Hug-A-Thug Judge Claims North Carolina Sex Offender Restrictions Unconstitutional

Outrageous. Readers may remember back in early October I wrote about Sarah Tofte and Human Rights Watch taking up the cause of rapist and child molester James Nichols who was barred from attending a church that was also a daycare facility. Nichols, who was twice convicted of indecent liberties with a child and attempted second degree rape claimed he just couldn’t find another church to pray at. I guess a man who likes to rape children can’t pray for forgiveness without being able to lurk around more potential victims.

Judge Allen Baddour agrees with him:

PITTSBORO, N.C. — A judge has ruled that a North Carolina law limiting sex offenders’ ability to worship is unconstitutional.

Superior Court Judge Allen Baddour (bah-‘DOO-er) ruled Thursday that two parts of the law aimed at protecting children from child molesters are too vague and broad.

The judge also finds the statutes infringe on the constitutionally protected right to worship.

The decision comes after authorities arrested registered sex offender James Nichols in March for attending a Baptist church outside of Raleigh because the church provided child care.

The statute says offenders must stay 300 feet away from any area intended for the use, care of supervision of minors and any place where minors gather for regularly scheduled events.

What could go wrong? North Carolina is a progressive stronghold these days so this doesn’t surprise me. Nor will the buck passing when children in church daycares start getting raped at a higher rate. Nichols has already raped or tried to rape children on three different occasions and Sarah Tofte and her ilk have successfully overturned a law keeping him from doing so again.

I wonder if they ever think about the “human rights” of the next victim Nichols will abuse?

Top I.C.E. Official Guilty of Helping Mexican Drug Dealers

From Corruption Chronicles:

In yet another blow to a scandal-plagued U.S. Department of Homeland Security agency, one of the highest ranking officials in the history of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has admitted that he collaborated with Mexican drug dealers.

Richard Cramer, who once headed the busy Nogales Arizona ICE headquarters and was twice an attaché to Mexico, pleaded guilty in a south Florida federal court to obstructing justice by helping a pair of Mexican drug traffickers avoid arrest. The veteran federal agent assisted the drug smugglers and money launderers by obtaining confidential information from U.S. law enforcement databases, including the National Criminal Information Center and the criminal information systems of the Drug Enforcement Administration as well as ICE.

At the time, Cramer was in charge of ICE operations in Guadalajara, Mexico. He helped arrange the safe return to Mexico of a money launderer and drug dealer hiding in Miami Florida. The men’s criminal associates in Mexico had Cramer run their names in U.S. law enforcement databases to determine whether there were any arrest warrants or investigations pending. Cramer provided printouts of the confidential criminal checks, assuring that no warrants or probes would interfere with the return to Mexico.

Federal officials were shocked that the high-ranking ICE official, known as a dedicated leader in the war on drugs, assisted the enemy in this fashion. In Arizona he was known as an incorruptible and tireless cop who could never be cracked by the bad guys. Now he faces two decades in jail and has the dubious honor of being the highest ranking ICE official to admit or be convicted of corruption.

They go on to point out that this isn’t the first high level I.C.E. official to be pinched. The sort of corruption that defines Mexico has gained a foothold in America.

Environmental Protection Agency Orders 40 Glock-19s

Infidels Paradise asks why the E.P.A. would need the 40 new Glocks mentioned in procurement order PR-DC-09-02080:

Posted Date : September 14, 2009

Procurement Office : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Headquarters Procurement Operations Division, (3803R)

Response Date: September 23, 2009, 4:00 PM EDT

NAICS code 332994 – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Criminal Investigations Division intends to award a sole source firm-fixed-price Purchase Order to Glock, Inc. under the authority of FAR Part 13, Simplified Acquisition Procedures for 40 Model G-19, 9mm frame handguns with finger grove and rail frames, Tijico night sights, extended magazine catches and 3.5lb/NY1 Trigger magazines. The Glock model G-19 is the Agency standard firearm and is the only pistol that fits our training, certified repair technician contracts, and equipment capabilities without a major change to Agency operations. Our agents are trained with the Glock pistol, and changing to another manufacturer would require transition training for each agent that could range from 1 to 3 days depending on the manufacturer. Additionally, our Agents are outfitted with holsters and magazine clips that are fitted to the Glock model firearm. Furthermore, EPA-CID has a large amount of spare parts for the Glock weapons and to retool these parts would require substantial expenditure for the Government.

