Egypt Cuts Natural Gas Supplies to Israel

Supposedly because the old regime was selling the gas too cheap but this might be part of a strategy to weaken Israel before the coming war. Way to go Obama!

Egypt on Sunday terminated a long-term gas deal with Israel, a stakeholder said, prompting Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz to express “deep concern” over what he described as a move diminishing the peace treaty between the two countries.

Neither the Foreign Ministry nor the Prime Minister’s Office had any comment on the report, with one ministry official saying that the relevant authorities were “looking into” the matter.

“We have no information that the contract has been nullified,” one Foreign Ministry official said.

The official added that if the report was indeed true it would be a “grave development” with ramifications on the normalization of ties between the two countries under the 1979 peace treaty. But, the official added, this was not an agreement between governments, but rather between private companies and the Egyptian government.

Steinitz said he viewed with “deep concern the unilateral Egyptian announcement over terminating the gas deal with Israel, both because of its diplomatic and economic aspects. This is a dangerous precedent that diminishes the peace treaty” between the neighboring countries.

Opposition head Shaul Mofaz said that the move puts the ties between the two countries at their lowest since the peace treaty was signed.

According to Israel Radio, Mofaz said this was a “blatant infringement of the peace treaty.” This step, he said, necessitated a reaction from the US, which was the guarantor of the Camp David Accords.

Lefties are downplaying this as a commercial dispute but i can see Armageddon from here. Can you?

I Guess Today Might Get Ugly if The New Black Panthers Get Their Way

The New Black Panther Party held a conference call to plan their “day of action” for “justice” for Trayvon Martin. Brietbart has a recording of their audio call where they openly call for violence nation wide. Via The Blaze this transcription of some of the rantings of Michelle Williams, the Tampa area NBPP chief of staff, exposes what sort of activism they are looking for:

“I say to everyone that is on this call right now, I‘m comin’ out of the gate…my prize right now this evening is going to be the bounty, the arrest– dead or alive– for George Zimmerman. You feel me? To every brother, to every female, I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the American black man’s problem just to avoid violence. You feel me? It’s time to wake up, I don’t know how else…It’s in me to fight. It’s in me to raise up soldiers. It’s in me that every time my feet touch the ground the state of Florida- these crackers- they scared.

“I’m kinda pissed off right now that the state of Florida ain’t on fire. This could not have happened in L.A. because them brothers up there are not scared to riot. This could not have happened in St. Petersburg Florida, where the black man over there are ain’t scared to kill a cracker.”

The New Black Panter party has a large national presences with membership estimated in the thousands and have chapters in Europe, most notably France. In this respect they operate very similarly to 1%er motorcycle gangs like the Hell’s Angels, thus we can assume that national leadership here exerts influence over chapters worldwide.
They are also allied with radical Muslim groups like Hezbollah and openly support Al-Qaeda. So this sort of “community organizing” could easily lead to violence. National spokesman Chaun Kweli made this dire warning to listeners:

An act of war has been declared on us and we have no choice but to fight…[But] we have to be trained how to fight. See the whole purpose of the maneuver that’s happening in Sanford is to train in self-defense, because many of us think we’re prepared for a battle- just like many of us think we’re prepared for a fight- but if you are not training, if you are not stocking up water, if you are not stocking up food, if you are not stocking up weapons and artillery and survival books, and gas masks, and flashlights, and cantines, and ready-to-eat meals…if you are not stocking that up I don’t know how serious we are right now.

They’re socking up on food, water and weapons – are you? Here’s the recording.

Be careful out there.

Obama Administration Funding Middle East Christian Extermination

Hillery Clinton, representing the U.S. State Department, was at a “Friends of the Syrian People” summit held in the increasingly Islamist Turkey. At that conference the “Syrian Resistance” was promised money, logistical support and was implicitly promised weapons to overthrow the Baathist regime. Russia, who has sided with the Syrian government, has condemned the move saying it would lead to years of bloodshed.

But there is another problem with people claiming to be friends to the Syrian people arming Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda backed mercenaries in yet another Arab state. The atrocities these animals are committing against minorities, specifically Christians.

Here’s a report on the ongoing violence in Homs by AINA:

Syrian President Basher Assad isn’t the only target of Syrian rebels as Syria’s Orthodox Christian Church reports “ongoing ethnic cleansing of Christians” by al-Qaeda-linked Islamist militant groups in the embattled Syrian city of Homs.

The report from the Vatican news agency Fides says Brigade Faruq, which has links with elements of al-Qaeda in Iraq and Islamist mercenaries from Libya, has expelled 90 percent of Christians living in Homs, nearly 50,000 people.

Reportedly, the armed Islamists went door to door in the Christian neighborhoods of Hamidiya and Bustan al-Diwan informing the homeowners that if they did not leave immediately they would be shot. Then pictures of their corpses would be taken and sent to al-Jazeera, along with the message that the Syrian government had killed them.

As such, the men, women and children — denied by the Islamists from taking any of their belongings — were forced to flee to mountain villages 30 miles outside of Homs, their homes occupied by the militants who claimed the owners’ possessions as “war-booty from the Christians.”

