Florida A.N.S.W.E.R. Chapter Beats 62-Year-Old Man on Street Corner!

A.N.S.W.E.R.-hired thugs attacked an immigration enforcement rally in Florida, brutally beating two Tea Party protesters in broad daylight. One victim was 62-years-old Dave Caulkett of Floridians for Immigration Enforcement and as this video shows, while the old man was down on the ground after being pummeled he was kicked in the face and the A.N.S.W.E.R. organizers cheered as their goons continued to assault him:


As can also be clearly seen on the video, A.N.S.W.E.R. organizers set their thugs loose on the two men and stood by until they heard police coming. Then they stopped their members and repositioned them to make it look like nothing happened. This was an orchestrated attack designed to make people fearful of protesting against their agenda.

A.N.S.W.E.R. Florida had sent out this email to people prior to this incident:

Racism is like anything else in this world: in order to make it fall, you must smash it! That is why we are calling on all people to come out tomorrow, to organize a militant confrontation with the so-called “tea baggers.” Beating back these forces will require us to organize together, take the streets, fight the racists wherever they show their faces and drive them out of every community.

The racist demonization of immigrants only serves the interest of the ruling class during this historical economic crisis. The same bankers, CEO’s, and politicians, both Democrat and Republican, which have for decades devastated the economies of countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, have once again devastated the economy in this country. The same ruling class that devastates the lives of working people in other nations through war and super-exploitation are the ones throwing workers out of their homes, denying them healthcare, and laying them off from their jobs in this country.

Racism is consciously used as a tool by the ruling class because they know that as long as working people are divided and fighting each other, the people are not fighting the bankers, CEO’s, and politicians. Only under a brutal system that puts profit over people can you have a whole section of society whose only crime is being forced from their nations because of imperialism and forced to work in the most hostile of conditions in this country. Only racism can justify this reality.

The continual devastation of working people because of this crisis, however, is not the fault of one group of workers. On October 28th, President Obama signed the largest military budget in U.S. history-$680 billion dollars, which does not include the cost of the criminal occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. The new administration is also continuing to hand out the $9.5 trillion dollars in working people’s tax dollars to bailout the already rich.

The money to end the suffering of all working people tomorrow is there. It is our choice as to whether we will allow the right of a few to profit from labor of workers to continue, or whether we will rise up as one class of working people to and take political power into our own hands.

We are building a movement that will beat back racism so that working people of all nationalities can unite and fight against our one, shared enemy: capitalism. Amnesty, full rights for ALL immigrants, is a demand that should be raised not just by the immigrant communities, but by every working class community in our struggle to solve this crisis by our own means.

Join us tomorrow, and join us in building the movement against racism and capitalist exploitation!

Sounds like a call to violence to me. Also notice how A.N.S.W.E.R. references the various “tea party” groups as “tea baggers” much the way the Democrats and MSNBC do. When will Keith Olbermann take responsibility for the actions his heated rhetoric causes?

But more realistically, when will A.N.S.W.E.R. be held responsible for the violence and mayhem they create in our communities? No matter where you stand on this issue, all people of good conscience can agree that two guys beating the hell out of an old man on a corner is wrong, can’t we?

h/t Bill Smith

Chi-Town Board of Education President Shoots Self, Dumps Own Body in River

At least according to the Chicago police that’s what happened. For some background on Michael Scott you can check Michelle Malkin’s site but in a nutshell Scott was a long time Chi-Town elite who was pushing for Chicago’s Olympic bid, and was found to have been positioned to make a killing if the windy city had become the 2016 hosts.

He also just got slapped with a subpoena over a corruption scandal at the board of education and may have been caught up in other corruption probes. Luckily for anyone he could have rolled on, he decided to shoot himself. Oddly he decided to kill himself near the banks of a river rather than, say, take some pills at home. Oh, and so far no suicide note has been found.

Doesn’t sound suspicious at all:

Police investigating the death of Chicago school board president Michael Scott say initial reports from the scene indicate Scott shot himself in the head along the banks of the Chicago River.

Scott’s family had reported him missing on Sunday. Police used his cell phone to locate his body and his car behind the Chicago Apparel Center at 350 N. Orleans along the north branch of the river early this morning, police sources tell the Chicago Tribune.

He apparently fell forward after shooting himself, and the gun was found near the body, the sources say.

