Chavez Nationalizes Global Warming!

China Confidential reports on communist dictator Hugo Chavez’s new propaganda campaign aimed at convincing the world that research into biodiesels and other alternative fuels is a capitalist plot to hurt the workers and destroy the environment.

Venezuela’s leftwing, populist dictator, Hugo Chavez, has personally approved funding for a covert propaganda campaign against alternative fuels, including ethanol and bodiesel. The money will be diverted from Venezuela’s oil revenues; and there is reason to believe Chavez may have sought financial support for the project from Iran, after successfully persuading Cuba’s Communist dictator, Fidel Castro, to condemn biofuels as “capitalist genocide.”

With or without Teheran’s aid, the Crackpot of Caracas aims to discredit the biofuels industry by subsidizing the production and placement of a series of negative articles, essays and TV programs promoting claims that it robs the poor of productive agricultural land, drives up the price of food for humans and animals alike and actually consumes more energy than it produces.

The best part of the whole story is that Chavez is demanding that biodiesal be referred to as “deforestation diesel” from now on. If this move doesn’t start to drive a wedge between Chavez and the hippies on the left, nothing will.

The Devil’s Excrement has a list of other actions Chavez’s government is taking that should worry any supporter of civil liberties. This would theoretically include Democrats, but I’m not holding out any hope.

21st Century Socialism Already Causing Food Shortages in Venezuela

Babalu Blog has translated salient portions of a story in yesterday’s El Nuevo Herald describing the brutal food shortages caused by Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez’s Communist policies. The most striking fact emerging from the article is that 73% of people surveyed have had trouble finding sugar on the rapidly emptying shelves of local groceries. Sugar! Here in America you don’t really even have to buy sugar, you get it for free from 7-11’s and Starbucks.

Socialism never works and it looks like the Chavistas are finding that out fast. As shortages of goods continue, and the population becomes restless, look for Chavez to clamp down domestically Stalin style to keep power, and he’ll likely invade a neighbor for good measure.

Guard your sugar kids, it’s apparently precious.

Al-Qaeda Affiliates Active in Brazil

Western Hemisphere Policy Watch breaks yet another story the MSM ignores yet is vitally important to every American. I encourage you to read the post, but if you’re pressed for time, it basically says that although Brazil has denied the existence of terror cells in their country for years police and intelligence officials have been monitoring the movements of a Muslim convert and the group he’s affiliated with, who are in turn affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

This report comes on the heels of another report of Islamic militancy in south of the border, this time Hezbollah in Venezuela, who put out a call earlier this month for attacks on “Jewish interests” in Latin America.

Of course, there are more immediate threats to our border that the MSM is also ignoring, like the leftist terror group EZLN who are spreading their influence into the United States and holding “meetings” less than a hundred miles from our border.

The war on terror is closer than American think, it won’t be long before a new front opens that we can’t redeploy from.