Leaked Home Office Memo Predicts “Anarchy” in England in the Coming Months

Why can’t we be more like England? From The Daily Express:


BRITAIN is facing an explosion of violent crime and illegal immigration sparked by Labour’s economic crisis, a leaked Home Office memo to Gordon Brown revealed last night.

Violent attacks are set to soar by up to a fifth in a growing climate of disorder on the streets, the Prime Minister has been warned.

Smuggling is tipped to rise significantly and unscrupulous employers are expected to turn increasingly to illegal foreign workers to cut costs.

Ministers are also being warned of potential inter-racial strife, an upsurge in racist extremism and even terrorism as community relations come under strain in difficult economic times.

Budgets for policing and border control are expected to be slashed by falling tax revenues, potentially leading to cuts in police officers and border guards.

The disturbing portrait of spiralling social anarchy is set out in a document prepared by staff in Home Secretary Jacqui Smith’s office specifically for Mr Brown’s eyes.

Read the rest. Don’t you want some of those enlightened European policies here in America?

Violent Crimes Under Reported in England

The next time some liberal Europhile tells you England is safer than the United States remember that most crimes in England aren’t even reported. From The Telegraph:

Violent offences including gun crime and knife crime are far more common than official figures currently suggest, a leaked police memo discloses.

The internal memo, written by a senior officer, says there has been significant under reporting of serious crime and warns of “serious concerns” that confidence in the police and Government will be knocked when the true levels are revealed.

It was drawn up in response to a briefing paper given to the Metropolitan Police Authority outlining Home Office changes to the definition of crimes.

Under the changes, police have been told to classify all offences as gun or knife crime when there is a threat with a weapon. Previously, this did not happen if the weapons were hidden.

Similarly, more assaults are to be classified as grievous bodily harm rather than the less serious actual bodily harm when a victim is injured.

In the memo, Det Chief Superintendent Peter Barron said: “The potential increase could be a rise in recorded GBH of 58 per cent, a rise in gun crime of 20 per cent and a rise in knife crime of 15 per cent.”

Last year there were 22,151 recorded knife crimes in England and Wales and 9,803 firearm offences.

Last year is was reported that there was a “knife crime” every 24 minutes in England, that figure is apparently much higher. I guess living in a culture where self defense is considered a right has some advantages.

Muslim Kosovo Cuts off Water to Serbian Enclaves

Ethnic Serbs have been without water for 20 days or so. Interestingly their Russian “allies” haven’t invaded yet:

Restrictions of the regional waterworks that is under control by Kosovo Albanian separatists has left the Kosovo Serb enclaves in Gracanica, Susica and Novi Badovac where some households have been without drinking water for 20 days.

Serbian Ministry for Kosovo-Metohija says that it is following the situation and that is has managed to increase deliveries of water for technical use but not for drinking.

Documents are being gathered that will provide financing so that the water problem can be permanently solved.

Bull. This is the way Christians get treated in Muslim majority countries, it is a way to get them to leave. Where are the U.S. and the U.N.? Surely we can deliver drinking water to these people, and pressure the Kosovo water ministry to stop these shenanigans. But will we?

Russia Cuts Off Access to Major Georgian Port

The Russian sack of Georgia continues as the world stands by helpless:

POTI, Georgia (AP) – Russian forces blocked the only land entrance to Georgia’s main port city on Thursday, a day before Russia promised to complete a troop pullout from its ex-Soviet neighbor.

Armored personnel carriers and troop trucks blocked the bridge to the Black Sea port city of Poti, and Russian forces excavated trenches and set up mortars facing the city. Another group of APCs and trucks were positioned in a nearby wooded area.

Although Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has promised that his forces would pull back by Friday, Russian troops appear to be digging in, raising concern about whether Moscow is aiming for a lengthy occupation of its small, pro-Western neighbor.

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili told The Associated Press that Russia was thinning out its presence in some occupied towns but was seizing other strategic spots. He called the Russian moves “some kind of deception game.”

