Known Liar and Charlatan Charles Jaco in Yet Another Embarrassing Video

Charles Jaco has a history of manufacturing false reports for any news organization dumb enough to hire the him. I blogged about his smear job on Bill Hennessy a few months ago. In that piece I embedded a video of Jaco’s finest moment – faking a report from the Gulf War:

Now a blogger has Jaco on video acting like a douchebag and making up more smears about the Tea Party (which he hates for some reason) culminating with alleged reporter Jaco trying to pick a fight with him. Surprise! Charles Jaco is an immature scumbag:

There’s a Facebook page dedicated to getting this choad fired. I suggest everyone join.

h/t Gateway Pundit

Democrat Dark Horse Candidate Wants “Tea Baggers” to Help Her Campaign

Forget the fact that she’s a far left weirdo who claims that she’s the world’s only impoverished small business owner and even Democrats are against, Tamyra D’Ippolito is possibly the most tone deaf and asinine politician on the planet. This is one of her Facebook updates, word for word:

We are calling all people to file signatures tomorrow Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Tea Baggers, everyone with a pulse go to your county clerks office tomorrow before noon in your district.

Nothing will rally people to your side like using a vulgar sexual reference designed to insult them. I kind of hope she wins the primary.

So does Allahpundit.

Texas Democratic Candidate Farouk Shami Says White People Won’t Work, 9/11 an Inside Job

What the hell is in the water in Texas? First Paulnut Debra Medina loses the Glenn Beck endorsement by supporting trutherism, now she has a Democrat counter part who doubles down on that and adds in some race baiting for good measure.

From WFAA:

Race became an issue in the Democratic primary for governor today.

Farouk Shami, the millionaire hair care products maker who’s running, said he doesn’t find many white people willing to work, so he says he hires Hispanics and blacks instead.

He made the comments responding to a question about whether the state should crack down on employers hiring illegal immigrants.

He also said he, too, would not disavow the conspiracy theory that the U.S. government was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


Asked to explain what he meant about not hiring many whites, he said they want special treatment. “A majority of the people are going to be Hispanic and African-American. You don’t find white people who are willing to work in factories. And our history proves, you know, lots of time when they, you know, the white people come to work in a factory they either want to be supervisors or they want to be, you know, paid more than the average person. And unfortunately they exit.”

And then just a day after Medina, didn’t reject the notion that the government was involved in the 9/11 attacks, Shami didn’t either.

“I’m not sure. I am not going to really judge or answer about something I’m not really sure about. But the rumors are there that there was a conspiracy. True or not? It’s hard to believe, you know, what happened. It’s really hard to comprehend what happened. Maybe. I’m not sure.”

I assume he’s also not sure he wants to be Governor of Texas.

Surprise! Muslims Say Airport Scanners are Against Islamic Law

To be fair it does keep them from blowing up infidels which is an affront to Islamic sensibilities. From The Freep:

Saying that body scanners violate Islamic law, Muslim-American groups are supporting a “fatwa” – a religious ruling – that forbids Muslims from going through the scanners at airports.

The Fiqh Council of North America – a body of Islamic scholars that includes some from Michigan – issued a fatwa this week that says going through the airport scanners would violate Islamic rules on modesty.

“It is a violation of clear Islamic teachings that men or women be seen naked by other men and women,” reads the fatwa issued Tuesday. “Islam highly emphasizes haya (modesty) and considers it part of faith. The Quran has commanded the believers, both men and women, to cover their private parts.”

The decision could complicate efforts to intensify screening of potential terrorists who are Muslim. After the Christmas Day bombing attempt in Detroit by a Muslim suspect from Nigeria, some have called for the use of body scanners at airports to find explosives and other dangerous materials carried by terrorists. Some airports are now in the process of buying and using the body scanners, which show in graphic detail the outlines of a person’s body.

But Muslim groups say the scanners go against their religion. One option offered to passengers who don’t want to use the scanners would be a pat down by a security guard. The Muslim groups are urging members to undergo those instead.

Two members of the Fiqh Council are from Michigan, Imam Hassan Qazwini of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, and Imam Ali Suleiman Ali of the Canton Mosque. “Fiqh” means Islamic jurisprudence.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has a chapter in Michigan, says it endorses the fatwa.

“We support the Fiqh Council’s statement on full-body scanners and believe that the religious and privacy rights of passengers can
be respected while maintaining safety and security,” said Nihad Awad, national executive director of CAIR.

Oh, CAIR supports this? Well it’s not as if four of their ranking members have been charged with terrorism, or that Michigan is a hot bed of Islamism. I mean, there’s no ulterior motive for Muslims linked to anti-government radicalism to want a less secure process in airports, right?

Good Riddance to Child Rape Loving Rubbish

My buddy Dodiafae from Pagans Against Child Abuse emailed me this Time piece about the Vermont Secessionist movement. Note to Paulnuts who carp about me using the term “Left Libertarian” the term seems to be catching on … with Left Libertarians.

The nutshell:

On Jan. 15, in the state capital of Montpelier, nine candidates for statewide office gathered in a tiny room at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, to announce they wanted a divorce from the United States of America. “For the first time in over 150 years, secession and political independence from the U.S. will be front and center in a statewide New England political campaign,” said Thomas Naylor, 73, one of the leaders of the campaign.

A former Duke University economics professor, Naylor heads up the Second Vermont Republic, which he describes as “left-libertarian, anti-big government, anti-empire, antiwar, with small is beautiful as our guiding philosophy.” The group not only advocates the peaceful secession of Vermont but has minted its own silver “token” — valued at $25 — and, as part of a publishing venture with another secessionist group, runs a monthly newspaper called Vermont Commons, with a circulation of 10,000. According to a 2007 poll, they have support from at least 13% of state voters. The campaign slogan, Naylor told me, is “Imagine Free Vermont.” In his fondest imaginings, Naylor said, Vermonters would not be “forced to participate in killing women and children in the Middle East.”

Nothing like moral outrage from people residing in a state where child rapists are routinely given light sentences. I say good luck fighting off Canadian/E.U./U.N. forces when the “highly developed agriculture” these secessionists claim will support Vermont doesn’t have the protection of American military force. But if they want to leave let them, and they can take their love of child molestation with them.