Proof of New Jersey Voter Fraud!

The Democrats have been setting up to steal the New Jersey election for weeks and it’s paying off for them. Here’s video of a man who showed up at the polls only to find someone had cast an absentee ballot in his name! Video from Election Journal:


If I was in Jersey and the Democrats stole the election, I’d riot. Of course when I lived in Jersey I basically rioted every night but that’s a story for another day.

via Nicedeb

New Jersey Democrats Sending Known Gangbangers Door-to-Door for Get Out the Vote Campaign

There’s a clear message here to any Democrats thinking of not supporting Corzine today, and it’s typical of the thuggery New Jersey Democrats are used to employing to keep the bleating sheep of my former home in line. From Election Journal:

 How would you like to be a New Jersey police officer and look out your window and see several known criminals, including a man you arrested several weeks ago and another who had just been released from prison for shooting a cop?  And then find out that the men were sent into the neighborhood by the Democratic Party for GOTV operations – complete with lists of voters names, addresses and phones numbers!

That is what happened Sunday on a quiet street in Morris Township.  The officer, who’s name we are with holding, specifically heard the men discussing that he was a police officer and that they now know where he lives.   The officer confronted the men and they took off.  He contacted the local police who responded and caught up with them and about a dozen other men a few blocks away.

At which point they were found to be part of the Democrats’ GOTV efforts. Of course the ‘bangers have the names and addresses of hundreds of Jerseyites who live in a state with draconian gun laws and no right to self defense. They are easily able to observe who is home alone and who seems like easy targets for home invasions.  What could go wrong?

The Jersey Dems were apparently burned by gangs before, according to the article, when Bloods they hired stole at least $6000 from the State Committee. Lesson learned? Not so much. Here’s video from a witness:


h/t Hot Air

Boys Laughed After Setting Teen on Fire

If you didn’t think we have a problem with a decline in our culture just read this:

DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla. — A teenage squabble over a video game and a bicycle blossomed into revenge during a chance encounter and ended in the near-fatal torching of a 15-year-old Deerfield Beach boy

Some of the teens charged in the blaze laughed when investigators confronted them about the attack, the Broward Sheriff’s Office said Tuesday.

Four 15-year-old boys and one’s 13-year-old brother accosted Michael Brewer and condemned him as a snitch for calling the cops on their leader, whom the Sheriff’s Office identified as the local bully.

Brewer tried to leave. They doused him with alcohol and set him afire.

Flames burned 80 percent of his body, especially his torso and arms, and seared off much of his hair, including his eyebrows, family members said.

Matthew Bent, 15, told his accomplices to “pour it on him,” investigators said, based on their interviews with the suspects.

Brewer tore off his shirt and jumped in an apartment complex pool.

He later was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital’s burn center, where he is listed in critical condition with mostly second-degree burns.

“This is just an incredibly cruel thing, that anybody could have possibly done this to another human being” said Dr. Nicholas Namias, director of the University of Miami-Jackson Memorial Burn Center.

Sheriff Al Lamberti called it “a case of retaliation.”

According to Broward Sheriff’s Sgt. Steve Feeley, the feud started when Brewer borrowed $40 from Bent to buy a video game.

He never paid him back. In return Bent tried to steal a custom, $500 bike belonging to Brewer’s father Sunday night. Brewer called police, and Bent was arrested as he tried to run off with the bike.

Attempted murder over $40. And when police arrested the teens they laughed. We need to change how we’re raising our children.

MSNBC Uses Communist to Spread Internet Smear on Rush Limbaugh that was Already Debunked in 2005

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. This is the plan of lefty bloggers and their anonymous followers and has been all along. Most recently libel blogger Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs (a site itself supported by neo-Nazis) has been sending his followers to sites he doesn’t like to make racist comments then claim the site is racist due to the racism they put on there.

If you thought Charles Johnson was smart enough to have invented this little con game then you haven’t bothered reading Little Green Footballs. Groups like Media Matters and C.P.U.S.A. have used this technique to spread smears about political opponents for as long as they’ve been active on the Internet.

