Marines Headed to Egypt to Secure American Citizens – American Left Disgusted

Judging by the comments left on the Business Insider piece this news comes from lefties think our military running a rescue operation to get our fellow Americans out of a bad situation is tantamount to a war crime. Here’s the news:

There is a system within the US Marines that alerts the immediate families of high-ranking marines when their marine will soon be deployed to an emergency situation where they will not be able to talk to their spouses or families.

That alert just went out, says our source.

This senior Marine told our source that the Pentagon will deploy “multiple platoons” to Egypt over the next few days and that the official reason will be ‘to assist in the evacuation of US citizens.”

Our source was told that “the chances they were going over there went from 70% yesterday to 100% today.”

Now an example of comments. When someone claimed this would look bad to “the Arab street’ I asked the question of whether or not that even mattered. Someone calling themselves Popded responded thusly:

@Rob Taylor:
“The government should ensure the safety of Americans no matter the consequences.”
a) If the US government feels like saving American lives it should start from the hundreds of thousand homeless people it has. better yet, removing all US military personnel (government- and private-sponsored) from all the countries it has them scattered to protect not freedom or democracy as they so claim but the interests of big business, corporations and conglomerates…
b)”No matter the consequences” sums up the reason all the people of the world (including quite a few Americans) hate the U.S. . According to your statement its OK for a complication that could lead to open conflict in the already war-torn Middle East that could cause loss-of-life a million-fold to save a couple of ignorant bozos that stuck around a country in such great turmoil (and to a great extent because of US intervention) just because they are oblivious to the plight of the local people, tucked away in their magic money-bubble. Obviously you believe thousands of lives (Egyptian in this case, or even Israeli or Palestinian) are inferior to a single US-born person’s…Let me give you some info: Inequality is what caused this explosion not only in Egypt but also in Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen, and more are soon to come. Try thinking on that with a few brain-cells (if you have any to spare beyond repeating the government’s position like a retarded mynah bird)…
c) If I had a kid studying abroad, or a wife who was a reporter I would call them back home before the government ensured their safety just as it did with the reporters blown to smithereens for kicks by a US chopper in Iraq (which we know of only because of the wikileaks guys that the far-right and US Government want to execute without trial)…

Get that? In essence he or she is saying that Americans should be left to die because his lefty ideology says so. There are dozens of comments just like that there. Read through them and see what your fellow Americans think of college students and researchers trapped in a bad situation.

I point this out because “Popded” and his ilk are your neighbors. These are the people who you and your family will be surrounded by during an emergency. Their hearts are full of hatred for their fellow Americans for a multitude of reasons and when the same pressures that brought down Egypt and Tunisia come to your city what do you think they’ll be willing to do? To appease a radicalized Muslim population they are advocating letting Americans die even though that action will have no concrete benefits to them personally, what will they do when they haven’t eaten in a couple of days.

Stock up on weapons. The enemy lives among us.

The Militias of Venezuela and the Tanks of Chavez

Two stories that, when taken together, foretell of even more chaos in South America which will eventually bring even more pressure on our southern border. The first comes from Strategy Page:

January 21, 2011: The battle with the drug gangs has led to the seizure of nearly eight tons of cocaine so far this month. This war is low key, widespread and largely out in the bush. Thus it gets little media attention, but it grinds on, and is slowly driving the drug gangs out of the country, or out of business, and further reducing the size and influence of leftist rebels like FARC and ELN. The leftist rebels have been hurt so bad that central control has broken down. The dozens of local FARC units are more and more going their own way. Some are becoming more like gangsters than revolutionaries, while others cling to their revolutionary origins. Neither approach is particularly attractive to most Colombians.

Neighboring Venezuela is sliding towards revolution. President Hugo Chavez, facing defeat in the 2012 presidential elections, is using increased oil income (from rising world prices) to import the goods (especially food) that Venezuela no longer produces (because the government has taken control of so much of the economy). Chavez is forming “peasant militias” composed of his loyalists and armed with assault rifles bought from Russia. It’s still not certain that Chavez would risk a civil war to hold onto power.

That there is a connection between Chavez and his “peasant militias” and FARC is not in doubt by any rational observer. FARC also maintains operating relationships with various Mexican cartel factions. That would probably be a better explanation for border gangs obtaining fully automatic AK-47s and hand grenades than the myth that those items are purchased in border town pawn shops.

The next story is from J.E. Dyer called Bridges to Bogota. While noting that Venezuela is adding 92 Russian made Main Battle Tanks to it’s already substantial heavy and light armor forces Dyer points out that Chavez has little use for the purchase outside of imperialist aggression:

The light tanks alone are more than enough to quell popular unrest in Venezuela.  They are more likely to be used in that role than the MBTs, as they are smaller, lighter, and travel easily on more of Venezuela’s erratic road network – while providing all the firepower necessary for the average insurgency-quelling.

Meanwhile, a look at the map shows that Venezuela’s environs, and in particular her borders with Colombia and Brazil, are spectacularly hostile to armored warfare.  There is no threat of invasion from either side.  Brazil has a substantial inventory of armor, but no political friction with Venezuela of the kind that would make present-day Brazilians hanker after the capacity to invade their northern neighbor.  Even if they had such a hankering, getting tanks into Venezuela from Brazil would entail filing through a narrow, mountainous route – being highly vulnerable to counterattack – and having to go a very long way through Venezuela to achieve any territorial gains that were politically useful.

But there is one significant change to the region that would benefit Chavez if he decided to start flexing his muscle:

There is now an improved, commercial-grade highway stretching all the way from Caracas to Bogotá, served by the José Antonio Páez Bridge over the Arauca River at the Colombian border town of Arauca.  (See map.)  The road enables heavy commercial traffic (primarily oil-industry traffic) to traverse the Llanos.  The bridge – an iron-truss bridge built in the second half of the 20th century – was given a maintenance upgrade by Colombia in 2009 and 2010.

The highway, inaugurated in stages from 2008 to 2010, is christened La Ruta de los Libertadores – the Route of the Liberators.  Venezuela refers to her stretch of the roadway as the Autopista José Antonio Páez.   The road traces the route of Bolivar’s army in the Andean campaign of 1819.  And its completion means that it is no longer the case that Chavez literally cannot drive 45-ton main battle tanks into central Colombia.  Doing so might be inadvisable: with only one feasible route, an alerted Colombian military would have no difficulty finding the invasion force, and would have at least one key advantage in countering it.  But the enterprise has gone from being impossible to being highly unlikely.  The road itself is more important than the bridge; bridging equipment, well deployed, can get tanks across a river, but the important change from a military standpoint is the existence of a road that will bear heavy traffic through the thinly-populated Llanos and across the rough ascent to Bogotá.

Added to this is the capacity for Venezuela to stage a mini D-Day invasion of it’s neighbors:

That said, however, there are other factors we should not ignore.  One is that Venezuela has a tank landing-ship force.  It’s not a big one; there are only four ships.  They were built in South Korea in the 1980s.  But that number of ships, and the number of tanks they could deliver, would make a difference to a dicey internal situation in a nation like Panama, Costa Rica, or Honduras.  In combination with paramilitary forces from Cuba and Nicaragua, they could up the ante significantly.

In theory, Chavez has this particular capability now, with the existing landing ships and his French and British tanks.  The addition of the nine submarines he is buying from Russia would significantly enhance a landing force’s survivability and effectiveness, however, along with the dozens of Su-30 strike fighters, and Mi-17 and Mi-35 combat helicopters, being purchased from Russia as well.  No single capability is a game-changer; it’s the cumulative enhancement of capability from Chavez’s shopping spree that makes the difference.

Chavez is facing losing power in his country and watching his FARC allies fall apart in Columbia. With a weakened America withdrawing from the region, and worse openly supporting his communist allies, Chavez sees his time for enacting the true socialist revolution he wants coming to a close. He will use the limited time he has left to rescue his allies and re-invigorate the Latin American communist movement.

That may include not just an invasion of Columbia to support his FARC allies, but of Honduras and any other country that he can outgun. Ultimately he may support leftist elements in Mexico as FARC increasingly takes control of operations there.

Can a bankrupt America fight off dozens of tanks backed by Nicaraguan and Cuban paramilitaries staged by land we already ceded to cartels? Probably, but at what cost? It may seem fanciful to consider but in ten years ago who would have thought that parts of Arizona would be effectively under the control of transnational warlords?  It’s time we started paying attention to the new Soviet Union forming right on our southern border.

h/t Fausta

The Forgotten Casualties of The American Left’s Class War

This post originally appeared at Newsreal Blog

We often take the class warfare rhetoric of the Left for granted these days, inured to its wickedness by its ubiquity in the media and academia. For most on the Right the class and race warfare rhetoric espoused by leftists is simply another point to debate and an easy explanation for leftist political stances and social mores. But this ideology of hatred does more than affect tax policy, it costs lives. America’s streets run red with the blood of the innocent cut down by the foot soldiers of the secret war America’s Left has initiated.

Clay Duke, the man who opened fire on a Florida school board, was one such foot soldier. But he was also a victim. That the mentally ill Duke took his cues from leftist groups like Media Matters is verified by Duke’s own words. What shocked people more was the reaction of his supposedly sane wife who, having just heard that her husband committed suicide after attempting to murder several innocent men and women, told news crews that her mentally disturbed husband should be an example to all Americans. She called for a violent class war: Continue reading

Sympathy for the Devil: How the Left Sanctions Criminality

Originally published at Newsreal Blog

Leftism is a cancer eating away at foundations of our society. It is in fact the goal of the Left to destroy those foundations so that our society can be replaced with the Marxist “Utopia” they believe in, a Hell on Earth of mass murder and rape camps in which they have the power over others they crave. At its core leftism is about inflicting pain and suffering on others and nowhere is that more obvious than in how the Left views and treats criminality.

Still enamored with the Soviet Union’s medicalization of crime, the Left has long pushed theories which explain deviant antisocial behavior as mental illness that can be treated. This view of rape and murder takes responsibility for the crime away from the criminal and puts it in the hands of the rest of us, who are made responsible for “healing” this “sick” individual. But this view, injurious as it is, is mild compared to the more common view of criminality that flies around these days which states that crime is caused by “oppression.” Continue reading