Muslim Brotherhood Forms Jihadi Militia in Syria

My fellow Republicans need to wise up and stop insisting we support these animals fighting the Baathists in Syria. But since the right in America has been infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood agents like Suhail Khan it’s unlikely we’ll have any rational discussion about this.

So instead we’ll support a total Muslim Brotherhood takeover of the middle east and the world war that will come about from a reformed Caliphate. From The Telegraph:

Calling itself the “Armed Men of the Muslim Brotherhood”, the militia has a presence in Damascus as well as opposition hot spots like Homs and Idlib. One of their organisers, who called himself Abu Hamza, said that he started the movement along with a member of the Syrian National Council (SNC), the opposition alliance.

“We saw there were civilians with weapons inside, so we decided to co-operate with them and put them under one umbrella,” he said.

Hossam Abu Habel, whose late father was in Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950s, said that he raised $40-50,000 (£25,000-£32,000) a month to supply Islamist militias in Homs province with weapons and other aid.
The militias he funded were not affiliated to the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the main rebel movement, added Mr Abu Habel.
“Our mission is to build a civil country but with an Islamic base,” he said. “We are trying to raise awareness for Islam and for jihad.”


But the FSA, dominated by defectors from the regime’s army, has fallen out with the SNC, whose leaders are in exile. It now has its own political front, the Syrian Support Group (SSG). This split has divided the revolution’s main international backers, with Saudi Arabia supporting the FSA and Qatar moving closer to the SNC and the Islamist militias.

The divisions are affecting operations on the ground: competing militias co-operate when necessary but otherwise disavow each other. “I would take it as an insult if you described me as FSA,” said Abu Bakri, a front line commander of an Islamist militia in Aleppo calling itself the Abu Emara Battalion.

One activist described how he was working with Sunni politicians in Lebanon to buy arms for the FSA with Saudi money.
A member of the FSA command centre, located in neighbouring Turkey, told the Daily Telegraph that they have this week received large consignments of ammunition, machine guns and anti-tank missiles. At one point Saudi Arabia and Qatar were both funding the FSA, with the command centre receiving up to $3 million in cash every month. But the operative said the situation had changed.

“Now we are not working with the Qataris because they made so many mistakes supporting other groups.”

Great news! Our friends the Saudis – who are the main exporter of Islamism – is arming the most radical militias. But let’s not forget how the West is already supplying Jihadis for the cause because we allow jihadism to fester in our countries. There are credible reports of British Muslims working with Brotherhood militias in Syria. Nice job England.

I say we see a world war with the Muslim Brotherhood as a major player by 2016.

WWIII Watch: Free Syrian Army Claims to Have Killed Russian General

Since Russia and their Iranian allies have been building up a military presence in Syria and America is for some unknown reason siding with the FSA this could be remembered as a flash-point for a world war:

The Free Syrian Army (FSA) announced in a statement to Al Arabiya on Wednesday that it has killed a Russian general in Syria who was working as a consultant to the Syrian defense minister and head of general staff of military affairs.

FSA said the killing of the general, Vladmir Petrovic Kojaiv, along his private translator, Ahmed Aiq, evidence that Russia was embroiled in the Syrian crisis. The rebel army said a number of documents and maps about the opposition and FSA were also seized.

The operation was conducted by its Ghota Western Brigades from Damascus along with FSA countryside forces, the rebel group said.

Not a good development if true. Pushing the Russians into open conflict will create a even greater conflict.

Stoned in Dearborn Link Roundup

A group of Christians staged a nonviolent demonstration at the annual Arab International Festival in Dearborn in June and were stoned by festival attendees. The police asked the demonstrators to leave instead of protecting them against the violence.

I originally came across this story at the Detroit Free Press. The author, Niraj Warikoo, put the usual Freep spin on the truth not mentioning the violent reaction of the Muslims, though he does mention some water bottles and pop cans being thrown and that “one boy then spilled some water on the missionary.”

I responded with this comment and a link to a video:

“I don’t support this Christian group but as per usual the Freep doesn’t tell the whole story. Here is another article with video. You can clearly see that the Christians are standing around holding signs and it’s the Muslims who start throwing things.”

That video I originally posted in my comment doesn’t show the reaction of the “religion of peace” as well as this one.



And surprise, I was called a bigot by a woman who left this comment with all the usual liberal name calling, condescension and obfuscation you would expect:

“It’s called “ethnic intimidation”, darling! How *else* are people supposed to react?  Furthermore, bigot, those perverts are about as peaceful as a pack of wild animals. Their hate was out there for all to see, precious! I wonder if you’d feel the same if people like them used the same tactics against YOUR church!”

Why is it that liberal women can never see how anti-feminist their language is to conservative women?  And not only does this mental giant seem to assume I’m a Christian, but she clearly has a problem with reading comprehension as I stated in the beginning of my comment that I don’t support the Christian group. I was simply calling out the Freep for not stating all the facts.

