FARC Joins the Jihad!

A Syrian arms dealer was caught providing Marxist insurgent group F.A.R.C. with military grade weaponry including RPGs and surface to air missiles. More ominously the deal included the promise of trainers from Lebanon who would travel to Columbia to train the Communist insurgents. The Syrians’ alliance with Hezbollah makes it obvious who these trainers would be.

Hezbollah is already active in neighboring Venezuela and HMJ from Western Hemisphere Policy Watch reports that the tactics of Islamist terror groups, specifically beheadings, have been observed in Mexico. As more and more Militant Islamic groups strengthen their operational capabilities in South America, often with the help of Latin American leftists, the United States becomes less and less secure.

Exposing the Real Che Guevera

Muckraked has a short review of Humberto Fontova’s book Exposing the Real Che Guevera: and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him. It’s an important book for a culture like ours which has developed an entire industry of hero worship of the homophobic racist killer.

Of course wearing Che t-shirts is a nice way to show solidarity with the exploited workers of … Cuba? That’s right, Cuba has sold many of its citizens as virtual slaves to the Venezuelan regime. Read about it at The Devil’s Excrement then ask that college kid down the street if he’ll do like Che and go fight to free the Cubans.

JFK Bomber’s Venezuela Connection!

Jungle Hut points out a detail in a Fox News piece that slipped by a lot of us:

Kadir’s wife, Isha, said that her husband was nabbed while boarding a flight to Venezuela, where he planned to pick up a travel visa to attend an Islamic religious conference in Iran. He had flown from Guyana to Trinidad on Thursday.

So this guy was plotting against the U.S. and coincidentally was planning to travel through Venezuela and Iran. Hmmm.

Chavez is finally being recognized by other South American countries as a threat to the entire region, as Brazil’s congress declares that Chavez is a “cheap Hitler” and throws their moral support behind the student protests. Chavez’s dreams of Latin American domination would benefit from America being distracted by a violent Jihad at home. Are Venezuelan officials allowing Jihadists to set up staging grounds in the Bolivarian republic? It isn’t the first time Venezuela has been linked to radical Islamists. The JFK bombers were supporters of Hezbollah, Hezbollah is active in Latin America, this seems like more than a coincidence to me.

Leftists here are supporting the bombers, so they’ll no doubt deny that Chavez has any connection as will the Democrats who are beholden to the nutroots. But America ignores this at its peril.

UPDATE: This one’s for my buddy over at This Barren Land who thinks there isn’t much substance to charges of Venezuela having a Hezbollah presence. Here’re a couple of links for you to peruse:

Douglas Farrah explains the connection here

Here’s Clint Taylor’s report from Hot Air

Hezbollah is an Iranian proxy organization and given the close relationship between Chavez and Ahmadinejad is it far fetched to assume that tolerating Hezbollah is part of 21st Century Socialism?

That probably won’t convince This Barren land, but there’s always a chance.

Charles Barron is Indeed a Son of a Bitch

NYC City Council hack Charles Barron, a violent Marxist who has openly called for a violent revolution in Gotham, was called out by Fox News reporter Adam Housley on his open propagandizing for communist dictator Hugo Chavez’s crackdown on free speech. Barron tried to carry water for Chavez on Cavuto, claiming he was doing nothing wrong by shutting down RCTV, a popular station that ran opposition pieces to Chavez’s policies, as the media in any free society should do.

Barron sees things differently. He believes that free speech has limits; specifically it should be limited to communist indoctrination and propaganda. Barron doesn’t think stories about Chavez turning his loyalist supporters loose on student protesters should make it to the media. Barron doesn’t want images like this being broadcast:


The above movie shows the red-hatted “Chavistas” taking pot shots at unarmed protesters. In a couple of scenes you can see protesters taunting the gunman or throw stones at them, hardly a reason to shoot at them. People like Barron think it’s an act of bravery for Palestinian mobs to throw rocks at Israeli troops, but a few unruly protesters are deserving of heavy handed suppression. One of the protesting students was shot to death, likely by Chavistas.

But Charles Barron, in true S.O.B. fashion, simply doesn’t care.

An American student was savagely beaten by police. Barron doesn’t care.

Chavez’s paid thugs attack a second station. Barron doesn’t care.

Police attack peaceful demonstrators. Barron doesn’t care.

He is a son of a bitch, isn’t he? Chavez could napalm the masses, “the people,” rising up in support of freedom and Barron would smirk and tell the world Chavez is a hero. Because to Barron that is heroic, killing those who disagree with you is heroic. Oppression is heroic, denying freedom is heroic, because it is essentially the perfect Marxist state. This kind of dictatorship is what Barron wants for New York, America and the world.

And that makes him a son of a bitch.