“Pedophile” Suspected in Death of Six Prostitutes

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. As I’ve pointed out before there is no such thing as a pedophile the way people understand the term in popular culture. Child molesters have worked hard to create the illusion that child rape is an “orientation” unrelated to other forms of criminality but the truth is that while pedophilia is certainly a paraphilia (in some but not all child rapists), it is not an orientation the way heterosexuality or homosexuality is. Child rapists are, for the most part, garden variety perverts: sadists who enjoy causing pain, degenerates stalking the most vulnerable, and losers so emotionally stunted they seek out children to have “relationships” with because they are unable to fulfill the needs of adults and unwilling to work on themselves enough to be accepted.

I think Antwan Maurice Pittman, if he is guilty, falls into the sadism camp. In the early nineties he was arrested for taking indecent liberties with a child. The registered sex offender is now being held in the death of Taraha Shenice Nicholson. The police won’t comment on whether he is involved with the other homicides, but since the arrest came just a couple of months after a task force was assembled to investigate the string of murders it is safe to assume that more charges may be lodged.

From News & Observer:

ROCKY MOUNT — Police charged a convicted sex offender Tuesday with killing one of six women found dead over the past four years, their bodies dumped in the desolate, swampy woods about 60 miles northeast of Raleigh.

On Tuesday, a multi-agency task force charged Antwan Maurice Pittman, an inmate at the Nash County jail, with murder in the death of Taraha Shenice Nicholson, 28.

Pittman’s arrest came nearly two months after the Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office, Rocky Mount police and the State Bureau of Investigation formed the task force in June to investigate the homicides of the six women, whose bodies were found among the woodlands, corn and tobacco fields in a sparsely populated area of Edgecombe County, north of Rocky Mount between Battleboro and Whitakers.

Edgecombe County Sheriff James L. Knight, flanked by members of the task force at a news conference Tuesday, would not comment on whether Pittman, 31, is implicated in the other deaths. He said little else Tuesday after announcing that Pittman had been charged with Nicholson’s death.

“I have no other comments due to this being an ongoing investigation,” Knight said. “Hopefully, we will be able to answer more questions at a later date.”

Pittman was convicted in 1994 for taking indecent liberties with a 2-year-old child. He served three years in prison, according to the state sex-offender registry.

Serving only three years for molesting a two-year-old is outrageous. It also probably made him think he could continue to offend while suffering relatively light sentences. He in fact failed to register prior to his arrest, so frankly his three years taught him nothing.

All the victims in the serial killings were poor, Black women and the families of some have admitted they were drug addicts involved in prostitution. Why was a “pedophile” involved with adult prostitutes anyway? Because while superficially different the commonality between a drug addict engaged in prostitution and a toddler is that both are vulnerable and more importantly powerless. After molesting a child Pittman went to jail and came out angry and defiant, something we can suppose from his lack of compliance with the registry. He sought out powerless women and murdered them is the theory under which most are working.

Those murders were brutal and the bodies were dumped like garbage illustrating his disdain for the victims:

The first victim, Melody Wiggins, 29, was found by police May 29, 2005, on Noble Mill Pond Road. She died of blunt-force trauma to the head and had been cut and stabbed repeatedly. Her body was partially covered by tree limbs, and the medical examiner wondered whether she was dragged or had run from a field into the woods where her body was found.

The partially skeletal, nude remains of Jackie Thorpe, 35, were found Aug. 17, 2007, in a trash heap behind a burned-out crack house. The head and an arm had been separated from the body. The medical examiner did not determine a cause of death.

On March 13, 2008, the remains of Ernestine Battle, 50, were found face down in the woods. Her remains were unclothed. No cause of death was determined by the medical examiner, who wrote that the likely cause was homicidal violence.

The skeletal remains of the latest victim, Hargrove, 31, were discovered June 29 by a migrant farmer working in a field. The man told police he found Hargrove’s body just inside a wooded area off Seven Bridges Road. The medical examiner’s office has not yet released a cause of death.

Police also discovered the remains of a sixth African-American woman in February on Melton Road. Investigators are not sure whether the case is related to the other five deaths, Capt. Laura Fahne stock of the Rocky Mount Police Department said earlier this month.

Many pedophile activists (yes there are such things, as detailed by blogs like Absolute Zero United) claim that pedophilia is not even a crime, much less a violent one. But time and again child rapists are found to be violent, unstable and remorseless. Pedophile Pittman has a criminal history that shows us a man who doesn’t “love children” or have a different sexual orientation than the rest of us, but instead a man who is unconcerned with the rights of others. Pittman is a violent, drug-addled criminal with no respect for society:

Pittman, in addition to being convicted of indecent liberties with a minor, has also been convicted of assault, resisting arrest, trespassing, driving while impaired, misdemeanor larceny and felony probation violation.

All so-called pedophiles are, more or less, like Pittman. They are simply degenerates who care more about themselves and their depravity than children, society or the law. There own words and behavior prove this time and again. It is time for people to stop providing cover for child rapists by allowing them to spread this myth of pedophilia being an orientation, and calling pedophiles what they are.


This is How the Left Celebrates 9/11

I think this is a picture by ZombieTime but I’m not 100% sure. Anyway I just saw several of my old academic associates (who I keep tabs on via social networks, avoiding having to actually keep in touch) posting sentiments more subtle, but essentially the same. I was friends with a lot of liberals. Here’s how they think:


Needless to say I rarely speak with many of my former friends.

ACORN Caught Promoting Child Sexual Slavery!

Breitbart’s new blog Big Government has started of with a bang. ACORN workers help a filmmaker posing as a pimp and an actress posing as a hooker fraudulently fill out mortgage and tax forms to set up a brothel. The workers also tell the couple to claim the underage human trafficking victims they were going to house at their brothel as dependents, and one woman tells the “prostitute” to teach the children forced into sexual slavery to “keep their mouths shut.”

I was going to write a long essay about morality, but watch the video and you’ll know what I was going to say anyway. These people are animals:


Part II


What kind of people don’t even blink when you tell them you’re bringing girls as young as 13 into the country and forcing them to turn tricks? What kind of people don’t call the police? A degenerate. When will we start an investigation on these scum?