I appreciate that no one wants people telling them they’re going to hell at their celebration. But this was a public event and the Christians had a right to their demonstration as long as they were nonviolent. I don’t go to church but I remember Christians making similar statements at a new-age/Pagan convention in the Metro Detroit area many years ago. The attendees yelled back. They didn’t stone the Christians. They knew American law, which is something that us so-called bigots are considered egregiously hateful for expecting Muslims in this country to know and respect as well.

In fact, there have been plenty of times I’ve peacefully dealt with Christians stating their opinion, sometimes even hatefully so.  I didn’t even punch a Jehovah’s Witness chick who tried to stuff pamphlets in my car window while I was pulling out of my parking spot.  And one might even consider that stepping over the line of sharing her opinion into the area of messing with my private property.  But I’m not crazy violent so I just drove away.  No stones were involved.

The Blaze has more video of the stoning.  American Thinker and Front Page Magazine have more on this story. Jihad Watch and Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs have more info on the civil rights suit being filed by the Christians.

E.T. Williams of Whatever Happened to Common Sense on YouTube asks why the media is silent on this and we all know the answer.

Islam and Sexual Slavery

I recently read Robert Spencer’s new book Did Muhammad Exist? which I highly recommend. Spencer recently penned an excellent piece which was posted on Atlas Shrugs which discusses the connection between mainstream Islamic theology and human trafficking and sexual slavery. I post it because we are seeing more and more Muslim “gangs” involved in human trafficking in America and this piece helps to explain how unassimilated Islamic communities become havens for pimps:

Bikya Masr reported last week that “a new report from George Washington University professor Michele Clark and Coptic rights activist Nada Ghaly has argued that thousands of young Coptic Christian girls in Egypt are the victim of kidnapping and forced servitude by Muslims in the North African country.” Meanwhile, every day seems to bring fresh reports of Muslim gangs in Britain forcing young non-Muslim girls into prostitution and sex slavery. Muslims from the Twin Cities area ran an interstate sex trafficking ring until they were caught and indicted in late 2010. The dirty secret behind such reports is that this behavior is sanctioned in Islam.

The Qur’an forbids Muslim men to have sexual relations with “wedded women, save what your right hands own.” (4:4) “Prosperous are the believers who in their prayers are humble and from idle talk turn away and at almsgiving are active and guard their private parts save from their wives and what their right hands own then being not blameworthy.” (23:1-6)

Those whom their “right hands own” are slaves, and inextricable from the concept of Islamic slavery as a whole is the concept of sex slavery, which is rooted in Islam’s devaluation of the lives of non-Muslims. The Qur’an stipulates that a man many take four wives as well as hold slave girls as sex slaves. These women are captured in wartime and are considered the spoils of war. Islam avoids the appearance of impropriety, declaring that the taking of these sex slaves does not constitute adultery if the women are already married, for their marriages are ended at the moment of their capture. A manual of Islamic law directs: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled” (Reliance of the Traveller, o9.13).

In communities that accept “radical” groups we see an increase in trafficking because the average, otherwise non-criminal Muslim is taught that this is religiously valid evangelism and reward for following the example of the Warlord who founded their religion. This is why  the West has a vested interest in creating a Western version of Islam that will replace current Islam at least in our country.

Iranian Terror Cells Activated in America

Iran and other enemies of the U.S. know that now is the perfect time to strike at us because of out unstable economy and weak leadership. I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a terror attack prior to the elections and more surprised if an Obama loss didn’t see riots in part provoked by foreign agents rock some of our major metropolitan areas.

From The Daily Caller:

Iranian assets positioned in the United States have been activated and are actively working to acquire intelligence and equipment that might be useful in terror attacks, according to a former member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

The information comes after a bus carrying Israeli youths exploded Wednesday in a Black Sea resort in Bulgaria, killing six and injuring 30 others. Fire engulfed the bus after the attack, which occurred as the bus was on its way back to the youths’ hotel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed Iran and vowed to retaliate.

Ominously, the attack took place on the anniversary of the Jewish Community Center bombing in Buenos Aires, Argentina that killed 85 and injured more than 100 in 1994. Several Iranian officials were implicated in that attack, including the current Iranian defense minister, Ahmad Vahidi, who has been red-flagged by Interpol.

Assets of the regime have attacked Israeli officials and interests unsuccessfully before, such as in India, Bangkok, Azerbaijan and other places. However, as reported in March, the Islamic regime had warned America and Israel that the next terror attacks would be much more complex and devastating.

A source who served in the Revolutionary Guards’ intelligence unit and has now defected to a European country warned in April that the Islamic regime’s terror cells were on high alert, which includes for attacks in the U.S.

According to that source, and another located in the U.S., the regime’s assets have long infiltrated America and are coordinating operations out of mosques and Islamic centers, such as Imam Ali Mosques and the Iman Islamic Center.

The report goes on to point out that Iranian and Pakistani families with ties to diplomatic missions in the U.S. and Canada are actively gathering intel on targets for attacks and have been caught buying equipment that are banned from export by sanctions. More ominously it claims that the intelligence community thinks the actual acts will be carried out by agents of Mexican, American or Latin American origin. Be prepared.

h/t Shenandoah