The Madness of a Lost Society?

This video is fairly left wing in it’s pretentious anti-Americanism and has a bit of the Falange about it but it does make a good point about the decadence of our society and how that will play out once dollar debasement and food scarcity really kicks in. I’m not sure, given the point about Americans being animals who will riot and loot when things go bad, why owning gold would protect your family (guns and food would be more useful) but I assume the creator has one of those gold selling ad sites.

Gold is a sucker’s bet for long term survival and is useful only if you think society won’t collapse. If you (as I frankly do) envision America sliding into third world status or you must re-think wealth and what it means:

Eggs, for example, are a kind of wealth. Many suburbanites have begun keeping their own hens for economic reasons (they save money on eggs) but we see more and more that a person with  small flock of chickens is doing something most Americans have little experience with – producing actual wealth. Even survivalists often don’t fully understand this idea, explaining why people who think America is about to descend into a new dark age think one ounce gold coins (or worse, gold certificates) are going to pull them through while the rest of us starve. Gold and silver have their uses (one of which is enriching bloggers pre-collapse) but gold and silver represent wealth. They are not necessarily true wealth.

I’ll give you an example. I have two neighbors in the above worst of the worst case scenario. One has a veritable dragon’s hoard of one ounce gold coins each of which are now theoretically worth $10,000 in the new, desperate America. The other has a micro-farm consisting of a flock of chickens, a couple of milking goats and a large garden. Now let’s suppose that both want to get a couple of bowls of Rob Taylor’s famous five can chili or some homemade cough drops I mixed up in my spare time. What happens? Do I make change for a $10,000 gold coin? Or do I take a small basket of eggs for a batch of chili with a home made cough drop lagniappe? Sans a banking system to standardize currency bartering with precious metals is a risky proposition which is an idea I have put forward to before. This is not to say gold will be worthless, but it will be hard to trade with and if push comes to shove, harder to digest. Historically this has always been the case.

The first verse of the Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem reads:

Wealth is a comfort to all men;
yet must every man bestow it freely,
if he wish to gain honour in the sight of the Lord.

This line references the rune Feoh which represents wealth in general but its name literally means “cattle” which was the the measure of wealth the ancient Northern Europeans used. Those who study runes for religious reasons point out this understanding of wealth, as practical goods like livestock and furs, provides both historical and spiritual insight into the runic tradition. For the survival minded of any religion it is instructive to note that people who lived in a harsh environment of low technology and scarcity of resources, livestock was how people measured wealth and was the currency that common people traded with.

But perhaps that’s a debate for another day.


Demand for Fish Creates Opportunity for Almost Collapse Proof Business in Ohio

I’ve been in contact with multiple survivalist minded groups who tell me they are forming some sort of Libertarian commune where everyone will take care of the communal chickens and pay for things in silver and gold coins. Clearly this is asinine. But small farms are a great place to invest your rapidly declining dollar which will stand up to financial troubles better than a pile of gold bars sitting in your garage.

As I said before, in terms of the Roman Empire style collapse many think will happen gold is a suckers bet for survival in the long term and will be available at cheaper prices once the necessities of life are scarce. Producing things people will always need is a much better investment in the long term for you and your family. Fish farms are increasingly popular and in Ohio are so in demand the state is begging people to start more of them:

Ohio agriculture officials are encouraging more people to go into fish farming as the demand for fish grows, and some fish farmers are hoping the state will help with grants and low-interest loans.

Ohio Department of Agriculture and officials with state fishing associations see locally raised fish as an alternative to seafood imported from abroad.

“Seafood is the No. 2 (trade) deficit in the United States, second only to oil,” said Tony Forshey, chief of the Ohio department’s division of animal industry. “About 95 to 98 percent of our seafood is imported.”

Forshey has said that fish farming, or aquaculture, has great potential in Ohio.

“Ohio is a perfect state for aquaculture production because of our vast water supply,” Forshey told The (Canton) Repository.

With about 260 fish farmers in Ohio, the state is a leader in hybrid bluegill production and also produces yellow perch, largemouth and smallmouth bass and tilapia, Forshey said.

Greg and Jeanette Morris have established a fledgling business with three fish-nurturing ponds on their farm near East Canton.

“We are looking for more people to do this because the demand exceeds what we can put out,” Jeannette Morris said. “People want freshwater fish.”

