Gold, Financial Illiteracy, and Amanda Marcotte

Originally published at Newsreal Blog

About a week ago Amanda Marcotte wrote a rambling screed against people who want to go back to the gold standard. It consisted largely of different variations on the pejorative “teabagger” and some references to the Bible that tell us more about Marcotte than anything else. She seems to conflate people who want to get back on the gold standard with the so-called “gold bugs” who recommend investing in gold, and bizarrely claims that gold values are really based on people’s nostalgia and “sadism” which I’m pretty sure Amanda thinks means disagreeing with her.

Her theory on the idiocy of gold can be gleaned by wading through this passage of what she passes off as writing: Continue reading

Leftism, Class Warfare and the Coming Urban Apocalypse

My new article on Newsreal is up and it deals with what the growing trends of cutting public safety services will mean for our cities. I speak from experience about the semi-feral nature of cities, crime and how the coming municipal bond collapse and local government bankruptcies set the stage for anarchy the likes of which we’ve never seen.

Check it out at Newsreal Blog. Leftism, Class Warfare and the Coming Urban Apocalypse.

Liberals Shocked to Discover Food Inflation

Let’s be honest, liberals tend to reject survivalism mainly because they are ideologically invested in the idea that a large government will always provide for them in times of need. That has changed slightly in recent years but in lefty strongholds like San Francisco the idea that a combination of extreme cold (when the assumed it was getting warmer) bad government policies and increased foreign demand for food would have definite effects on their lives was not accepted by the vast majority.

Until now:

For the first time since 2008, inflation is hitting consumers in the stomach.

Grocery prices grew by more than 1 1/2 times the overall rate of inflation this year, outpaced only by costs of transportation and medical care, according to numbers released Wednesday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Economists predict that this is only the beginning. Fueled by the higher costs of wheat, sugar, corn, soybeans and energy, shoppers could see as much as a 4 percent increase at the supermarket checkout next year.

“I noticed just this month that my grocery bill for the same old stuff – cereal, eggs, milk, orange juice, peanut butter, bread – spiked $25,” said Sue Perry, deputy editor of ShopSmart magazine, a nonprofit publication from Consumer Reports. “It was a bit of sticker shock.”

But it makes sense. Since November 2009, meat, poultry, fish and eggs have surged 5.8 percent in price. Dairy and related products have gone up 3.8 percent; fats and oils, 3 percent; and sugar and sweets, 1.2 percent.

While overall inflation nationwide was 1.1 percent, grocery prices went up 1.7 percent nationally and 1.3 percent in the Bay Area, said Todd Johnson, an economist for the Bureau of Labor Statistics office in San Francisco. “The largest effects on grocery prices here over the last month were tomatoes, followed by eggs, fish and seafood.”

If the author hasn’t seen food inflation since 2008 she’s living in a dream world … called liberalism. But even the most cheery Obamunist is seeing that ham fisted environmental policies and anti-business practices has real world consequences. At this point, those consequences can’t be avoided. Thanks lefties!

Russia Today Loves Cop Killers

The other day someone told me I was a jerk because I said that Russian Today was a communist propaganda front. That person implied that Russia Today was pro-American. Ridiculous of course and I was going to put up a clip of them spreading anti-Americanism but this tongue bath of cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal not only shows the anti-American bent of the outfit, but pretty much is verbatim regurgitation of American Communist propaganda. Suck on it “libertarians”

Be more careful where you get your info.

h/t Zionism’s Survival

Flash Mob Dynamics

I have blogged before about the danger of violent flash mobs and the cover ups by police who don’t want to panic the population by admitting that their town could be one reTweet away from anarchy. It is a danger you need to understand and this video will help you get a grip on what flash mobs are and how dangerous they can be. I found it on the Global Guerrillas blog which is run by John Robb whose book Brave New War is a must read for anyone who wants to see what the future holds: