With predictable results of course. The worst part about this story is the history the judge has with filthy pervert Jeffery Biddle. Read this and weep for the children of New Mexico:
A judge allowed a 28-year-old man on probation for failing to register as a sex offender to live with his 4-year-old cousin, and now the man is accused of raping the girl before the judge gave the OK for him to live there.
Jeffery Biddle, 28, is charged with four counts of rape. Capt. Arturo Baeza of the Luna County Sheriff’s Department said Biddle admitted to raping the girl on four different occasions between 2008 and 2009.
Investigators said he told them he was sorry and wants to apologize to the girl when she gets older.
In 2004, Biddle was sentenced to a year and a half in prison for molesting a 3-year-old boy. He was supposed to register as a sex offender when he was released, but never did. The prosecutor in that case was Daniel Viramontes.
In October, Viramontes, now a judge at Luna County District Court, sentenced Biddle for probation for failing to register, then gave him permission to live at his uncle’s house where the girl lives.
The judge claims family members promised to keep Biddle away from children in the house, but clearly they either turned a blind eye to his depravity or facilitated it. That doesn’t matter since only a moron would believe that the people who helped raise a child-raping degenerate could protect children from him. Biddle has lucked out running into Daniel Viramontes for his cases. He was basically given permission to keep raping children in New Mexico.
The New Mexico Judicial Standards Commission has a complaint form you can fill out. I suggest readers make them aware of the nationwide disgust the outrageous actions of Judge Daniel Viramontes has generated.