“(The Russians) are making fun of the world,” he declared.

An EU-sponsored cease-fire says both Russian and Georgian forces must move back to positions they held before fighting broke out Aug. 7 in Georgia’s separatist republic of South Ossetia, which has close ties to Russia. The agreement also says Russian forces can work in a so-called “security zone” that extends more than four miles into Georgia from South Ossetia.

Poti is at least 95 miles west of the nearest point in South Ossetia.

This is clearly an attempt to stop humanitarian aid from flowing into the Georgian territory. We’ve bombed warlords in Africa for acting the same way. But as Gabriel Schoenfeld puts forward in this essay America’s good faith efforts to denuclearize our military keeps us from dealing with Russia effectively:

Under the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which went into force in 1994, both the U.S. and the USSR made radical cuts in their strategic nuclear arsenals — that is, in weapons of intercontinental range. The 2002 Moscow Treaty pushed the numbers down even further, until each side’s strategic nuclear umbrella was pocket-size.

Yet matters are very different at the tactical, or short-range, level. Here, the U.S., acting unilaterally and with virtually no fanfare, sharply cut back its stockpile of nonstrategic nuclear warheads. As far back as 1991, the U.S. began to retire all of its nuclear warheads for short-range ballistic missiles, artillery and antisubmarine warfare. According to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, not one of these weapons exists today. The same authoritative publication estimates that the number of tactical warheads in the U.S. arsenal has dwindled from thousands to approximately 500.

Russia has also reduced the size of its tactical nuclear arsenal, but starting from much higher levels and at a slower pace, leaving it with an estimated 5,000 such devices — 10 times the number of tactical weapons held by the U.S. Such a disparity would be one thing if we were contending with a stable, postcommunist regime moving in the direction of democracy and integration with the West. That was the Russia we anticipated when we began our nuclear build-down. But it is not the Russia we are facing today.

Not only has Russia retained a sizable nuclear arsenal, its military and political leaders regularly engage in aggressive bluster about expanded deployment and possible use, and sometimes they go beyond bluster. Six months ago, Russia began sending cruise missile-capable Bear H bombers on sallies along the coast of Alaska.

Ex-K.G.B . leader Putin is using cold war calculus to expose our relative weakness in dealing with his regime, noting that he could send ten nukes into America for every one we send to Russia even if we had the will to do so, which I would argue we don’t. More importantly Russia’s military, though less professional and technically advanced, has proven that the sledge hammer tactics of the Soviet Union is not only still viable, but a perfect counter to America’s “agile” specialized forces. We cannot stop a full on Russian onslaught with the anti-terrorism model of our military and Putin knows it.

The Russian show of force has helped push oil prices back up and is eliminating the recent gains the dollar has made. Putin no doubt knows the tensions he’s causing will hurt our economy and is willing to push this to the limit to squeeze every last drop of blood from America.

Russia Attempting to Provoke America into War, Finds Ally in Pat Buchanan

America’s weak response to Russia’s Hitler-esque Invasion of Georgia has emboldened the Putinist regime to begin directly provoking the American military. First, this item was buried in a Fox report on NATO breaking relations with Russia in protest of their occupation of Georgia:

Meanwhile, a FOX News crew on the ground confirmed that Russian troops in several armored vehicles entered Georgia’s commericial Poti Sea Port early Tuesday morning, capturing 10-20 Georgian soldiers, blindfolding them, and taking them away to a Russian base in Senaki.

The Russians were described as crack and combat ready.

They also took away a container holding property of the U.S. military: Five U.S. military regular humvees and one armored humvee, according to Alan Middleton, CEO of Poti Sea Port. They had been used in a military exercise recently in Georgia involving U.S. and Georgian troops and were being shipped back to a European base.

It is unclear whether the Georgians seized had anything to do with the container.

Efforts are ongoing to obtain their release

The Russians also reportedly blew up a disabled Georgian navy vessel docked at the port.