The smear being spread about Limbaugh dates back to 2005 and was widely debunked when it first appeared. Smash Mouth Politics has a timeline of the smear proving it started with a Wikipedia editor whose only contribution to the world’s most unreliable source continues to be a series of offensive quotes attributed to popular conservatives which cannot be verified, because they never happened. Around 2005 some racist quotes began circulating that Limbaugh made in the late 1990s, but as Web denizens pointed out, the comments were so outrageous and Limbaugh was already under such scrutiny that it seemed implausible that no one had criticized Limbaugh publicly before about the comments. Sure enough the comments, and criticism of them, do not exist prior to 2005 and are easily proved to be false.

That didn’t stop leftist hack Jack Huberman from using it in his poorly researched book 101 Poeple Who Are Really Screwing Up America. Of course his book was published well after the smear was debunked.

Now that Wikipedia has put the quote into the “disputed” category MSNBC has had to find other less reliable sources to spread their lies, namely Nation sports writer Dave Zirin, a man who wrote for and more recently wrote a piece for the Columbus Ohio International Socialist Organization where he advocated using the current financial crisis to foment overthrowing America. C.O.I.S.O. links out to Electronic Intifada, a site that promotes the extermination of Jews, and Code Pink, a group which claims America fighting the Nazis in WW II was wrong, incited a racist riot against Cubans in Little Havana and committed treason against America by using their group to fund Castro’s regime.

Dave Zirin is clearly a man not given to decency and good faith. MSNBC put him on unchallenged even though their fact checkers must have surely known A) he was a communist with an ax to grind and connections to racist/anti-American groups and B) the charge he’s making is false. They knew but they didn’t care.

That’s just how leftists operate. The Revolutionary Communist Party USA is trying to inflame tensions in already bloodsoaked Chicago by claiming police are hunting Black kids for sport in a clear attempt to start riots in an already suffering town. False charges designed to inflame the passions of those they consider stupid animals in need of herding (Blacks and other minorities) are how White leftists believe they will start a revolution in this country. Rush Limbaugh is just the latest example of how they have been laying their divisive ground work for years.

Democrat Dennis Moore Calls Decorated Iraq War Veteran “White Trash”

While on a phone call with a Hispanic leader where Moore (D-KS)  strongly implied he would be buying the upcoming election and punish Hispanics for supporting the heroic Marine’s Congressional bid. Classy right?

From Republic Front Page News:

Speaking to a respected Hispanic leader in KCK, Dennis Moore reportedly called decorated and disabled Marine Veteran and Congressional Opponent “White Trash” in a recent (recorded) telephone conversation. The KCK leader, who has formally supported the incumbent congressman, is supporting Daniel Gilyeat’s candidacy for the Kansas 3rd District Congressional seat. Dennis Moore called the KCK man after hearing the Hispanic community leader’s support had changed. Dennis Moore said he had $7 million for the campaign and could not believe the naturalized citizen was supporting “White Trash” over Moore.

Daniel Gilyeat is running against Moore in Kansas and was serving his second term in Iraq when he lost his leg to an IED. “I lost my leg but found my voice,” Gilyeat said to a crowd Saturday at the Veteran’s memorial. Gilyeat did not comment about Moore’s description of him other than to smile and say he had heard of the comment from the man Moore was speaking to.

“Moore’s comment has serious implications,” Theresa Benefield, owner Sequoia Logistics LLC, said. “Dennis Moore is telling Hispanics they owe him their votes by bringing up the threat of $7 million. He is telling all 3rd District voters he will buy the election.” Benefield said she wondered where he was getting his money. “It is not in his FEC reports, but then again, Rangle, Franks, and now Moore have trouble reporting what is and is not theirs. That is a lot of money from someone who places his worth at just under $1 million. For a job that pays over $200,000, one might speculate on why a congressman would spend more on running in the 3rd District than he has brought into the district over the past two years, she said.

“Calling anyone white trash is unwarranted, but is  unconscionable when directed toward any minority. Evidently, minorities and middle class white people have to keep in their place around representatives like Moore and Pelosi,” she said.

Speaking with several Hispanic Americans about Moore’s comment, they each were outraged the representative would result to name calling, especially to a decorated Veteran who grew up in a largely minority neighborhood in Kansas City, Kansas.

Moore is the only rep from that state supportive of radical environmentalist policies that will adversely impact Kansas. The “blue dog” Democrat is also pushing for a public option. Anyone would be better for Kansas than Moore, but right now I’m hoping people will support Sgt. Daniel Gilyeat for Congress.

via Cassy Fiano