According to reports by Barnabas Aid, a relief agency assisting Syrian Christians, the forced Christian exodus from Homs has been ongoing since the beginning of February when armed Islamists murdered more than 200 Christians, “including entire families with young children.”

At that time a representative of Barnabas Aid pleaded, “Christians are being forced to flee the city to the safety of government-controlled areas. Muslim rebel fighters and their families are taking over their homes.”

Unfortunately, Islamist attacks against Syria’s Christian community, including kidnappings and murder, have occurred almost from the onset of the popular uprising against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad which began in March 2011.

In other words we’re funding a Jihad which is being fought like a Jihad, with the rapes, theft and looting Muslim commanders use as rewards for their soldiers being commonplace. You’ll also notice that Al-Jazerra and other media are complicit in the Jihad, allowing themselves to be used by these scum in extortion schemes.

The Christian Post has more, including pointing out that Assad is of a Shiite off-shoot (the Alewites) who themselves are often persecuted by Sunni Muslims, so the autocratic government of Syria did protect religious minorities. In fact much of Assad’s brutality has been aimed at keeping Sunni Muslims from taking over the country and massacring the minorities within.

Our government is helping the Sunni Muslims overthrow the government and has no plans to protect the minorities within. We are in fact providing promises of weapons to Al-Qaeda linked paramilitaries. Coincidentally the Muslim Brotherhood is meeting with Obama now. In the White House. After running pogroms in Egypt and a Black genocide in Libya.

Understand what is going on here. The Obama administration is funding and arming Wahhabi mercenaries to explicitly topple secular governments and persecute religious minorities. The Clinton administration did thee same in Bosnia. What exactly is the payoff for a Muslim Brotherhood take over of the Middle East besides a second Holocaust and the extermination of Christian, Druze, and other religious minorities? Egypt will become a Sharia state and no doubt the nucleus of a new Caliphate. That Caliphate will make war on the world.

So why are we supporting this? What promises is Obama making even now to the Muslim Brotherhood? Why are we abandoning centuries old American principles of religious freedom to support militant theocracy? Maybe because Leftists and Islamists will stand together to overthrow the old world order to install a new one? Maybe when OWS needs support to overthrow our cities these same mercenaries will be imported here?

If I were a Christian I would be reading Revelations now.

WW III Watch: Russian “Anti-Terror” Troops Land in Syria

Not of course to be confused drunken barbarians Russia sent into Georgia a few years ago specifically to spread terror. These Russian troops are anti-terror specialists which is convenient since Assad is saying he’s fighting terrorists.

Which is of course true since the insurgency is a Muslim Brotherhood/Al-Qaeda supported government overthrow. But Syria is a Baathist (National Socialist) dictatorship so either way the victor will be an enemy of the West. We should be staying out of this one and building up our forces for the inevitable world war that will start once the MB announces the formation of a new caliphate, but we’re apparently pursuing a policy that would require sending 300,000 troops in. Smart power!

From The Blotter:

A Russian military unit has arrived in Syria, according to Russian news reports, a development that a United Nations Security Council source told ABC News was “a bomb” certain to have serious repercussions.

Russia, one of President Bashar al-Assad’s strongest allies despite international condemnation of the government’s violent crackdown on the country’s uprising, has repeatedly blocked the United Nations Security Council’s attempts to halt the violence, accusing the U.S. and its allies of trying to start another war.

Now the Russian Black Sea fleet’s Iman tanker has arrived in the Syrian port of Tartus on the Mediterranean Sea with an anti-terror squad from the Russian Marines aboard according to the Interfax news agency. The Assad government has insisted it is fighting a terrorist insurgency. The Russian news reports did not elaborate on the Russian troops’ mission in Syria or if they are expected to leave the port.


RIA Novosti, a news outlet with strong ties to the Kremlin, trumpeted the news in a banner headline that appeared only on its Arabic language website. The Russian embassy to the U.S. and to the U.N. had no comment, saying they have “no particular information on” the arrival of a Russian anti-terrorism squad to Syria.

Moscow has long enjoyed a cozy relationship with the Assad regime, to which it sells billions of dollars of weapons. In return Russia has maintained a Navy base at Tartus, which gives it access to the Mediterranean.

Last week Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia had no plans to send troops to Syria.


Russia’s Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov denied reports that Russian special forces were operating inside Syria. He did say, however, that there are Russian military and technical advisors in the country.

U.S. State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said the U.S. government had not heard of the reports of Russian troops in Syria and declined to comment.

This is an escalation of the situation in the middle east. With Obama firmly in the corner of the Brotherhood/Al-Qaeda take over of the region it will be a matter of time before the “revolutionaries” ask America for support against the increasingly belligerent and imperialistic Russians. Then all hell will break loose.

Stakelbeck on Terror Interview with Kemal Saleem

Kemal Seleem is a former Jihadist who converted to Christianity. Saleem wrote a book talking about the Jihadist worldview called The Blood of Lambs that is well worth your time. In this interview he talks about growing up as a Jihadist, his relationship with he Muslim Brotherhood and his work to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate. He also describes how Muslims see Christians and Jews which will shock most people and his ties to the radical left – including training current radical left activists in bomb making.

Because it’s a Christin Broadcast Network program it’s a bit heavy on the theology but this information is something every American needs to hear: