China Refuses to Let FDA Investigate Their Plants

After murdering hundreds if not thousands of beloved American pets the Chinese are not allowing FDA inspectors to enter their country to ensure that the tragedy won’t happen again. Damn Commies!

Tammy Bruce has the whole story. Be careful what you feed your pets America. They’re counting on you (and they’re so cute!)


Hope for China?

In a surprising, but welcome, move away from Maoism, China is set to restore the right of private property ownership that had been banned since 1949! The New Editor is reporting on what they rightfully declare as great news from China.

Does this mean that there is hope for a free China in the near future with liberty enjoyed by all Chinese citizens? It’s certainly a step in the right direction, but the continued brutal occupation of Tibet, along side a massive military build-up, means that a liberalized economy within the Communist nation may not change the tensions on the world stage. Add to that China’s crack down on religious groups like Christians and the Fulan Gong and the very real possibility that they may trigger World War III through an invasion of Taiwan, and the joy many feel over China’s positive steps will be tempered, to say the least.

But still, this move does give me hope for China. More hope than Gateway Pundit sees for Democrats in this country, that’s for sure.

Al Gore Hates America

As if the P.M.R.C. wasn’t enough to prove that Gorebekov, as a wise man once called him, hates America with an undying passion comes this news passed on by AllahPundit showing conclusively where Al Gore’s sympathies lie. Opponents of the Kyoto treaty have long put forward that the plan was an attempt to use global warming as a ploy to disrupt the strong economies of America, Canada and Australia, which has been a source of embarrassment to Marxists world wide as their own economies crumble.

As evidence many would point out that the world’s top polluters, countries like China for example, are exempted from the strict regulations imposed on western nations. If fighting global warming were really the impetus behind support for Kyoto, then finding ways to implement the protocols in China would be at the forefront of the debate. Gore has now come out to say China shouldn’t have to follow Kyoto at all, until the United State’s tanks its economy first.

Jihad Watch points out that those who seek to destroy America greatly admire the words of Al Gore. And why shouldn’t they? Gore’s hatred for freedom, prosperity and patriotism serves as an example for all, Jihadi, Marxist or neo-Nazi, who desire to witness first hand the total annihilation of “the American Empire” in bloody orgy of violence and “revolution.”

Gore wants vengence on the American people for not starting a civil war when Bush WON the 2000 election, and he’s in the process of achieving that end. Follow Gore at your peril, because the path he’s chosen will only lead Americans into a new age of oppression, poverty and death.

Red China Waves the White Flag!

Debbie Schlussel reports on a Wall Street Journal article sure to shock those of us familiar with Communist China’s policies toward religious groups who may pose a threat to their total control over society. After almost a decade of brutal government crackdowns on the Falun Gong and the emerging Christian community, the ruling party has made a rare concession to Islam and forbidden television stations to show images of pigs.

Even though they will be celebrating the Year of the Pig next month.

The Party has decided that they don’t want to offend Muslim sensibilities.

There are 20 million Muslims in red China compared to the 70 million Falun Gong practitioners.

What could the Communists possibly be afraid of?