While police sources say it appears the gunshot wound was self-inflicted, the Cook County medical examiner’s office was still conducting its investigation and hadn’t determined how he died.

Scott’s family had contacted police Sunday night when he didn’t show up after visiting his sister at a South Loop care facility. The relative said he visited his sister regularly on Sundays and described him as a creature of habit. He was last seen about 6 p.m.

Creatures of habit are notoriously good targets for all manner of crimes. Not that I’m suggesting that someone in Chicago would stoop to killing a person who was about to get pinched by the feds and had information on other political figures which he could use to cut a deal. Nor would I suggest that authorities in Chicago are so embedded in a Culture of Corruption that they might cover up such a fact.

Interesting time line of events. Scott is last seen at around 6:00pm leaving a visit with his sister. At 3:15am cops find his car parked yards away from where his body was found. At around 7:30am Jesse Jackson shows up on scene for some reason which isn’t clear.

If I didn’t know better I’d say Scott went to meet someone by the river for a meeting and got popped and thrown in the river by an amateur who didn’t get that people don’t just dissolve into water. But that can’t be what happened. Not in Chicago!

h/t Afrocity

Muslim Convert Caught Trying to “Marry” Kansas City 14-Year-Old He Bought with Wal-Mart Jewelry

And by “marry” I mean her Muslim mother and step-father, mysteriously concerned with virginity despite keeping her under lock and key, decided to Islam away this problem by selling her to a violent degenerate who later (allegedly) shot at the girl’s disapproving relatives.

From Kansas City.com:

Vincent Mosby signed a marriage contract and paid a dowry in a religious ceremony in August, police said.

Mosby, 23, of Kansas City didn’t legally wed his 14-year-old bride, however, because Missouri law won’t allow it without a judge’s order. Police said she was pressured into the union because her mother and stepfather thought she was going to be sexually active with a boy her age.

Although the bride’s stepfather arranged the “marriage,” according to court records, other relatives frowned upon the union and told police in late August. The relatives also took the girl to protect her from further sexual abuse, according to court records.

A relative told police that Mosby called and threatened violence if family members didn’t “give me back my wife in 72 hours,” according to court records. Two days later, on Sept. 9, someone fired three shots into the Kansas City home of the girl’s aunt. No one was hit.

Why the rush to get the girl married off to someone they know to be volatile? What kind of step-father would marry off his step-daughter to someone who either fired at his in-laws, or contracted out for someone else to do it?

Even though the parents are traditional Muslims who no doubt kept a close eye on their children, the step-father began pushing the idea that “soon” she would begin having sex with some boy her own age. Not that she had a boyfriend mind you. She just was, at 14, itching to have sex according to the step-father:

Police said the girl’s stepfather and mother became concerned that she was going to become sexually active, so the stepfather allegedly approached Mosby about marrying the girl. The girl was “strongly encouraged” to wed Mosby, police said.

The stepfather, Mosby and the teen had several “sit downs” before the stepfather arranged for a religious ceremony on Aug. 4 at her home, not far from the stepfather’s mosque.

Wow. The step-father sure seemed to be in a hurry to get her married and thus sexually active with someone. Seems odd since he was supposedly so concerned with her overwhelming sexual appetite. Maybe some religious instruction would have been in order, rather than a marriage to a cretin. And how did the happy day go for the blushing, yet according to the step-father, hot in the pants bride?

Two members of the mosque attended, but the bride “was not allowed to be present,” court records said. She waited in her room upstairs. Her stepfather allegedly came upstairs after the ceremony, which consisted of prayers and a contract signing, to announce that she was married.

Police say they have the “marriage contract” with the signatures of Mosby, the girl and the stepfather.

The contract also notes the dowry the girl requested from Mosby — a watch and ring, which he told police he bought at Wal-Mart.

I’m going out on a limb and saying that it was a man’s watch and ring Mosby purchased. If this sounds like the girl’s step-father was pimping her out, this next passage will no doubt reinforce that conviction:

Court records said the couple had sex three times in August in her home, while her mother and stepfather were home. The girl did not move in with Mosby. She stayed with her parents and kept in touch with Mosby through phone calls and text messages.

If I were the kind of blogger given to being suspicious of his fellow man I’d almost think that the step-father seemed to be in a rush to cover his tracks so to speak. After all, he could have waited a few years to marry her off, but was obsessed with the idea she “would start having sex” which is odd to say the least.

Marrying her off to someone but keeping her in the house, close at hand, is also odd. As is letting this other person have sex with her while he’s puttering around the kitchen. Why wouldn’t he want his 14-year-old step-daughter, who he presents as being out-of-control sexually, to live with her “husband” after he went through such pains to marry her off?

Could it be that the kind of man who sells his step-daughter for Wal-Mart jewelry is also the kind of man who would molest his step-daughter? Is this marriage a sham? A cover for him to continue the abuse? Is “traditional” Islam attractive to this person because it allowed him to indulge in his criminality and depravity unrestricted?

Hey, I’m just asking questions as they say, but this all sounds pretty suspicious to me. Not, however, to the people of his Mosque, who have yet to speak out about this.

Obama Administration Moves to Destroy Gulf Coast Oyster Industry

Raw oysters are one of the few pleasures in life a man grows into instead of out of. While a man of my age should have long ago forgotten what being high even feels like, and should be happily totaling tea with his wife at home rather than drinking himself into a stupor at some bar, we still can enjoy a richly decadent meal, which should always start with a dozen oysters served chilled and freshly shucked. A squeeze of lemon, some Tabasco, and a little horseradish is all the treatment the often still living mollusks need before being speared on my fork and consumed. No beer or wine has ever compared to the delicate texture and sweet yet salty and earthy flavor of a freshly shucked oyster. No drug is so euphoric. They are simply one of nature’s great pleasures, cultivated for food since the dawn of man.

Like all of nature’s wonder there is a cruel side. The weak are culled by nature and the bacteria found in oysters, which has been harmless to millions of oyster lovers for thousands of years, can be harmful to people with compromised immune systems. Thus A.I.D.S. victims may want to cook their oysters. But healthy people can and do consume these bacteria laden gifts from the gods as safely as they drink from a bacteria laden bar glass or eat a bacteria laden fast food burger prepared by a person completely covered in substances you wouldn’t want in your mouth.

But Lord Hopenchange and his administration think the 15 people who are already dying of immune deficiencies who then get infected through oysters is 15 too many! Either that or they’re planning on destroying a key industry in the red states out of spite:

Eager to deliver on their pledge to improve food safety, federal officials say sanitizing oysters is a simple way to save lives. But oystermen, state officials and their representatives on Capitol Hill say the federal government is overreaching and aiming to destroy a gastronomical delight.

Most of the raw oysters eaten in the United States carry vibrio vulnificus, but healthy consumers are unlikely to be affected by it. However, for those with diabetes, liver disease, cancer, AIDS and other chronic conditions, the infection can be deadly. About 30 cases of the infection are traced to Gulf Coast oysters annually, and half of those cases are fatal, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The debate over the mollusks affects not only oyster shacks along the Gulf but raw bars around the country. The Gulf Coast supplies 67 percent of oysters consumed nationwide, and many of those oysters end up in Maryland, Virginia and other places where demand is high and the local supply is down, said Dave Burrage, a fisheries specialist with the Mississippi State University Coastal Research and Extension Center.

Why should consumers have the responsibility in America to know if their bodies, already fighting off a variety of largely self-imposed medical conditions like diabetes (being fat) A.I.D.S. (unprotected sex, sharing needles)  and liver disease (drinking and drugging), should be able to handle what they buy and put in their own mouths? That’s not Obama’s America! Since those people can’t make those decisions let’s take the decisions out of everyone’s hands! It’s only fair!

“There’s just a very clear public health case,” said Michael Taylor, the top food safety official at the FDA. “Vibrio is one of the most horrific infections we know about. Fifteen people a year die from this. It’s excruciating. And the people who don’t die suffer life-changing injuries. But we can prevent this.”

Federal officials, who are emphasizing food safety improvements, point to California as an example. Between 1991 and 2001, 40 people in California died of vibrio infection. In 2003, the state banned raw untreated oysters from the Gulf during warm months and fatalities dropped to zero, Taylor said.

There’s over 30,000 car fatalities every year but the government isn’t stopping people from driving cars. But stopping people from driving cars won’t help collapse gulf state economies:

The oyster industry says that antibacterial processing, which is similar to pasteurization, will ruin the taste of raw oysters, triple their cost and place undue burdens on a business that has deep cultural and culinary roots.

“This is unprecedented — how they’re trying to regulate shellfish,” said Al Sunseri, co-owner of P&J Oyster of New Orleans, the nation’s oldest continuously operating oyster dealer. In the 133 years that Sunseri’s family has been selling oysters, it has never been linked to a vibrio illness, he said.

He said the FDA is unfairly targeting oysters. “If they’re a public health agency and if they feel they can bring illnesses down, why aren’t they requiring fruits and vegetables be irradiated?” he said. 

Good question. That’s because it would affect blue state economies to do so. This is an attack on industries run in conservative areas who serve a blue collar clientele. Typical elitism. But then of course the supporters of this overreach try to pull on your heart strings with the touching tale of a moron:

Darrell Dishon, 40, is not so certain. He tried oysters for the first time at a raw bar in Panama City, Fla., in July, two days before his wedding. He came out of a coma two weeks later, with his legs amputated. Dishon, who is diabetic, said he had no idea that eating raw oysters posed a health risk.

“I just don’t want this to happen to someone else,” said Dishon, who lives in Lebanon, Ohio. “You sit down for dinner with your family, and the next thing you know you’re in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Or worse.”

I’m pretty sure his doctor told him to stay away from raw shellfish since his immune system was compromised, and that his immune system was compromised because he wasn’t following the simple instructions diabetics are given to keep healthy. But why should he? Isn’t it better to just ruin the enjoyment of a centuries old food for millions of people than expect people with compromised immune systems to take care of themselves?

I mean aside from those evil Republican voting red staters who’s going to suffer?

Surprise! Nazi Supporter George Soros Funding Islamist Run “Jewish” Group Dedicated to Destroying Israel

Supposed pro-Israel and pro-peace group J-Street has long been notorious for supporting positions that would kill Jews. Anyone who’s ever read one of their position statements, like this one on the Gaza war that literally called for Israel to stop defending itself against rocket attacks, could plainly see the group’s policies were designed to help Islamists destroy the Jewish state. Many thought J-Street was simply a naive group of liberals, but it has now been proven that they are simply another Soros funded attack on decency:

A former Israeli diplomat has asserted that J Street has been connected to Qatar through the U.S. public relations firm of Fenton Communications.

Lenny Ben-David, a former diplomat and now consultant, said J Street founder Jeremy Ben-Ami, a senior vice president at Fenton until the lobby’s establishment in 2008, could have been involved in a March 2009 project by Qatar to undermine support for Israel in the United States

The Fenton contract with Qatar was disclosed as J Street, regarded as close to the administration of President Barack Obama, was preparing its first annual conference, said to include 150 members of Congress. The lobby failed to ensure the attendance of Israel’s ambassador in Washington, Michael Oren.

“In early 2009, Fenton signed contracts with a Qatari foundation to lead an 18-month long anti-Israel campaign in the United States with a special focus on campuses,” Ben-David said in an open letter to Ben-Ami.

“Did you sever your ties with Fenton when you began J Street? Do you retain any role or holdings in Fenton today? Did you play any role in introducing Fenton to the Qatari agents or play any role in facilitating the contract? Were you aware of the negotiations or the contract signed on March 12, 2009?”

Ben-David said J Street’s 160-member advisory board included those listed as foreign agents for Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Middle East Newsline reported. His letter also cited J Street’s ties with U.S. billionaire George Soros, said to have long sought to undermine the traditional pro-Israel lobby in Washington.

“So, it appears that Soros has created an organization that competes with AIPAC, calls for inclusion of Hamas, and opposes sanctions against Iran,” Ben-David said. “His people sit on J Street’s board, and his other offspring from the New America Foundation and the National Iranian American Council, work in lockstep.”

If Fenton Communications rings a bell with you, that’s because they are essentially a propaganda arm for various communists including Nazi party member George Soros who’s their main benefactor. They are behind some of the most outrageous smears in recent history and they even work for Communist dictator Hugo Chavez.

Shocking? Not really. Discover the Networks have been on to J-Street for about a year now and most rational people can see through J-Street’s transparent pro-Islamist agenda. It’s just nice to see their perfidy getting more widely publicized.

h/t Winds of Jihad