NO SOLICITATION OR REQUEST FOR QUOTE WILL BE MADE FOR THIS PROCUREMENT. No contract will be awarded on the basis of offers received in response to this notice. All comments and questions regarding this procurement shall be addressed in writing to the Contracting Officer, Cara Lynch by COB on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. Telephone inquiries will not be accepted. The decision not to compete this requirement is within the discretion of the Government. Any response to this notice shall show clear and convincing evidence that competition would be advantageous to the Government in future procurements

The point of contact for this procurement is Cara Lynch, Contracting Specialist, at

The order answers the question. The E.P.A. does indeed have armed personnel who enforce environmental regulations. The E.P.A. in fact has a criminal enforcement program complete with their own “Special Agents” who are armed and authorized to enforce federal laws as well as environmental laws. The same environmental laws the E.P.A. is able to make up to suit prevailing political opinion.

They even have their own Most Wanted list of fugitives they’re chasing at the moment, consisting of Freon smugglers, mercury contaminated soil dumpers (though the new “environmentally friendly” light bulbs the E.P.A. wants you to use in your house are loaded with this hazardous substance) and one hardened Italian desperado who sold cars that didn’t meet American emission standards.

The E.P.A. both creates regulations and enforces them. This would be like the local police legislating and enforcing the law. Maybe I missed something, but is this Constitutional?

Leftist Social Justice Advocate Suspected in Murder of Seattle Police Officer

Christopher J. Monfort, 41, was said to want to be a police officer but clearly “social justice” was his first love. His graduate school thesis seemed to be a call for people to join juries and use “jury nullification” as a tool for social change and when the nearing middle age man ran for student council in his community college he ran on a platform that included leftist talking points concerning the Patriot Act. It is believed that on Halloween night he ambushed Seattle patrol officer Tim Breton in a shocking murder, and he is also believed to have torched four police cars.

Despite this, the leftist press has gone out of its way to paint Monfort as admiring and respecting cops for some reason. But his own sad history tells the real story:

The man Seattle detectives shot Friday afternoon outside a Tukwila apartment complex – who authorities said was a suspect in the Halloween night slaying of a Seattle police officer – is a 41-year-old man Christopher J. Monfort, law enforcement sources said.

He hasn’t spent jail or prison time in Washington, and court records show two traffic infractions are the only marks on his state record. Monfort may have been recently laid off from a job as a security guard or private investigator, a Seattle police source familiar with the investigation said.

Investigators also suspect him in the Oct. 22 arson of four police vehicles, three police cruisers and one mobile command vehicle, a police source said.

Seattle homicide detectives were at his Tukwila apartment complex, in the 13700 block of 56th Avenue South, since the morning, said Tukwila Officer Mike Murphy.

The detectives had gone there on a tip, a day after releasing three photos of a Datsun 210 believed to be connected to the shooting of Seattle Police Officer Tim Brenton and wounding of his partner, Britt Sweeney. Tukwila detectives also responded.

Three detectives confronted Monfort at the apartment complex later Friday afternoon. He turned and ran, then pulled out a handgun and pointed it at police, King County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. John Urquhart said.

“For some reason, it did not go off,” Urquhart said. “I don’t know if he tried to fire it.”

Monfort allegedly then ran a short distance again, and had another confrontation before he was shot at least twice, police said.

Investigators did not say how many shots were fired.