Operations at the commercial port have been halted and management is trying to start them up later today.

Not content with robbing banks the Russian forces are stealing American military equipment. This is a clear provocation. But it pales in comparison to this:

CARACAS: President Hugo Chavez said on Sunday that Russian President Dimitri Medvedev wants to send a Russian naval fleet to visit Venezuela.

“Russia has informed us they intend to visit Venezuela, that is, the intention that a Russian fleet should come to the Caribbean,” Chavez said on his weekly radio program.

“I told the president (Medvedev), ‘If you’re coming to the Caribbean, we’ll welcome you,'” Chavez said, adding that the Russian naval fleet would pay “a friendly and working” visit to Venezuela.

Read the rest, it goes on to detail the vast amount of Russian arms that has already flooded Venezuela.

Meanwhile Russia has been caught delivering fake Russian passports into the Georgian conflict zone, no doubt to have an excuse to escalate the violence:

4 600 passports have been issued during the past five days and more than 1400 – in one day. The Russian Federation is increasing the number of its citizens on purpose in an attempt to appeal to protect Russian citizens.

Clearly Putin wants war, and not just any war but the big one, WWIII. America’s volatile political life presents the world with an image of a country violently split down the middle, and with a stretched thin military Russia and her allies seem to be eyeing our allies, and perhaps us, hungrily.

Not that Hitler apologist Pat Buchanan minds. He’s expelled a new abortion onto the pages of Townhall that leaves no doubt where he would stand in the event of war between us America and Russia:

The arrogant folly of the architects of U.S. post-Cold War policy is today on display. By bringing three ex-Soviet republics into NATO, we have moved the U.S. red line for war from the Elbe almost to within artillery range of the old Leningrad.

Should America admit Ukraine into NATO, Yalta, vacation resort of the czars, will be a NATO port and Sevastopol, traditional home of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, will become a naval base for the U.S. Sixth Fleet. This is altogether a bridge too far.

And can we not understand how a Russian patriot like Vladimir Putin would be incensed by this U.S. encirclement after Russia shed its empire and sought our friendship? How would Andy Jackson have reacted to such crowding by the British Empire?

As of 1991, the oil of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan belonged to Moscow. Can we not understand why Putin would smolder as avaricious Yankees built pipelines to siphon the oil and gas of the Caspian Basin through breakaway Georgia to the West?

For a dozen years, Putin & Co. watched as U.S. agents helped to dump over regimes in Ukraine and Georgia that were friendly to Moscow.

After calling on Joe Biden to “hold hearings” to see who’s responsible for the war (Neo-cons of course) Buchanan lavishes ex-KGB agent Vlad Putin with such praise one would think he was wooing Putin:

Vladimir Putin is no Stalin. He is a nationalist determined, as ruler of a proud and powerful country, to assert his nation’s primacy in its own sphere, just as U.S. presidents from James Monroe to Bush have done on our side of the Atlantic.

A resurgent Russia is no threat to any vital interests of the United States. It is a threat to an American Empire that presumes some God-given right to plant U.S. military power in the backyard or on the front porch of Mother Russia.

If his argument sounds both nauseating and familiar then you’ve probably seen similar arguments from Putinist tool Justin Raimondo and Buchanan’s fellow admire of Russia David Duke. Duke’s support for Russia comes in the form of “exposing” the ties Georgia has with Jewish neo-cons and Israel. Perhaps as a nod to to his philosophical brother-in-arms Buchanan ends his pro-Putin propaganda piece with this semi-coded anti-Jewish conspiracy theory:

As for Saakashvili, he’s probably toast in Tbilisi after this stunt. Let the neocons find him an endowed chair at the American Enterprise Institute.

You know, the neo-cons who secretly pull his strings from their synagogues of Satan. Disgusting.

At least we’ll know where he’ll stand when the war starts. In Gitmo with the rest of the traitors.

Update: I’m not the only person who thinks Buchanan has a little too much love for Putin.