Those in the business say there is no shortage of buyers.

“Basically, we have a dwindling supply of fish, plus a growing demand,” said Brent Dixon, president of the Fish Farmers of Ohio Association.

Sounds to me like before you pump that $50,000 into gold that you’re survival cul .. I mean group … pooled together you should look into aqua culture and fish farming.

Disarmed English Conservatives Easy Pickings for Socialist Rioters

Leftism in action

More than 50,000 students, most affiliated with communist groups, went on a violent rampage that destroyed the Tory Headquarters as they threatened physical violence on those who didn’t meet their demands in the future.

They’re demands, by the way, were for a bankrupt England to provide them with free tuition, health care, room and board indefinitely while they did nothing but push the crime rates of England to Chicago levels. Above is a picture of a female police officer that was attacked by the crowd being helped away from the violence (courtesy the Daily Mail website)

“This is only the beginning” one thug told a reporter. I assume act two of this will be more violence, this time targeting individuals and their intended act three will be the complete destruction of England to be replaced by some China or Chavez supported Euro-Communist satellite state. These protest are eerily similar to the calls to action the “invisible committee” made in The Coming Insurrection.

English youth live in a society where there is no right to self-defense and the criminal justice system gives notoriously light sentences. Thus they have been taught that their own violence has no significant consequences. This is a dangerous situation for the targets of their rage who are identified as Conservatives but in reality will include anyone who seems to have more than them. Marxist class envy will drive this army of ne’er-do-wells to ever escalating levels of brutality as their economy collapses and the welfare state is abandoned.

And what exactly will the English people be able to do about it? They will lay down and die.

The cops could barely maintain order in this protest, when these people start burning down neighborhoods as their communist and anarchist mentors envision what will the average English family be able to resort to to defend themselves? They are not allowed the use of arms in their defense as free people should and the state (which cannot even control the criminal element) does not recognize a person’s natural right to defend themselves, their family and their property. So what will the English do?

It can be argued that the English did this to themselves and certainly they did. They have doomed themselves to rule by the strong by making themselves weak. The greatest advertisement for firearms comes from the early years of Colt Firearms when a ad proclaimed that “God made man and Sam Colt made them equal.”

Without the ability to use tools in your defense you are prey to those stronger than you. It isn’t just guns of course, weapons of all kinds can be used to defend yourself and England allows none of that. But this is no different than many “blue” states here.

I left NYC in part because the laws were such that if I defended myself from an attack it would be up to the discretion of the D.A. if I would be charged. In other words, without connections you can’t defend yourself without jail time. I moved to a state where the right to defend yourself is recognized. So should you.

Because if you think that protest more violent than what has happened in England aren’t coming here you’re dreaming. Conservatives have been demonized world wide, including here where MSNBC just ran a piece supporting Ted Rall’s call for a violent pogrom against the right. England is doomed because they let the state have a monopoly on arms but the state can never have a monopoly on force.

Don’t let that happen here. Arm yourself now before it’s too late.

Is the 20 Ga Enough Gun for Home Defense

Goblins Hate Shotguns

I think it is and own two both specifically for defense against any goblins who think of besieging my castle. I like the lighter recoil but I honestly just got my first 20ga to be different. John Snow asked the same question at The Gun Shots and looks like the conclusion is the same among his commenters. I guess we’re all going to get lectured now by a bunch of people who claim anything under 3 1/2 inch Magnum loads of 000 buckshot just makes home invaders angry.

At self defense ranges indoors almost anything shotgun will be enough gun to stop an intruder, and when you’re talking about 12 and 20 gauges most birdshot rounds will be fatal on an unarmored intruder hit in the chest or face. Remember most people will be shooting across a room – maybe 6-10 feet away, sometimes closer. The blast itself might injure the person on the other end in that situation.

The only shotgun that’s iffy is the .410 though as I said before the popularity of the Judge has made a variety of self-defense loads that will work in a pinch. I have a .410/.45 Survivor I’m partial to because even if I’m sick, wounded or crippled with arthritis I can get it on target quickly. But I keep it next to some Winchester 225gr Silvertips and some a box of Federal Champion 225gr Semi-Wadcutter Hollow Points. As much as I love the .410 (and I love the .410) if some goblin is in the house I prefer more punch.

That’s why I reach for my Stoeger 20ga Coach Gun. It’s more than enough gun to meet a goblin with.