According to a UW graduate school abstract, the title of a project Monfort presented in May 2007 was ” The Power of Citizenship your Government doesn’t want You to know about. How to change the inequity of the Criminal Justice System immediately, through Active Citizen Nullification of Laws, as a Juror.”

In November 2003 Monfort ran for student government at Highline Community College, according to the student paper, The Thunderword. Monfort was running to “make the student body more aware of the civil liberties lost under the Patriot Act,’ ” the article stated.

Then the article goes on to claim that Monfort’s motive is unknown, you know since he was clearly a law and order kind of guy. They prove that by talking to someone who knew him 18 years ago, who thought he may have wanted to be a cop in his late teens/early 20s.

My only question is, when will Keith Olbermann take responsibility for the consequences of his overheated rhetoric?

Fugitive Watch has a video report.


So it’s been a couple of weeks and I’ve yet to see anyone in the media take on violent left wingers. Why is that?

Sanctimonious Liberal Mayor-Elect of Hartwell Georgia Caught Driving Drunk in Greenville, South Carolina!


She couldn’t even keep her perfidy in her own state! Mayor-elect Jennifer Scott Sudderth traveled all the way from Hartwell, Georgia to my beautiful new home of Greenville County in South Carolina to endanger my fellow South Carolinians with her irresponsible and outrageous behavior.

From Greenville Dragnet:

The 35-year-old mayor-elect of Hartwell, GA was charged with driving under the influence in Greenville on Saturday night.  But she swears police have it all wrong.

Jennifer Scott Sudderth told the Greenville News, “I am innocent of these charges against me which will be proven in a court of law.”

Sudderth is expected in municipal court on Thursday, where she will likely repeat the excuses she used Saturday night when cops nabbed her swerving her car from lane to lane on Mauldin Road: texting while driving and sleepiness.

Apparently texting while tired will cause you to fail a field sobriety test like Sudderth reportedly did.  I wonder if Sudderth will contend that it also causes the slurred speech, heavy eyelids, and glassy eyes observed by the arresting officer.

Sudderth later admitted to drinking “a couple of glasses of wine” to police. The truly disgusting thing about this is that aside from being the new mayor of some small town in Georgia (where I’m sure she has a watering hole closer to her house ) she’s a high school teacher. Way to be a role model, Jennifer.

Equally repulsive was her elitist sanctimony displayed throughout her campaign to become mayor of what is kindly considered a podunk, backwoods village. Poor but proud, I’m sure those villagers deserve more respect than what Sudderth could muster during the elections, but like peasants in a medieval tyrant’s fiefdom they supported a woman who all but told them they were beneath her:

Sudderth, a teacher at Hart County High School, was passionate that she wanted change in Hartwell. She said the city’s racial division and “close-mindedness” led her to leave Hartwell for 12 years to raise her family before she moved back.

“I was floored that in 12 years nothing had changed,” she said.

If elected, Sudderth said her top priority would be to prioritize existing problems and correct them.

“I do not plan to make new problems,” she said with reference to the proposed new city hall.


Sudderth was critical of the city police department. She said officers must understand and be reminded they should not “bully” or “harass” and that they were “not above the law.” She called for certifications and qualifications of all officers to be reviewed.

Yes, yes everyone is “close minded” and Hartwell was too backward to raise her kids in. But now she’s returned to shine the light of her worldly wisdom on these benighted souls.

Also, cops are “bullying” and “harassing” people, you know, the same way our own police bullied and harassed her when she was endangering innocent people’s lives on the road rather than go drink a few cups of coffee before driving around. Why, it’s getting so that drunken degenerates with no interest in how many potential victims they might maim and kill while swerving from lane to lane can barely catch a break!

As an aside, at 35 texting is a little iffy. Texting while driving around drunk is textbook immaturity. How did this person get elected?

I call for Mayor-elect Sudderth to be banned from South Carolina! Who’s with me?