Hug-a-Thug Justice in New Mexico: Judge Daniel Viramontes Allows Convicted Child Molester to Live With His 4-Year-Old Cousin

With predictable results of course. The worst part about this story is the history the judge has with filthy  pervert Jeffery Biddle. Read this and weep for the children of New Mexico:

A judge allowed a 28-year-old man on probation for failing to register as a sex offender to live with his 4-year-old cousin, and now the man is accused of raping the girl before the judge gave the OK for him to live there.

Jeffery Biddle, 28, is charged with four counts of rape. Capt. Arturo Baeza of the Luna County Sheriff’s Department said Biddle admitted to raping the girl on four different occasions between 2008 and 2009.

Investigators said he told them he was sorry and wants to apologize to the girl when she gets older.

In 2004, Biddle was sentenced to a year and a half in prison for molesting a 3-year-old boy. He was supposed to register as a sex offender when he was released, but never did. The prosecutor in that case was Daniel Viramontes.

In October, Viramontes, now a judge at Luna County District Court, sentenced Biddle for probation for failing to register, then gave him permission to live at his uncle’s house where the girl lives.

The judge claims family members promised to keep Biddle away from children in the house, but clearly they either turned a blind eye to his depravity or facilitated it. That doesn’t matter since only a moron would believe that the people who helped raise a child-raping degenerate could protect children from him. Biddle has lucked out running into Daniel Viramontes for his cases. He was basically given permission to keep raping children in New Mexico.

The New Mexico Judicial Standards Commission has a complaint form you can fill out. I suggest readers make them aware of the nationwide disgust the outrageous actions of Judge Daniel Viramontes has generated.

Breitbart has video.

Canada Loves Child Sex Predators

Canada Sucks:

Daryl Koluk was a 40-year-old registered sex offender when he posted a classified Internet ad last summer looking for someone in need of extra cash to clean his east Hamilton apartment.

The Kijiji ad attracted a 12-year-old boy, who brought two friends along to help get the job done. Koluk arranged to pick up the children at a Tim Hortons outlet and drive them back to his place on Grandville Avenue.

After they finished cleaning on that first occasion, he asked if any of the boys would like to earn additional money by lying down on his bed. One agreed and Koluk proceeded to perform oral sex on him, while the other boys watched from behind a partly closed door. The young volunteer received an additional $40.

The children — sometimes joined by a fourth boy and a sister of one of them — went to Koluk’s apartment five times during July 2009. They were never asked again to clean but earned about $200 in all by participating in sexual acts and bondage games with Koluk.

Koluk pleaded guilty on Wednesday to four counts of touching a child under 16 for a sexual purpose and one of possessing child pornography. Ontario Court Justice Timothy Culver sentenced him to four years in prison on top of 51/2 months of pretrial custody.

One of the boys was in court to watch Koluk plead guilty, but became upset and fled with his mother as the allegations were being read to the accused man.

Hamilton police found 174 digital movie files and 97 still images on Koluk’s computer. Among them was a photograph of one of the victims.

The 11-year-old boy was shown in bondage gear, with a ball stuffed in his mouth, a steel collar around his neck and his body tied up with rope.

Where the hell were these kids parents? Oh and by the way, this was not Koluk’s first rodeo:

Assistant Crown attorney Jill McKenzie said although Koluk did not molest the girl, she was present when the boys, aged 9, 11, 12 and 14, were being sexually assaulted.

She said Koluk was a convicted sex offender at the time, having been sentenced in 2001 to six months in jail and probation for sexually abusing other children.

How else would you explain this glad handling of child rapists?

h/t Trench

Buffalo Gang Banger on Avoiding Gang Violence: “Buy a Gun”

This little quote was buried in a longer piece about the rise in gang violence in Buffalo N.Y. which spiked as several local gangs all tried to extend their territory at the same time:

“Buy a gun,” a member of a recently busted inner-city gang told The Buffalo News last week when asked what could be done to curtail homicides. “Hey, I’m just being honest. You asked.”

Tall and good looking, the young man half smiled, shrugged and seemed to disappear into his oversized winter coat.

Twice the victim of gunfire — a fact a street cop confirmed — the young man said he views self-protection as the best means of avoiding death on the streets.

The gangs that fight over territory and drugs, he said, are often not well organized.

“It’s more like disorganized,” he said, asking that his name be withheld.

Police officials don’t agree with his advice to take up a gun, but they do say his description of most local gangs is accurate. The only problem is that these disorganized gangs sometimes hit their targets with deadly accuracy.

The warfare between “disorganized” gangs is on the rise as youth unemployment explodes and cities begin having trouble paying for the necessary law enforcement to keep control of the streets. Add to this the rise in America of transnational gangs like MS-13 who are used to challenging governmental authority and literally creating states within a state and the what you have is a recipe for American citizens getting left to their own devices. Buy a gun or buy a coffin will be a reality for more than just gang members in the coming year.

h/t Firearm Blog

Lost in Lima, Ohio is Back! (Hannah Overton is Still Guily as Sin!)

I whipped out two exclamation points to show readers how excited I am about one of my favorite blogs (and bloggers) coming back after a hiatus. Lost in Lima, Ohio was one of the first crime blogs I came across and Lilo was one of the first crime bloggers I interacted with. She, along with Trench Reynolds, was extremely supportive of Red Alerts as it transitioned from purely political blog to its current form where I deal with crime, culture and politics.

Lilo’s return is welcome, and the timing is perfect because advocates for depraved murderess Hannah Overton have been making headway in their campaign to paint the child killing fiend as a victim of malicious prosecution. I’ve blogged about Overton here and as you can see just recently there have been comments left by supporters looking to discredit anyone who doesn’t accept their version of reality as true. Lilo has a case update on her site and she is pretty much the online authority on this case. I suggest you follow this link and familiarize yourself with the wonderful work she did on the Overton case. Then go to the Free Hannah movement’s website and tell that cult of child abuse groupies to stop defiling the memory of Overton’s victim, Andrew Burd, with their wicked and vile campaign to paint a murdered little boy as hellion responsible for his own death.

Lost in Lima, Ohio’s work on this case is a high point in the history of crime blogging. Lilo’s tireless work, and her efforts to organize against the Free Hannah cult, helped stop a travesty of justice by taking the wind out of the sail of a fairly sophisticated public relations campaign designed to get a murderer declared innocent in the court of public opinion. In Andrew Burd’s stead we should all thank Lilo for that.

And just as a side point of interest, Hannah Overton’s father beat a teenage girl to death with a crowbar and her grandfather was Marshall Applewhite, founder of the Heaven’s Gate cult. The pastor of Hannah’s church, and one of the key players in the Free Hannah movement, is a man named Rod Carver who was associated with one of Applewhite’s pre-Heaven’s Gate groups. Life is strange.

Charges Dropped Against 1%er Who Threatened to Kill Woman Who Wouldn’t Get an Abortion

This was unsurprisingly a member of The Pagans’ Jersey chapter. The N.J. Pagans are the worst of the worst, known for raping strippers and pimping out their “girlfriends” to make money. They are also one of the most violent 1%er gangs in the state.

28-year-old Jonathan R. Stock of Hackettstown is carrying on their tradition of extreme misogyny and criminality. From Pro-Life News:

Bethlehem, PA ( — A New Jersey man who is formerly from Pennsylvania accused of putting a gun in his girlfriend’s mouth because she wouldn’t get an abortion saw the case against him dropped last week. Jonathan R. Stock, 28, of Hackettstown, New Jersey, appeared for his preliminary hearing, but the woman he was accused of attacking didn’t. That led to prosecutors withdrawing charges that included aggravated assault, according to the Morning Call newspaper. Authorities say Stock is a member of the Pagans motorcycle gang and District Judge James Narlesky’s hearing was held at the county courthouse in Easton for security. But without the testimony of now-ex-girlfriend Tammy Smith, 31, the prosecution’s case couldn’t proceed. ”She’s concerned for her safety,” Assistant District Attorney Patricia Mulqueen said of Smith’s absence. Stock had wanted her to get an abortion, they argued, and he attacked her, according to court records.

Not at all unusual for the Pagans. Pagan members are known to pimp out their old ladies (and they are one of the few clubs I know of that allows men to have multiple old ladies) and treat their “train honeys” even worse. Train honey may sound sweet, but what they are are basically sex slaves the bikers force through violence and threats to serve the club, where they are traded, loaned to others and forced to service any member at any time or face the consequences. Many are dancers who are forced to turn over their earnings to the club; when they don’t make enough they are violently gang raped.

The woman above will likely end up dead if the Pagans catch up with her so keep her in your prayers. There’s a heavily redacted gang intel sheet on the pagans here.  This site has a decent overview of the club.