Brits Shocked to Find Fundamentalist Muslims Believe in Islamic Fundamentalism

The end result of multiculturalism that was foreseen by everyone except the multiculturalists. From The Telegraph:

The survey found that extreme Islamist ideology has a profound influence on a significant minority of Muslims on campuses across the country.

The findings will concern police chiefs, the security services and ministers, who are struggling with radicalisation among Muslim communities.

The YouGov poll was conducted for the Right-wing think tank, the Centre for Social Cohesion, at 12 universities, including Imperial College and Kings College London. It also found:

* 40 per cent support the introduction of sharia into British law for Muslims

* a third back the notion of a worldwide Islamic caliphate (state) based on sharia law

* 40 per feel it is unacceptable for Muslim men and women to mix freely

* 24 per cent do not think men and women are equal in the eyes of Allah

* a quarter have little or no respect for homosexuals.

Although 53 per cent said that killing in the name of religion was never justified, compared with 94 per cent of non-Muslims, 32 per cent said that it was. Of these, 4 per cent said killing could be justified to “promote or preserve” religion, while 28 per cent said it was acceptable if that religion were under attack.

I wonder who the 6% of non-Muslims who said religious killing was justified were? Ancient Aztecs?

While the numbers actually aren’t in the majority four in every ten Muslims believing in a caliphate doesn’t bode well for England.

Doesn’t this poll prove that English values should be taught in schools and assimilation should be the goal of education of immigrants?

But more importantly, exactly when are the English going to stop being shocked by the fact that allowing Muslims to preach Islamic superiority will radicalize Muslim youth?

h/t Hot Air 

British Islamization Round-up

I was on another site discussing the Muslim honor killing in Atlanta when I was berated by some posters who were of the opinion that Islam and Christianity were equally misogynistic. Their proof was a long list of Old Testament quotes concerning Jewish women which, had there never been a New Testament in which the Jewish Messiah initiates a new universal religion would I guess mean that Islam had a competitor in misogyny. That competitor would be Dark Ages Judaism however, not modern Christianity.

Not being a Christian I wasn’t interested in “defending the faith” and pointing out that the Old Testament only applied to Jews when it was written, a people who weren’t interested in forcing others to conform to their culture, while Islam is thought by Muslims to be Allah’s will for the world, including we unbelievers. But it did remind me that I hadn’t checked in with the frankly depressing situation in Britain for a while so here we go.

First via Mosquewatch we have a video of what Muslim children are learning in Saudi funded schools:


Man arrested for trying to stop “youths” from stoning his house, an activity they have done many nights for months. Ace of Spades points out that this case is similar to the case Gates of Vienna blogged where Greenlanders (a native people of Inuit extraction who are citizens of Denmark) were driven from their homes by physical assaults by Arab racists. In both cases the authorities’ passivity aided what some see as an attempt to “cleanse” areas of non-Muslims.

This one’s a little old but pretty important: Schoolboys punished for refusing to pray to Allah.

The Brussels Journal on Britain (and European) self-loathing.

Lionheart on Britain making Al-Qaeda Loyalist Abu Qatadar a defacto Royal.

Muslims in Britain are imprisoning disabled people so they won’t shame their families.

Christians who converted from Islam are being persecuted.

Cry for England.

Brits Shocked to Learn Terror Suspects Will Jump Bail!

Labor Party ministers were quoted as saying “Well, I never!” when confronted with the news that a suspected Islamist Terrorist had skipped out on his bail … after being allowed to attend a mosque. Who would have seen that coming?

From The Telegraph:

A terrorist suspect on bail for charges linked to an alleged major suicide plot involving mass casualties has gone on the run, Scotland Yard has disclosed

The 23-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is understood to have fled during Friday prayers and left a suicide note at his home.

Under strict bail conditions, he was due to report to police at 7am on Friday. It was reported on Friday night that he escaped while at prayers in a mosque near his home, which he was allowed to attend as part of the conditions. His family are said to have contacted police after they found the note.

Scotland Yard has launched a massive manhunt, amid fears for the man’s welfare. Detectives are playing down the suggestion the note implied he was on a suicide mission to target others.

The suspect was due to stand trial later this year charged with conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to commit explosions, amongst other alleged offences.

He was given strict bail conditions, which amount to being under house arrest, and would have had his passport confiscated. The exact details of the conditions are unknown because the application was made in secret at court.

Police sources said they are “furious” that another terror suspect has gone on the run after being granted bail.

They have also faced problems with suspects slipping their control orders and at least three others are being hunted by police having absconded in the past year.

Zeeshan Siddiqui, a former London Underground worker linked to the leader of the July 7 bomb plot, has been missing since September last year.

A radical Muslim who might want to commit suicide? What could go wrong?

Via Weasel Zippers, who tell us at least three other terrorists have given the Brits the slip after getting bail.

Shocker! The E.U. Parliament’s a Scam to Soak Up Taxpayer Money (Plus Diablo III!)

You get the boilerplate special for Sunday morning because I’m still partially catatonic after hearing the news that Diablo III is a go. While I replay a game from almost ten years ago and slap up a couple of quick, I mean special interest websites you get recycled Hot Air content.

Stick with it until the end to see the leftist’s idea of equality and freedom:


Yeah, the President of the E.U broke the E.U.’s own laws to throw out the reporters. It’s almost like equality in the European Union is a euphemism for a return to feudalism.

Instapundit dug this one out. “But screw the E.U. Rob!” you’re screaming into the monitor right now, “What was that you said about Diablo III?”

Check this out:


Druids rule!