Russian Invasion of Georgia Threatens Security of Regions Radioactive Materials

Abkhazia has already “lost” two kilograms of enriched Uranium in the early 90s. Now the chaos caused by the Russian invasion has stoked fears that this is the perfect opportunity for terror organizations to purchase more radioactive materials:

When the breakaway region of Abkhazia split from Georgia in 1993, the world’s only known case of enriched uranium going missing was reported after up to 2kg of the potentially devastating material was stolen from a laboratory.

There are now fears that the organised criminal gangs that are rife in the region could exploit the confusion of the current conflict to loot other stocks.

Security services are worried that terrorist organisations such as al-Qa’eda could purchase weapons grade uranium and mix it with a detonator as basic as fertiliser to make a deadly device. While an estimated 15kg of uranium is needed to make a nuclear bomb just a small amount is needed for an unconventional device.

“There is no fear of a nuclear bomb coming out of this region but the bigger danger is that a small amount of uranium combined with conventional explosive terrorists could make a dirty bomb that would make an area the size of the City’s Square Mile unusable for 30 or 40 years,” said a security source. “The economic impact would be catastrophic.”

Between half a kg and 2kg of uranium-235 was taken from a physics institute in Abkhazia’s principal town Sukhumi after scientists fled during fighting but was not discovered as missing until four years later in 1997.

But it is not the only incident in the region. A smuggler attempted to sell up to 3kg of uranium in South Ossetia three years ago with a price tag of $1 million per 100 grams. While not enough to make a nuclear device it could contribute to a dirty bomb. The Russian smuggler, from North Ossetia, never had the chance to sell the entire stock after he was arrested by Georgian security forces. The uranium was found to be 90 per cent pure, which is weapons grade standard.

So Georgia stopped Ossetians from selling dirty bomb materials before, but the left here wants us to believe we should be rooting for Russia. I think it’s time for a civil war here.

Video of Russians Looting Georgia

Did our troops do this lefties?

Russia has denied that it will be pulling out of disputed Georgian territory, proving their intentions. How this compares to the American liberation of Iraq is anybodies guess, but as Z.A.C. has pointed out Communist Party USA and ANSWER sponsors he Marxist-Leninist World Worker’s Party have already endorsed the acts of Russian aggression and shifted the blame onto the United States.

Ethnic Georgians Enslaved by Russian Forces

And the myth of American and Russian moral equivalence dies before the left could use it to justify their cowardice. From the AP:

TSKHINVALI, Georgia – Russian troops and their armed allies forced Georgian men to clean the streets of South Ossetia’s bombed-out capital Saturday, avenging Georgia’s attack on the breakaway province a week ago.

Three teams of ethnic Georgian men in their 40s and 50s were seen hauling debris from the streets of Tskhinvali. When approached, one of them confirmed he was being forced to work.

“Labor even turns monkeys into humans,” said a Russian officer, who along with armed Ossetians escorted one group of about two dozen Georgians through the streets of the capital.

The Russian officer threatened to arrest an Associated Press photographer if he took pictures, and would not give his name.

It appeared to be the first sign of abuse of Georgians in the Russian-controlled province.

Remember when American forces enslaved Iraqi civilians? No. Oh, right because we’re civilized. Russia is truly an evil empire.

Defiant Russians Pushing Deeper into Georgia

Fox is declaring on air right now that all reports of the Russians leaving Georgia are false news. Russian tanks are moving deep into Georgia, The Guardian is reporting that Russian forces are being accused of “orgies of looting and rape”:

Several Russian trucks overshot and missed their turning. One broke down. A soldier got the wheezing vehicle going again. Where was he from? “Chechnya. We’ve come here to help,” he said.

For the terrified residents of Gori and surrounding villages, it didn’t seem like help. Yesterday morning, as the Russian tanks advanced from their base in South Ossetia they passed through Georgian controlled-villages, telling residents to hang out white flags or be shot.

Behind them, according to people fleeing those villages, came a militia army of Chechen and Ossetian volunteers who had joined up with the regular Russian army. The volunteers embarked on an orgy of looting, burning, murdering and rape, witnesses claimed, adding that the irregulars had carried off young girls and men.

“They killed my neighbour’s 15-year-old son. Everyone was fleeing in panic,” Larisa Lazarashvili, 45, said. “The Russian tanks arrived at our village at 11.20am. We ran away. We left everything – our cattle, our house, and our possessions.”

Achiko Khitarishvili, 39, from Berbuki, added: “They were killing, burning and stealing. My village isn’t in a conflict zone. It’s pure Georgia.”

Russia is sending in bloodthirsty irregulars with no discipline or command structure:

At the end of the Russian column, a group of volunteers arrived in a shabby mini-van flying a Russian flag. One of them had his face covered with a balaclava; all were heavily armed; their mood was exuberant. What were they doing? “We’ve come for a holiday,” one said.

Via La Russophobe Georgia is filing Ethnic Cleansing charges against the Russians in the International Court of Justice. From The Georgian Daily:

The Hague, Netherlands — The Government of Georgia has today filed a complaint at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, against the Russian Federation for alleged acts of ethnic cleansing, conducted on Georgian sovereign territory between 1993 and 2008.

The case has been filed on Georgia’s behalf by its legal adviser, Payam Akhavan, Professor of International Law at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Mr Akhavan is a world renowned expert on the issue of war crimes and international law in relation to atrocities. He was the first Legal Adviser to the Prosecutor’s Office at the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, and played a key role in developing its foundational jurisprudence.

The Application is based on a UN Human Rights treaty and claims that beginning in the 1990s until the recent military invasion of Georgia, Russia has supported the violent ethnic cleansing of Georgians by separatist forces from the Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions, through the supply of weapons, recruitment of mercenaries, and direct military intervention by Russia’s own armed forces, resulting in large-scale atrocities against Georgian civilians.

In other news America has signed a deal with Poland for that missile defense shield the Russians are so unhappy about. How’s that taste Vlad?