Cartel Hitmen Greenlighted to Hit U.S. Targets

Uh-oh. So far the worst of the Cartel drug war has been contained in Mexico, with what is relatively minor spillover into the border states. Now the there’s credible intelligence that the drug lords will be sending assassins into the U.S. to hit 10-15 victims according to El Paso police:

EL PASO, Texas — Security is being heightened along the southern U.S. border because of a threat that warring Mexican cartels may send hit men into the United States, authorities said Monday.

Law enforcement officials would not discuss specific security measures being taken at the ports of entry, along the border or in the city of El Paso, Texas.

“We received credible information that drug cartels in Mexico have given permission to hit targets on the U.S. side of the border,” El Paso police spokesman Officer Chris Mears said.

Authorities learned of the threat last week.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Chief Officer Rick Lopez said: “CBP is on heightened alert ever since we became aware of the threats in Mexico.”

U.S. Border Patrol spokesman Doug Mosier said officials “are reinforcing the importance of vigilance.”

Drug cartel violence has claimed thousands of lives in Mexico this year. Nearly 800 people have been killed in Ciudad Juarez, a hardscrabble city of about 1.3 million people across the Rio Grande from El Paso.

The cartels, battling one another and the Mexican government for supremacy and control of lucrative drug and human smuggling routes, have become brazen in their attacks in recent months.

In Juarez this month, masked gunmen stormed a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center and killed eight people. Days later, Red Cross workers stopped treating gunshot victims for several hours after receiving death threats over Red Cross radios. The Red Cross had already stopped responding to emergency calls after 10 p.m. because of security concerns.

Law enforcement officials this year in New Mexico and Texas said they had received a purported cartel hit list identifying 15 to 20 potential targets in those states. Mears said the latest threat contained no specific targets.

The Cartels have proven to have the ability to corrupt entire military units and supply their private armies with military grade training and weaponry. If they have decided that they can safely operate on American soil with impunity then border town streets will run red with blood.

Russia Attempting to Provoke America into War, Finds Ally in Pat Buchanan

America’s weak response to Russia’s Hitler-esque Invasion of Georgia has emboldened the Putinist regime to begin directly provoking the American military. First, this item was buried in a Fox report on NATO breaking relations with Russia in protest of their occupation of Georgia:

Meanwhile, a FOX News crew on the ground confirmed that Russian troops in several armored vehicles entered Georgia’s commericial Poti Sea Port early Tuesday morning, capturing 10-20 Georgian soldiers, blindfolding them, and taking them away to a Russian base in Senaki.

The Russians were described as crack and combat ready.

They also took away a container holding property of the U.S. military: Five U.S. military regular humvees and one armored humvee, according to Alan Middleton, CEO of Poti Sea Port. They had been used in a military exercise recently in Georgia involving U.S. and Georgian troops and were being shipped back to a European base.

It is unclear whether the Georgians seized had anything to do with the container.

Efforts are ongoing to obtain their release

The Russians also reportedly blew up a disabled Georgian navy vessel docked at the port.

Operations at the commercial port have been halted and management is trying to start them up later today.

Not content with robbing banks the Russian forces are stealing American military equipment. This is a clear provocation. But it pales in comparison to this:

CARACAS: President Hugo Chavez said on Sunday that Russian President Dimitri Medvedev wants to send a Russian naval fleet to visit Venezuela.

“Russia has informed us they intend to visit Venezuela, that is, the intention that a Russian fleet should come to the Caribbean,” Chavez said on his weekly radio program.

“I told the president (Medvedev), ‘If you’re coming to the Caribbean, we’ll welcome you,'” Chavez said, adding that the Russian naval fleet would pay “a friendly and working” visit to Venezuela.

Read the rest, it goes on to detail the vast amount of Russian arms that has already flooded Venezuela.

Meanwhile Russia has been caught delivering fake Russian passports into the Georgian conflict zone, no doubt to have an excuse to escalate the violence:

4 600 passports have been issued during the past five days and more than 1400 – in one day. The Russian Federation is increasing the number of its citizens on purpose in an attempt to appeal to protect Russian citizens.

Clearly Putin wants war, and not just any war but the big one, WWIII. America’s volatile political life presents the world with an image of a country violently split down the middle, and with a stretched thin military Russia and her allies seem to be eyeing our allies, and perhaps us, hungrily.

Not that Hitler apologist Pat Buchanan minds. He’s expelled a new abortion onto the pages of Townhall that leaves no doubt where he would stand in the event of war between us America and Russia:

The arrogant folly of the architects of U.S. post-Cold War policy is today on display. By bringing three ex-Soviet republics into NATO, we have moved the U.S. red line for war from the Elbe almost to within artillery range of the old Leningrad.

Should America admit Ukraine into NATO, Yalta, vacation resort of the czars, will be a NATO port and Sevastopol, traditional home of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, will become a naval base for the U.S. Sixth Fleet. This is altogether a bridge too far.

And can we not understand how a Russian patriot like Vladimir Putin would be incensed by this U.S. encirclement after Russia shed its empire and sought our friendship? How would Andy Jackson have reacted to such crowding by the British Empire?

