengers and crew of flight 77 are really alive and well? More harmful than Geraldo promoting the Satanic Ritual Abuse hoax, which led to innocent people being jailed?

No, of course not. But Henke hasn’t gone after people who still peddle all of the above nonsense. Where is Henke’s boycott of the sites that claim Israelis are bombing “innocent” Muslims? Where’s Henke’s call for a boycott of advertisers on sites that are supporting a re-emergent S.R.A. movement? Where’s his anger at sites that cater to truthers? You know, DailyKos, Anti-War and The Examiner? I haven’t seen much from Henke on those unseemly sites.

I’ve also yet to hear him attack Jerome Corsi, apparently the fountain from which all of the sins of WND flow, for his more outrageous and evil attacks on decency. The man is, like Obama’s “Green Czar,” a truther, or at least he pretended to be one to sell books on the Alex Jones show (check the comments in this post on Infowars, where crestfallen suckers who supported him cry about being betrayed by truther Corsi when he publicly denounced them) which is much more embarrassing to the right than Birtherism.

For that matter Ron Paul has been chummy with Alex Jones for too long if you ask me, so why aren’t we attacking him?

The answer is so simple it may escape any Henkeites who think his boycott is a good idea. We aren’t fascists.

The Next Right partially claims to be working for a big tent, but Henke and his squishy compatriots are as purge happy as the Christian Falange wing of the party that thinks Nikki Haley can’t be governor of South Carolina because she was raised Sikh. I think Ron Paul is a kook on many issues, but I’m proud to say he is part of my Republican Party even while attacking many of his ideas.

Likewise I think most people who look at Jerome Corsi uncritically can see he is at best a huckster. His attacks on Bush, who kept this country safe with the deck stacked against him and liberated fifty million people from Baathist National Socialism, Talibanism and jihadism, were as despicable as they were untrue. But I have never claimed he should not be allowed to put those ideas out there. Henke is arguing that Corsi and anyone who has ever supported him should be put out of business.

The next right Henke seams to envision takes us far to the left, where we abhor the marketplace of ideas. He is advocating for a future where disagreeing with someone is good enough reason to bankrupt them and unseemliness is a crime that should be punished. Make no mistake, I am not a big WND fan and I won’t defend their sometime hysterical screeching, but I will defend WND’s right to screech from Henke’s “conservative” gestapo. To claim we should destroy the livelihoods of people because we don’t like their association with some crank is Castroism, not conservatism, and if The New Right wants to help chart a course for Conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians in this country I would hope they would steer us away from Marxist anti-freedom policies and toward a future where issues are debate on their merits, even within the party.

Here’s WND’s response. And Henke’s unhinged attack on the RNC for not bowing to the mighty Henke!

The Hells Await Ted Kennedy (and Melissa Lafsky)


Because many groupies, I mean Democrats, were mourning Ted Kennedy I held my counsel about him, but since an appropriate period of time has passed I will just say that Ted Kennedy was one of the most disgusting members of a family so corrupt and degenerate that even while infiltrating every level of government they can’t avoid prosecution after prosecution for their criminal ways.

Let us start with how Ted Kennedy betrayed his brother John F. Kennedy’s memory. JFK was staunchly anti-Communist and pro-freedom, a true American hero. He was assassinated by a Castro supporting Communist named Lee Harvey Oswald. Ted Kennedy cooperated with the KGB just over a decade later in a bid to undercut Jimmy Carter.

Ted Kennedy cooperated with Communists even though his anti-Communist hero brother was assassinated by a Communist.

Then via Gateway Pundit we have this gem. Ed Klein discussing Ted’s sense of humor. One of Saint Ted’s favorite jokes: the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. A death he caused:


What’s funnier than murdering a person?

Elderly hipster douchebag Henry Rollins rubbed out a quick piece on Kennedy hero worship that is actually pretty good. Broken clocks and all that. As an aside, can you still claim to be some sort of punk rock icon if you write for Vanity Fair?

Murderer and traitor is how Kennedy should be remembered. But the left is full of people so immoral and with souls so poisoned that they consider killing a woman a small price to pay for someone to champion leftist politics. Here’s what Melissa Lafsky wrote in Huffington Post:

We don’t know how much Kennedy was affected by her death, or what she’d have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history. What we don’t know, as always, could fill a Metrodome.

Still, ignorance doesn’t preclude a right to wonder. So it doesn’t automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded.

Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.

Spoken like a true groupie. I guess you can sit in Ted’s lap in the underworld Melissa Lafsky.

I rede you, Loddfafnir! and hear my rede,—
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
If evil you know, as evil proclaim it,
And make no friendship with foes.

I rede you, Loddfafnir! and hear my rede,—
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
In evil never joy shall you know,
But glad the good shall make you.

                                   Havamal:127-8 trans by Henry Adams Bellows

If You’re Boycotting Whole Foods You’re a Mark


The above hausfrau is Jackie Sheeler, an older woman stuck in her punk phase. She’s an awful poet who’s in an awful band that she promotes on awful websites and her YouTube channel of course. She’s also one of those teary-eyed lefties boycotting Whole Foods because the guy who helped found it apparently disagrees with her. Like many lefty hipsters she brooks no dissent and made one of the most unintentionally hilarious videos ever to be posted on the Internet entitled “Fuck You, John Mackey” in which she yells at a man who will never know who she is and actually breaks down into tears in places. I was going to embed it but after some critical comments on her page (my own comment was quite tame I assure you) she not only disabled comments, but disabled embedding as well.

You know, because a woman shouting profanities into a camera aimed at supporting a boycott designed to destroy some guy’s livelihood just because they happen to disagree on a social policy shouldn’t have to have her ideas challenged.

Besides being awfully thin skinned for a 50-something “punker” and “poet” (and we’ll use both terms very loosely) who must surely receive criticism all the time, Jackie Sheeler’s video also reveals something I think is far worse than her general awfulness in the fields of poetry, music, blogging and mature behavior. She’s a mark.

Some of you may not know what a mark is but those of you who are familiar with “rasslin” or worked as a carny will know that a mark is a sucker. But marks aren’t just any suckers. Marks are a special kind of sucker who does the work for you, they con themselves. The best definition of what a mark is comes from the infamous 1996 Brian Pillman promo in Philadelphia wherein after giving the fans some “inside baseball” remarks about the management in different wrestling promotions he tells the cheering crowd:

“A mark is a guy who spends his last $20 on crack cocaine. A mark is a guy who believes O.J. didn’t do it. And a mark is each and every one of you sorry sons of fucking bitches

At which point the offended crowd did what marks do, which is yell and scream at this person who “betrayed” them. I’ll let the causal observer draw whatever parallels they will. Brian Pillman was an improvisational genius at little bits of theater like this because he understood the essence of the mark, especially the so called “smart mark” who knows wrestling is staged and thinks himself better than fans who don’t. Even though he pays the same price for tickets.

Marks think they’re special. They think they are in on some joke or secret with you even though they aren’t, and they think it makes them better than other people who “don’t get it” which is exactly the attitude that makes it easy to get them angry at a show, or get them to throw away money on traveling carny games they know are rigged, or get them to pay a couple of dollars more for grapes at a Whole Foods which basically charges customers a “cool” premium to shop there. Marks do these things because they think, on some level, they’re connected to who or whatever it is they’re opening their wallets, hearts or legs for.

It’s well known that con artists never target people who know they’re dumb, but people who think they’re smart. A good con plays on the arrogance and pretensions of a mark, it makes them feel good. Here’s a comment from a long time Whole Foods customer (now boycotter) I found on the Whole Foods forum which sums up how all marks think, and why they will never catch a break:

 So for every poster/commenter here that says “I will now shop at WholeFoods” I have a couple of things to say. NO YOU WON’T! First you don’t live close enough to an urban center that has a WholeFoods store. Secondly – you are not the type of customer that WholeFoods caters to – their base of customers that HAVE disposable income, care about where their food comes from and are world-aware, progressive, liberal. In other words – you will continue to shop for your sodas, white bread and bags ‘o junk from the local quickie mart. This is a blow to WholeFoods regular, consistent, healthy, open-minded base of customers. I will NOT be spending the very considerable amount of cash that I have spent FOR YEARS and YEARS at WholeFoods any longer. Fortunately I have several choices and I care about where my dollars go. Good luck with that strategy Mr. Mackey! I’ve know fools in my life – I’m just sayin’…

Yes, yes, there’s a special grocery store for special people just like you. Complete with faux velvet ropes and a guest list printed on recycled paper.

Whole Foods has milked these suckers for years, with their organic this and gluten free that and the whole time they were taking their money Whole Foods was laying out a nice BBQ spread and serving up some of the best pre-prepared London Broil you’ll ever eat, which should have clued all these “progressives” into the fact that maybe some red meat eating regular Americans were crashing their party. Whole Foods never told any of these marks that they were their ideological soul mates, they simply built a combination health food/high end grocery store chain which had broad based appeal. Hell, I shop there every once and a while because I love their black cherry chicken wings.

But part of the Whole Foods strategy has been to let people like the commenter above and Jackie Sheeler think they belonged to some sort of special club. If Sheeler and the boycotters seem less like dismayed consumers and more like jilted lovers that’s because in essence they are. Whole Foods threw them a wink and a knowing smile and Sheeler and company gave it up like a the last barfly left at closing time. Now it’s the next morning and Sheeler just woke up and found Whole Foods on the phone making plans to meet some Libertarian and it’s hit her that she wasn’t so special after all.

That’s what the Whole Food boycott is about. Reality is hitting these marks in the face and they don’t like it. They paid higher prices to go to Whole Foods because it was “their” store, full of people who preferred to be around them and made them feel special. They thought John Mackey created his chain of grocery stores because he loved them, and now they realize Mackey just wanted to make a little money. Unwittingly, John Mackey wrote an op-ed that is the equivalent of Pillman’s “each and every one of you” speech. At least that’s how people like Sheeler are hearing it. And now that they’ve been exposed they’re embarrassed, angry and reacting as only marks can.

The lesson all these angry “progressives” should be taking away from this is to not be a mark. Bartenders don’t really think you’re interesting, strippers aren’t going to go home with you and Whole Foods is just a supermarket chain looking to turn a fast buck. There are plenty of people who will play along with whatever fantasy you’ve created when it pays off for them. Instead of getting mad about that you could simply stop creating those fantasies. That’s what I would do, but I’m not a mark.

If you’re a mark boycotting Whole Foods have fun, but this won’t be the last time you get your panties in a bunch. After Whole Foods it’ll be The Gap or Progressive insurance or even, I don’t know, your precious Obama.  What I do know is that if you put so much of yourself into things that are ultimately unimportant to everyone but you, you’re always going to be disappointed. But it isn’t the John Mackeys of the world that are disappointing you, it’s you.