Georgia Can’t Account for 441 Registered Sex Offenders

My blogging partner Joe Friday is outraged by this story not just because of Georgia’s screw up but the overly sympathetic presentation of those poor sex offenders (rapists and child molesters) who society is just so mean to.

From Greenville Dragnet:

Child molesters, rapists, and kidnappers are among the 441 registered sex offenders authorities in Georgia are unable to locate.  And with parts of Georgia less than 50 miles from Greenville, the peach state’s missing sex offenders could be our problem too.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation maintains the state’s sex offender registry, and is charged with keeping tabs on over 17,000 offenders.  Authorities have lost track of almost 250 registered sex offenders just from metro Atlanta, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports.

Of course the AJC report doesn’t at all mention that the only reason sex offenders go non-compliant is that they are up to no good. Nor does it mention that sex offender recidivism rates vary widely depending on the study but in essence every study done only proves that recidivism rates for sex offenders are lower when those offenders are being monitored.

As Joe Friday says the AJC is unconcerned with the new statistics these missing sex offenders are creating even now. Instead they’re earning their liberal street cred by claiming that people who have raped women or molested children are now being unfairly victimized.

Obamunist Blogger Jeff Martin Charged with Cyberstalking

This story is only shocking if you’ve never dealt with a liberal blogger.

Jeff Martin runs a blog called Vie Di Malchance which, in case you need evidence of his glassy eyed knee jerk DailyKosism, is rife with references to “McBush,” the stupidity of people who like Sarah Palin and of course how a woman who disagrees with him is the epicenter of all evil in his life.

In that last post he also asks supporters to send him checks and money orders to fight “the insidious plague” as he calls his victim. This, of course, is a scam by a con artist who will plead out and take his probation then spend the money his supporters send him on either drugs or pornography. But that’s just an opinion I have based on his public behavior.

In other words, he’s a dime a dozen Kossack. But he took his lack of self-control and inflated entitlement to a level even other liberals would be hard pressed to defend:

GREENSBORO — A local blogger is facing cyberstalking charges after authorities said he sent more than two-dozen e-mails in less than an hour to another blogger.

Jeff Martin, who writes the blog site Vie Di Malchance, is charged with annoying fellow blogger Dr. Mary Johnson, of Asheboro, under North Carolina’s cyberstalking law. “Vie De Malchance” is French for “life of misfortune.”

“When your hobby is making people angry, at some point I quit keeping up with who’s mad at me,” Martin said Wednesday.

Martin said he and Johnson got into a feud over the Randleman Dam, a local water project that he supports. The feud escalated when Martin, who writes his blog under the name “fecund stench,” sent 27 e-mails to Johnson in less than an hour.

“I probably frightened her and I didn’t mean to do that. I screwed up,” Martin said.

The e-mails included messages such as, “Everyone knows your crazy, but no one has exhibited the courage to deal with it. I’m not afraid of you.” Martin also admitted to sending Johnson an e-mail telling her he knows where she lives. Martin said there was no threat intended, but he simply wanted to stop Johnson from attacking him and his friends in the blogging community.

Classy. With all the other problems America faces it’s easy to forget just how depraved the left side of the blogosphere is. Martin is a disgusting cretin who is indicative of the wing of liberalism and we should remember that this enclave of misanthropy is still festering on the web.

It should be noted that he hasn’t cyberstalked any men, by the way, but that’s par for the course. Maybe I’ll get some threatening emails from Martin? We could only hope.

h/t Crime Scene KC

Sex Offender Ordered Off Social Networks, Follows Probation Worker on Twitter

You don’t get on the sex offender registry by being smart:

BEAUMONT, Texas — A registered sex offender in Beaumont who was required to stop using Twitter instead invited a probation worker to connect with him online.

A judge in Beaumont on Monday revoked the probation of 30-year-old Grandville Lindsey and ordered him to serve 15 years in prison.

Lindsey in July pleaded guilty to indecency with a child, in a case in which he was accused of improperly touching a 13-year-old boy.

Lindsey had been ordered not to subscribe to online social networking sites, like MySpace or Twitter, unless it was approved by probation officials.

Two Jefferson County probation officials reported that Lindsey had accessed such sites several times since August. A worker with the probation office also told the judge that Lindsey had tried to follow her on Twitter.

h/t Trench

“Wiccan Priest” And Author Stanley J. A. Modrzyk Threatens to Start Online Libel Campaign Aganist Me!

A man named Stanley J. A. Modrzyk is upset with me because of the appearance of a friend of his on Wikisposure and Absolute Zero, which I then reported on. Modrzyk claims that the appearance of Jerry Douglas Ray on Wikisposure is all a case of “mistaken identity” and since he was Ray’s priest at one time there’s simply no way Ray has been frequenting pedophile chat rooms and leaving disturbing comments on the Web, including that he may have molested his own relatives.

His explanation for his friend being witnessed palling around in pedophile chat rooms? Why, Ray’s email was hacked of course! No doubt by some devious pedophile who needed to hijack a random account to be active on pedophile forums while continuing to peruse several other forums Ray likes to frequent. You know, to make sure this frame up of poor Jerry Ray was complete.

I heard he was making a stink with some of the AZ people so I emailed him to ask if he had some proof that Ray was innocent. I am nothing if not conscientious.  He had none, but he did have plenty of venom to shoot at me because he believes I’m the originator of the Wikisposure page which clearly I am not. How much venom you ask? This much:

Click to enlarge.

For those of you not wanting click away from this riveting bit of Red Alerts administrata, here’s a transcription of his last email to me, angry caps and all:

 Dear Mr. Taylor,


Please do not be surprized if YOU are the next Pedophile listed on line. You will be
amazed at what a computer geek can do whit a bogus email account.

Oh, and it won’t be to do you any personal harm, it will be done just to prove to you how wrong you are….therefore it will not be subject to civil repercussons as there is no malice involved.

Just bide you time until YOUR Chirf of Police gets his email.

Very sincerely,
S.J. Modrzyk

ps: While you weren’t straight forward and didn’t call Jerry a registered sex offender, you said I needed to prove that he wasn’t….If you had done any serious investigation instead of just making everything up – which liars like you do just to feel important – you could have simply looked on the list and seen that his name was not on it as he is not and can not be proved to be one.

pps: I wish I could be there when you name hits the internet you Pedophile you 🙂

I’m not sure Mr. Modrzyk knows how defamation laws work. Telling me you’re going to purposefully spread a lie around the Internet about me designed to make people think I’m a pedophile but then saying “but you can’t sue me because this actually isn’t really malicious” will not hold up in court. But maybe he’ll be able to prove to a judge that his plan to steal my identity to commit crimes was just meant to “teach me a lesson” so he should be excused from being held accountable.

It should be noted that on the post I wrote about Jerry Douglas Ray aka “childdriver” I never claimed he was on a sex offender registry. I reported that Ray was identified in a Wikisposure investigation as active in pro-child rape forums and at the time of my article was recruiting families online to join his coven. I have continued to ask Stanley Modrzyk to provide evidence that Ray’s account was “hacked” and that this was all a case of mistaken identity. I additionally asked him why Ray himself, if this is all “lies,” hasn’t come forward.

Stanley Modrzyk’s answer is to threaten to steal my identity and frame me online. I’d find it odd if I hadn’t dealt with so many “Wiccan Clergy” in the past, who tend toward immaturity. While Wiccan covens are run basically in secret, the cottage industry of Wiccan “churches” has long been the gathering point for the detritus of New Agedom. I personally have never met anyone affiliated with an incorporated Wiccan religious organization who wasn’t an awful human being.

Modrzyk is also the author of the absolutely dreadful Turning of the Wheel, a book on Wicca so unimportant that no pagan I know ever heard of it or the author. Old Stanley also represents the First Temple of the Craft W.I.C.A. out of Chicago. They’re incorporated I see and run a brisk business teaching classes and doing handfastings and other Wiccan ceremonies. Unlike other Wiccan slanderers, Stan just might have enough money to make a lawsuit worth my while.

I will, as always, make our entire email exchange available to anyone requesting it. I’ll also of course make it available to the authorities since I personally take threats over the Internet very seriously.

I point this out because, as I have pointed out time and again, there’s a poison in the heart of Wicca these days. Stanley Modrzyk, who doesn’t understand that I am not the cause for his friend’s troubles, thinks that threatening to impersonate me online and trying to get me arrested is acceptable behavior. Think about that for a second. This is a man who gives spiritual support and advice to Wiccans and his idea of justice and helping others is to threaten to indulge in criminality.

Wiccans should be shocked by this. I, however, am not.

Feds Look for Motive Behind Massacre of Troops Departing for Iraq by Fundamentalist Muslim Anti-War Activist

Major Nadal Malik Hasan passed out Korans while dressed in traditional Muslim garb the morning of his cowardly attack on his fellow soldiers. He had been acting “strangely” for weeks according to reports.

From the Killeen Daily Herald:

In the morning, neighbors said Hasan handed Qurans and donated his furniture to anyone who would take it.

Neighbors described Hasan as a quiet man who began wearing “Arabic clothing” in recent weeks. Edward Windsor, a neighbor, never suspected Hasan was in the Army. Hasan’s rank surprised Windsor who would never have imagined an officer with a rank of major would have lived in an apartment that rents for $350 and houses soldiers ranked as private first class.

“For his rank structure, it’d be highly unlikely for him to live here,” Windsor said.

Maj. Hasan was known to make “outrageous” comments about American foreign policy including claiming that Muslims joining Al-Qaeda in Iraq were right to do so.  He had made public his hopes that President Obama would surrender in Iraq and Afghanistan and pull the troops out as quickly as we pulled out of Vietnam. From The Houston Chronicle:

The psychiatrist once said “Muslims should stand up and fight against the aggressor” and that the U.S. shouldn’t be fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place, according to a Fox News interview with Col. Terry Lee, a former colleague.


Lee told Fox News Hasan “was hoping that President Obama would pull troops out. … When things weren’t going that way, he became more agitated, more frustrated with the conflicts over there … he made his views well known about how he felt about the U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

And when he talked about fighting “the aggressor,” his fellow soldiers “should stand up and help the armed forces in Iraq and in Afghanistan,” Lee said.

Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin, told reporters after a briefing on the shootings that Hasan was born in Virginia to parents who immigrated from Jordan.

The congressman said Hasan “took a lot of advanced training in shooting.”

That same article points out that Maj. Hasan wouldn’t allow himself to be photographed with women and was unsuccessful in finding a wife in his Mosque because even other Muslims couldn’t meet his religious expectations.

Via Atlas Shrugs here’s video of Hasan the morning of the massacre that was run on CNN. He was wearing traditional Islamic garb:


As you can see in the video he was calm and collected the morning of the massacre, so all this psychobabble about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is just another deflection by a leftist media unwilling to unflinchingly look at the truth. You’ll also hear at around 2:56 that a week earlier he had told the owner of the store where the video was shot that he had a “religious conflict” with serving in Iraq.

It should be pointed out that high ranking doctors in the service are usually deployed in secure locations, so the theory that P.T.S.D. caused by his fear of the combat he never experienced caused his actions seems especially vapid.

He had been disciplined at one of his postings for proselytizing to patients and co-workers. From NPR:

A source tells NPR’s Joseph Shapiro that Hasan was put on probation early in his postgraduate work at the Uniformed Service University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md. He was disciplined for proselytizing about his Muslim faith with patients and colleagues, according to the source, who worked with him at the time.

And most disturbingly of all Hasan had come to the attention of federal authorities at least six months ago for his postings on radical Muslim websites:

While an intern at Walter Reed, Hasan had some “difficulties” that required counseling and extra supervision, said Dr. Thomas Grieger, who was the training director at the time.

Grieger said privacy laws prevented him from going into details but noted that the problems had to do with Hasan’s interactions with patients. He recalled Hasan as a “mostly very quiet” person who never spoke ill of the military or his country.

“He swore an oath of loyalty to the military,” Grieger said. “I didn’t hear anything contrary to those oaths.”

But, more recently, federal agents grew suspicious.

At least six months ago, Hasan came to the attention of law enforcement officials because of Internet postings about suicide bombings and other threats, including posts that equated suicide bombers to soldiers who throw themselves on a grenade to save the lives of their comrades.

They had not determined for certain whether Hasan is the author of the posting, and a formal investigation had not been opened before the shooting, said law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the case.


A second military official said Hasan’s family has Palestinian roots. There have been reports that he was harassed for his Muslim religion, but the official says there is no indication Hasan filed a complaint within the military about that.

Also troubling, although Hasan’s family claims to be Jordanian and he was American, Hasan listed his nationality on his Palestinian on a marriage match making form at his Mosque:

On a form filled out by those seeking spouses through a program at the mosque, Hasan listed his birthplace as Arlington, Va., but his nationality as Palestinian, Khan said.

“I don’t know why he listed Palestinian,” Khan said, “He was not born in Palestine.”

He wasn’t born in Palestine because there is no such place, and there never has been. The mythical Palestine is something of a cause celebre among both anti-war activists and Jihadists. The Washington Post says his parents were born on the West Bank.

And lastly it is reported that he yelled “Allah Akbar!” while committing his murders.

But his motive for killing soldiers about to be deployed to fight radical Jihadists remains unclear.

Or should we just say unspoken?