As of 1991, the oil of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan belonged to Moscow. Can we not understand why Putin would smolder as avaricious Yankees built pipelines to siphon the oil and gas of the Caspian Basin through breakaway Georgia to the West?

For a dozen years, Putin & Co. watched as U.S. agents helped to dump over regimes in Ukraine and Georgia that were friendly to Moscow.

After calling on Joe Biden to “hold hearings” to see who’s responsible for the war (Neo-cons of course) Buchanan lavishes ex-KGB agent Vlad Putin with such praise one would think he was wooing Putin:

Vladimir Putin is no Stalin. He is a nationalist determined, as ruler of a proud and powerful country, to assert his nation’s primacy in its own sphere, just as U.S. presidents from James Monroe to Bush have done on our side of the Atlantic.

A resurgent Russia is no threat to any vital interests of the United States. It is a threat to an American Empire that presumes some God-given right to plant U.S. military power in the backyard or on the front porch of Mother Russia.

If his argument sounds both nauseating and familiar then you’ve probably seen similar arguments from Putinist tool Justin Raimondo and Buchanan’s fellow admire of Russia David Duke. Duke’s support for Russia comes in the form of “exposing” the ties Georgia has with Jewish neo-cons and Israel. Perhaps as a nod to to his philosophical brother-in-arms Buchanan ends his pro-Putin propaganda piece with this semi-coded anti-Jewish conspiracy theory:

As for Saakashvili, he’s probably toast in Tbilisi after this stunt. Let the neocons find him an endowed chair at the American Enterprise Institute.

You know, the neo-cons who secretly pull his strings from their synagogues of Satan. Disgusting.

At least we’ll know where he’ll stand when the war starts. In Gitmo with the rest of the traitors.

Update: I’m not the only person who thinks Buchanan has a little too much love for Putin.

10 Dead in Suspected FARC Bombing

At least 10 people died in a blast in a meat distribution center just north of the Colombian capital that police believe was the work of FARC who had been trying to extort money from the company. From Columbia Reports:

The bomb exploded just before 7pm in a distribution center for meat. The wounded were all inside the center at the time. It is unclear if the wounded were employees or attendants of a wedding party that was going on on the second floor.

Initially police said a gas bottle had exploded, but later stated the FARC had been trying to extort the company owning the center and set the bomb “to put pressure on the payment of the extortion.”

Columbia Reports also has a video report for those of you who speak Spanish.

FARC receives money and support from Communist dictator Hugo Chavez who in related news has allied with Iran in promising fellow Communist Evo Morales 225 Million dollars in support for his Bolivian regime. We ignore this alliance at our own peril.

Outspoken Mexican General Relieved of His Post for Telling the Truth

Leftists on both sides of the border are ecstatic at the ousting of Gen. Sergio Aponte Polito from his posting in lawless Tijuana. The General had been critical of the corruption of public officials and the inefficiency of local police in dealing with the powerful Mexican Cartels.

Toward the end of his tenure he was known for making waves with public missives lambasting the authorities and for giving the hard pressed citizens of Tijuana the option of reporting crimes to the military rather than risk running to the corrupt police. In other words, he was just what the Mexicans needed, the Patton of the drug wars. From SFGate:

An outspoken general who urged residents to call the Army when they witnessed a murder or drug deal in this crime-stricken border city was ousted Friday after repeatedly chastising police for being corrupt.

As the army’s top officer in northwest Mexico, Gen. Sergio Aponte Polito publicized a phone number to field the public’s pleas for help, and on Sunday he gave the news media his latest 5,700-word bombshell letter complaining about bad cops.

Such public provocations are extremely out of character for military leaders in Mexico — and may have cost the popular Aponte his job.


Aponte was reassigned to the Mexico City-based Supreme Military Tribunal and replaced by Gen. Sergio Magana Mier, who was most recently the Army’s top commander in Guerrero state. The Defense Secretary said such rotations are common in a press release that also announced transfers of five other generals and dozens of lower-ranking officers.

But the general’s fate reflects larger questions in Mexico about how to control drug-fueled violence, which has soared in the years since President Felipe Calderon moved to openly confront the cartels that move cocaine into the United States. Some Mexicans see the police as corrupt and the army as the only hope. But others fear soldiers are overstepping their authority and abusing their power by raiding the homes of suspected criminals.

Aponte led many of the 20,000 troops Calderon dispatched to retake wide swaths of Mexico that were taken over by drug trafficking. And he pushed limits by asserting a dominant crime-fighting role for soldiers in a city where police are considered too ineffective or corrupt to call. He named his phone-in campaign “Nosotros, si vamos,” or “Yes, we respond.”

“What he’s doing is completely unprecedented,” Roderic Camp, an expert on the Mexican military at Claremont McKenna College, said recently.

The jowly, silver-haired 64-year-old general speaks in severe tones and writes as if he’s inscribing his epitaph. In his latest missive, he declared that he was relieved of four previous assignments because he denounced ties between drug traffickers and public officials, and openly challenged the defense ministry to support him this time.

Looks like standing up for the good people of Mexico has consequences. Read the rest of the article and see how leftist academics shill for the drug lords by trying to vilify a man who was simply trying to give the people of Mexico a fighting chance.

h/t Crime Scene KC