In this clip Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, author of Never Surrender: A Soldier’s Journey to the Crossroads of Faith and Freedom and Frank Gaffney from the Center for Security Policy discuss the growing intrusion of Sharia into American culture, politics and more worryingly our legal framework. Via
Category Archives: Islamic Expansionism
Muslim Brotherhood Subversion of Conservative Politics
This video presentation by Frank Gaffney talks about MB subversion and infiltration of both the Bush and Obama administrations but his warning is aimed squarely at conservatives who still inexplicably pal around with Brotherhood operatives like Suhil Khan. Part of a larger presentation put together by The Center for Security Policy. Via Jawa Report:
Robert Spencer on His New Book Did Muhammad Exist?
I have to admit that even with a degree in Comparative Religion and a Masters from a prestigious university I have always taken for granted the existence of a guy named Mohammad who started a death cult called Islam. Robert Spencer has taken the research of various scholars to show that there is no evidence there was a Mohammad. In this video interview with Micheal Coren my mind was actually blown by some of the research he mentions:
I’ve already ordered a copy of Did Mohammad Exist? from Amazon (for my Kindle) and I urge everyone to do the same. The Blaze has more.
Is the Detroit Free Press Pro Honor Killing?
Pamela Geller, the outspoken opponent of the Islamization of America, was in Dearborn this past weekend speaking out at a conference against Islamic honor killings. Sunday was the one-year anniversary of the murder of 20-year-old Jessica Mokdad of Warren, Michigan, by her stepfather because she refused to conform to Islamic cultural norms for women.
The Detroit Free Press covered the event in their piece Muslims oppose anti-Islam gathering; dueling events held in Detroit, Dearborn. The article opens thus:
“Anti-Islam advocates from across the U.S. gathered in Dearborn today for a conference to bring attention to what they say is a problem of Muslim honor killings.”
Anti-Islam advocates? Really? How is being against killing a woman because she’s becoming too Western anti-Islam? The conference was clearly about the issue of honor killings, not against Muslims. And what the hell is meant by “what they say is a problem of Muslim honor killings” supposed to mean? Girl wears makeup, goes out with unapproved boys, tries to be her own person. Stepdad kills girl for not conforming to Islam. How can anyone in their right mind ‘say’ it’s a problem with anything else?
Later in the article, the Freep writer states that:
“Last year, Mokdad, 20, was shot dead by her stepdad in Warren. Geller said it was a (sic) honor killing based on Islam, but Assistant Prosecutor Bill Cataldo of Macomb County told the Free Press on Friday it was not. The family of Mokdad is opposed to the anti-Islam conference and didn’t want Mokdad’s name on it, Cataldo said.”
Yet, Geller on her Sunday April 29 post at her blog, Atlas Shrugs, points out that the prosecutor had something different to say a year ago:
“Macomb County Assistant Prosecutor Bill Contaldo said: “He thought she was becoming too Westernized. I think this was a very nice young lady wanting to experiment with Western culture without control and without abuse.” The Detroit Free Press reported: “Mokdad’s mother told police that Alfetlawi felt so shamed by her daughter’s Western ways. He killed her in an honor killing, Warren Police Sgt. Stephen Mills said.” Alfetlawi was so concerned about her behavior that he even forced her to go to a mosque and marry her boyfriend.”
You think the so-called journalists would be able to dig up that little tidbit on their own, especially since it was on their own damn news site.
Thankfully, we have freedom fighter Geller to keep them honest. I’m close to Dearborn, so I kicked myself for not keeping up with her site so I could go to this conference. I’ve remedied that and hopefully will get a chance to hear her speak in person in the future. She and her team are putting together videos of the full conference but below is a teaser to see her and other anti-honor killing activists in action.
An Illustration of Theocratic Thinking in Iran
This tidbit was in the latest KGS Nightwatch missive:
IIran: For the record. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei provided the following guidance in response to a question about whether it was sinful to use social media. “In general, the use of social networking websites (such as Facebook, FriendFeed, Orkut, etc) is impermissible if their use entails a corrupt action (such as promoting corruption, spreading lies and false subjects) or if it creates fear of committing a sin, or if it boosts the enemies of Islam and Muslims, or if it is against the Islamic Republic’s laws.” Comment: Khamenei’s comment is worth noting by a Western Readership for two reasons. First is that it shows how Shi’i Muslims are expected to ask their role models for emulation – the ayatollahs — for guidance on everyday activities ranging from eating to using social media. The second reason is that the Ayatollah’s response conflates fear of committing sin with violations of the laws of the Islamic Republic or just boosting the enemies of Islam. In this moral architecture, illegality and evil are the same. That means that a traffic offense or other violation of national law is a sin, just like failure to keep the Ramadan fast, for example. That is not how Iranian law works in daily practice, to be sure, but it is the thinking of the religious leadership and the extremely devout. The West generally abandoned such thinking before the Renaissance.
which is why Westerners, especially liberals, have such trouble understanding Iranian motivations.